Congratulations to the 280 schools that have been successful in receiving grants of up to $500 to help them conduct a range and variety of science activities during National Science Week. More than 540 applications were received from across the country.
The National Science Week school grant round was conducted by the Australian Science Teachers Association (ASTA) and distributed $90 000 of funding provided by the Australian Government through Inspiring Australia.
Amaroo School
Amaroo Preschool 2017 Science Fair. The Fair will be held in the preschool outdoor learning area and include a range of hands-on engaging science experiences for the children to participate in.
Calwell High School
A week of science activities across the school which will culminate in a Science Fair with students from our feeder primary schools, parents and community members being invited to attend and provide feedback to the students on their CREST projects.
Erindale College
Science and Maths Enrichment Day. Students from the local network high schools will be invited to participate in an enrichment science and maths competition. Students will work in school group teams (approx. four per school team group).
Franklin Early Childhood School
Habitat Investigation Week. Students P-2 will learn about the habitats of animals in our environment in the ACT and how we can take action. Over the week, students will work to design a sustainable habitat for an Australian animal, accompanied by supporting text stating what they need now and in the future. The task would culminate in a Habitat Expo at the end of the week, to which the school community would be invited.
Garran Primary School
Inaugural ‘Experiments Extravaganza’ evening during the school’s annual week long School Science Fair. This event vent will provide students from Years 5 and 6 with complete ownership of conducting science experiments of their choice. Students will be responsible for the selection, organisation, set up, conducting, explaining and pack up of experiments. Parents, school community and VIPs will be invited.
Holy Family Primary
Variety of activities leading to a STEM Expo. Students in the science club will be trained to perform a science show during science week. Hold a science expo to showcase science inquiry throughout the school. Year 3 will be completing engineering projects. A chemistry group will be entering the ACT crystal growing competition.
Holy Spirit Primary School
Garden Club. Installing a reticulated watering system in our garden to ensure that the area is watered over holiday periods and to cut down on wasting water.
Latham Primary School
Science Fair. The hall will be divided into 5 areas: (1) Scientists in action; (2) Biology; (3) Chemistry; (4) Earth and Space and (5) Physics. The students will have a variety of demonstrations and experiments to view and/or complete.
Lyons Early Childhood School
Establishing science boxes that will be introduced during National Science Week and then become a regular resource for teachers to access. The kits will integrate science, maths and literacy.
Maribyrnong Primary School
A Science Extravaganza. Year 5/6 students will choose, develop, organise and run a selection of science activity workshops for the rest of the school on a specified day during National Science Week. The activities will all be linked to the Future Earth theme.
Melba Preschool
Science Festival to compliment the preschool science program. We will be using a rotation style program throughout the week to bring science into focus for our preschool community. Our hands on experiments will incorporate the Future Earth theme by including human health and sustainability investigations relevant in a pre-schooler’s world.
O’Connor Cooperative School
Science Fair morning rotation in line with this year’s theme Future Earth. We aim to encourage the children to think about the conservation of our natural resources and inspire them to be actively involved in living sustainably, at school and at home. Our rotations will be hands on experiments and activities, set up in various spaces throughout the school.
Palmerston District Primary
Look Up Look Down Biodiversity All Around. Students will once again walk the grounds of Palmerston Primary school and adjoining areas with our CSIRO SiS partner Dr Karel Mokany at the helm. They will identify insects to upload to the Living Atlas of Australia, observe bird life, take soil samples and make water purifiers.
St Michael’s Primary School, Kaleen
Setting up a Maker Space. Within this Maker Space the students will have access to equipment and activities that will work through the engineering design process, utilize teamwork, communication, creative thinking and problem solving skills while learning about the science of flight and how the concepts of thrust, drag, lift and weight/gravity can be used to design a paper aeroplane.
St Monica’s Primary School
Embed the ‘Future Earth’ theme into our Inquiry Science Units for Term 2 and 3 by doing investigations in the classroom, listening to guest speakers and creating interactive and informative displays.
St Thomas the Apostle, Kambah
STTAP Science Fair. Throughout National Science Week teachers will run a range of science experiments/activities in their rooms and with other classes. Students are asked to complete a science experiment of their own at home and bring it in during Science Week to add to the science fair. Parents and the community will be invited to visit.
St. Clare’s College
Year 7 Science Fair.
Sts Peter and Paul Primary School
The Sts Peter and Paul Science Expo. Students from across the school will be involved in a wide variety of hands-on, fun and educational STEM activities. Teachers and students from Malkara Specialist School will be invited to join in the activities
Telopea Park School
Tardigrade research by Year 6 Science Club and some science students from Year 7. Primary and lower secondary students will be invited to a 90 min presentation and workshops about the research. Feeder schools will visit.
Wanniassa School
Sphero robots. Students will complete tasks that involve teamwork and problem solving. Groups will be asked to complete simple challenges, competing against other groups: Challenge 1: Program Sphero to complete a series of mazes in the quickest possible time. Challenge 2: Using a limited number of supplies (e.g. paper and a paperclip) and Sphero to complete an engineering challenge.
Aspect Riverina School (Xavier High School Satellite)
Students will use a drone to explore their community in greater detail, while identifying environmental problems such as drought and erosion, and looking for water sources and energy stations that provide their town with much needed resources. They would then be able to analyse the material brought back from the drone.
Australia Street Infants School
Nearer to Nature Day. A gentle and engaging introduction to environmental science for Kindergarten and Stage One students. Each class will go on a gathering expedition in the school playground and Gadigal Garden, collecting leaves, natural materials, insects etc. These will be examined using a light table and digital microscopes.
Bankstown Montessori Preschool and Kindergarten
Kindergarten students will hold a Science Fair for the school community. The experiments will focus on using everyday items such as balloons, magnets and foodstuffs (eg, milk, pepper, oil, food colouring) and will be relevant to the children’s home, school and community life.
Barham High School
The Future for Barham. Science club students will work to research sustainable practices in their local community and implement one sustainable idea into their local school community. This could take the form of a garden, recycling program, education program, water quality monitoring project – whatever the students see fit. We will also run a Sustainable futures day, where students from feeder primary schools will visit and work with their high school peers on a range of activities.
Binalong Primary School
Reducing the schools Carbon Footprint. Act Local, Think Global, will be our overall, integrated unit and presentation for National Science Week – recyling, using rainwater, rejuvenating garden beds, incubating chicken eggs and reactivating existing chicken coop.
Binya Public School
Our Future Earth. A whole school event involving families and the local playgroup. Students will conduct a variety of experiments demonstrating technology and sustainability in our rural setting – around water, energy and food sustainability and production.
Boronia Park Public School
STEM Day. Each class will complete their own STEM activity, followed by a walk around open classrooms in the afternoon.
Bundanoon District Community Preschool
Building preschoolers knowledge of lifecycles as well as the principles of permaculture and sustainable practices. Students will observe seasonal changes and have active engagement with the scientific concepts involved in food production (soil health, worms, planting, water requirements, photosynthesis, harvesting, cooking).
Castle Cove Public School
Community science event. Science under the Stars including scientist talks, hands-on activities and demonstrations led by senior students, exhibition of science work from all grades, dissections workshops, hands-on LEGO Robotics activities and demonstrations, sky viewing using telescopes from NSAS and dissection workshops.
Chertsey Primary School
Solar Energy Information and Fun Day. Dr Jonathon Dore will conduct an information and Q&A session for all classes and age groups. Each class will be provided with a kit to make a solar powered tool or toy. Their classroom teacher and senior students from our feeder high school will assist them. The purpose of the kits is to demonstrate to the students that tools, toys and machines can be powered by sustainable energy sources.
Clarence Town Preschool
We will take our preschool children, our local Aboriginal education team (from Murrook Culture Centre – we are on Worimi land), family members and interested community members on a walk in our local bushland. We will use binoculars, magnifying glasses, camera, bird identification guide, tree and plant identification guide and old-fashioned pen and paper to identify the flora and fauna in our environment.
Coopernook Public School
Interactive Science Fair. Students from Pre-school to Year 6 will make fair entries to be displayed/interacted/judged on the day with guest scientist judges. Teachers and classes will also run interactive workshop sessions to get everyone involved in hands on science. After lunch will be a science show. Day will be open to the public and broader community. Neighbouring small schools will be invited to participate in the day.
Cranbrook School
Algae Balls. Investigating photosynthesis using algae balls. Student groups (Years 9/10) will work through the process of making the algae balls which involves a complicated practical hands on activity.
Deniliquin South Public School
Robotics Day involving the whole school and community being introduced to the world of robotics. Students will participate in interactive sessions working as part of a group to build LEGO robotics cars. Parents will be invited in to see the product.
Durrumbul Public School
Streamwatch. Conducting water quality testing in the river that borders the school.
East Hills Girls Technology High School
Sci-Tech day. Inviting parents, teachers from surrounding schools, and teachers, parents and students from local primary schools to enjoy some STEM activities including establishing a robotics club, bridge building competition, the environment committee will improve the soil in our house garden, set up two labs with the popular exhibits and challenges such as the digital microscopes, slime buckets, plasma balls, magnet string art, fluorescing hand wash and roller coaster challenge.
Erina Heights Public School
Innovative whole school STEM Day with rotation activities, with the main draw card being Robotics. Students will design an obstacle course, manoeuvre the robots, complete coding, track their times, and compare their results in a friendly competition. Lower grades will utilise drag and drop coding, while older grades will use text programming to write their own code.
Grafton Public School
Students, teachers and SLSO’s from our six Support Unit classes will engage in hands on, innovative and engaging science activities. These will include various experiments and interactive challenges such as building a ‘virtual’ Aboriginal fish trap. Students will invite their mainstream buddies to join in/help as they engage in learning about science
Gravesend Public School
Gravesend Science Spectacular Gala Day! Workstation activities will include engineering (building towers, bridges, paper planes, hovercrafts), engaging science chemical experiments (lava lamp, bath salts, diet coke and mentos geyser eruption), coding & Robotics (Edison robots, lightbot app, scratch) and activities to promote what earth may be like in the future (launching rockets, lemon batteries, bottle tornado).
Heritage Christian School
Wetlands monitoring and research in flood prone Hasting Rivers Precinct.
Karingal Preschool
Each day in National Science Week the children and teachers will build and then race a wind powered toy against a solar powered toy. The children will have an opportunity to collect interesting items from their natural environment and examine them under a microscope connected to a large screen.
Keira High School
STEM Tournament for our Year 7 cohort based on designing, building and testing environmentally sensitive yet sustainable housing structures that incorporate thermal efficiency, water collection and structural integrity as well as life-style aesthetics.
Kincumber High School
Citizen Scientist Program – Water Quality Monitoring. Each week (leading up to National Science Week), students will conduct water quality tests and macro invertebrate surveys of our local waterway (Kincumber Creek). The students will present their data to the school and local community and communicate their findings in a display at the school during Science Week.
Kingswood High School
Series of events during Science week including a science open night with a Science Show and Year 10 students will design and take hands on science experiments to local primary schools.
KU Yagoona Preschool
STEM – Spotlight on Science. Throughout National Science Week the preschool will provide a variety of hands-on science experiments for children to explore, discover and hypothesise – what do I notice, what do I observe? Families will receive a Science Kit to do at home with their child and be encouraged to share their child’s learning via photos or science diary.
Kurrajong North Public School
Robotics demonstration during National Science Week to showcase students growing knowledge of coding and to ready our school for the new topic, Digital Technologies, in the draft Science Syllabus.
Lake Illawarra High School
Community STEM Challenge Evening. The school will host a number of teams composed of students, family members, feeder schools, local businesses (we have established community partnerships with many over the years). The teams will compete in three STEM challenges – building a water filtration system, a roller coaster and a tower.
Macksville High School
Battle Bots. A number of students have learned some robotics basics using Arduino boards and simple motors (from years 7 to 10). We would like to turn this new knowledge into a ‘sport’ and let students compete with their creations. We will have a Technology Day where the competition would be the main event.
Macquarie Fields High School
Student-run science show targeting Stage 5 students, who would be presenting to the school community, and our feeder primary schools, and the wider community through community spaces the school has presented in before, such as a local shopping centre. Students would present scientific concepts to younger students, with a focus on concepts touched upon in the Future Earth resource.
Marian Catholic College
Lots of activities including fun experiments, competitions: Best scientific original photograph, guess the scientific image, mystery sounds, most interesting 2-3 min podcast on current scientific explorations and findings, making models, with the year 10 model being a creative model of what humans will evolve to look like in 500 years. The top two models will be made with the 3D printer. The finale is an evening for the community with science demonstrations, a planetarium, rocket launching and telescopes.
Marie Bashir Public School
With the assistance of the parent community and other volunteers, students from Years K-6, will participate in revitalising the bare vegetable garden at the school. This will include: using the students’ existing compost, plant propagation, logging data both manually and with technology such as Raspberry Pi and BBC Microbit (which will be run using student generated code) to record, plant growth in relation to temperature, humidity and water use, and finally, creating structures and other objects that promote sustainability.
Melrose Park Public School
Year 5 and 6 students will be guided to investigate various methods of generating electricity using sustainable methods such as wind and solar. This challenge is set as part of collaboration between four primary schools called “The Marsden Alliance”. Students will demonstrate their inventions to other schools and also during Science Week to parents and the rest of the school.
Menai High School
The Great Escape. We will set up a science-themed escape room with puzzles and problems all based around the relevance of biology to the real world. This would run at lunchtime and be open to interested students in teams.
Mountain View Adventist College
MVAC Science Fair involving a series of STEM programs conducted over the five days of National Science Week for Kindergarten to year 11 students. Activities include a “visiting planetarium” on the first day, and a series of science activities over the rest of the week.
Mt Warrigal Public School Preschool
Mud Creation. We will extend our Mud Creation area at the preschool – to have it both indoors and outdoors.
Mungindi Central School
Future Earth Science Open Day. Activities will relate to materials (construction using a range of everyday and alternate materials, making materials e.g. plastic from potato, recycling paper/plant based compounds), food supply (design and create aquaculture systems), energy (design and make wind turbines to power small cars), waste management (setting up compost bins and worm farms in the school garden).
Narellan Public School
Whole School STEM Introduction. STEM Day where all students will learn about STEM and be introduced to the concept of STEM through fun and engaging tasks or challenges presented on cards. Students will be taken to the STEM Headquarters (our school hall) and be placed in mixed ability groupings. They will then be given the challenge in their small groups across their stages and must use the resources provided to complete the challenge.
Nimbin Central School
Future Earth Workshops. A variety of sustainability workshops and activities that encourage changing how people behave and think about the interactions between their natural and social systems. Future Earth Spectacular on the last day of National Science Week. The Spectacular would showcase and celebrate the work that students have studied in their classrooms throughout the year. Parents, community groups and members would be invited to attend and to hold a display to demonstrate how science is used in their everyday life.
Nowra Christian School
Science Fair – Future Food. Students from different year groups will work on science-based projects that will conclude as events/demonstrations within the fair. The secondary school will run and actively participate in the fair, whilst the primary section of the school will be invited to view the demonstrations and relevant speakers.
Parramatta Marist High
To design and make a future Earth that looks at being fuelled by renewable energies. This will include a week of experiments, designs and creating a Earth of the future.
Pendle Hill Public School
Science Explorers Day. The preschool will have an open morning session where children and parents will be involved in a science workshop. Science activities, equipment and instructions will be organised around the preschool on each table allowing the children and their parents to investigate and partake in different science experiments.
Penrith Christian School
STEM Day Challenge. K-4 students will participate in rotating STEM activities led by Year 5/6 students. Year 5/6 students will act as mentors and encourage younger students in their challenge.
PLC Sydney Junior School
Whole school upcycling competition for environmental shopping bags. Every student in the Junior School will be lead through the design process and work technologically to upcycle their own environmental bag
Sarah Redfern High School
An activity of each day of National Science Week including visiting our four feeder primary schools with experiment boxes and to conduct fun science experiments, STEM competition during lunchtime, pop-up shop in our local community mall where students will run an interactive workshops for the public and constructing a life-size model of DNA molecule to be displayed in the front office.
South Grafton High School
Stage 3 students from our 10 feeder schools will be invited to visit SGHS to participate in one of four sessions held over two days in the SGHS science laboratories. Students will spend 1.5 hours participating in experiments and hands on activities all based around the National Science Week theme.
Southern Highlands Christian School
SHCS Science Enrichment Day: A Focus on Sustainability. SHCS Students from Years 7 and 8 will be participating in challenging and engaging science group challenge, and take home a brochure highlighting the impact that they can all have on ensuring a sustainable future.
St Brendan’s Primary, Bankstown Central
Using scientific equipment for investigations in National Science Week.
St Charbel’s College, Punchbowl
Science Week Expo. Two Science labs will be open at lunchtime during National Science Week for students to take part in hands on displays set up by the Year 10 Enrichment class with the sustainability theme.
St Gregory’s Primary School, Queanbeyan
Filming local areas in our town that highlight environmental issues and ways to overcome them. This would have the support of our local council, who could promote the videos via their own webpage.
St James Primary School, Banora Point
Practising sustainable gardening techniques. Inviting parents to inspect our fully eco-sustainable gardening system.
St John’s College, Woodlawn
Mendeleev’s Dream. Students will to design, research, develop, research and construct a 3m x 2m wall of the periodic table. Each student will be allocated an element and given a 15cm square block of wood. Students will research their element, compile a poster and then decorate their wood with the atomic symbol, number, mass and picture of their chosen element.
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Murwillumbah
A Future Earth for BeeBots. Engage students in creating a Future Earth town for Beebots to explore – a town where sustainability, freshwater, rural farmland is a priority.
St Joseph’s Primary School, South Grafton
The St Joseph’s Science Fair. The students will participate in a whole school (k-6) Science Fair organised. Students will move through a series of science stations that explore a variety of science and engineering concepts. Teachers and parents will co-ordinate and facilitate stations.
St Joseph’s School, Grenfell
How far into the future can you build? A family night will be held offering a variety of activities for parents to complete with their children and compete, family against family. Activities include building a bridge from newspaper/spaghetti, build a newspaper bag/box and program the robot to move through an obstacle course.
St Leo’s Catholic College, Wahroonga
Start of a school herb and vegetable garden.
St Mary’s Primary School, Young
How can we make our vegetable garden be sustainable and flourish? We will work with a horticulturalist to create and participate in experiments that allow students to discover the contributing factors to a sustainable and productive vegetable garden.
St Patrick’s Primary School, Lithgow
Stage 3 Science Fair Afternoon. Stage 3 students will facilitate a Science fair to show the rest of the school and its wider community.
St. Mary’s Primary School, Moruya
Showcasing our new Maker Space. The day will showcase the projects in which the students are involved to parents and other interested members of the wider community.
Tallowood School
Science Fair. There will be three sessions repeated over one day for all Tallowood students, parents, teachers and visiting schools. During each session the group will watch a number of interactive demonstrations including; enormous colourful foam explosions, touchable dry ice mist bubbles and growing and watching a giant sugar, fire snake.
The Canobolas Rural Technology High School
Looking up to STEM Careers. STEM classes will get the opportunity to experience piloting a drone while investigating future STEM careers. The drone will then be used by these students during lunch breaks in the playground to get students not in STEM classes to ‘look up to STEM careers’, and start conversations with the students around where the study of STEM subjects can take them.
Toxteth Kindergarten
Wonderous Weather. LIGHT/SUN – Unbreakable mirrors to explore sunshine: WIND – Tornado makers to generate wind: CLOUDS and STORMS – ‘Cloud windows’ to identify clouds/patterns, Plasma ball to introduce electricity, lightening: IMPACT OF WEATHER – Microscopes to closely review objects over a series of days as they are exposed to weather (fading, decomposing) – leaves, bugs and fabrics: TEMPERATURE – Digital thermometers to work on numeracy, number identification (bigger/smaller) and expand on measurement concepts (hotter/cooler).
Trinity Catholic College Lismore
A series of interactive engagement activities and STEM type competitions during the week as well as a whole of school tutor group sustainability quiz.
Upper Coopers Creek Public School
The Art of Microscopy workshop. Students will learn to use the microscope to develop their understanding of living things, investigating plants, animals and micro-organisms
Wellington Community Children’s Centre
Let’s be sustainable! Our Preschool will challenge itself to be more sustainable. We will ask questions, research and experiment to become more conscience of our practises. Water tubing will collect water and fill a tank. We will fill our water bottles up with this and use it to water our vegetable patch that will grow vegetables for us to harvest and eat. We will experiment with what our worms eat, and involve families in sending children with less packaged food items in their lunchbox.
Yagoona Public School
Our first ever National Science Week! Conducting an entire day of hands-on science activity rotations.
Acacia Hill Special Needs School
Sensory Science Treasure Hunt. Each class will be given a question card and asked to solve a science riddle to start their hunt. At each of seven stations they will participate in an activity and then have to solve a science riddle to get to the next station.
Braitling Primary School
Terrarium Buddies. Students will work with their buddies from a different class to each build a terrarium using a recycled clear plastic bottle. Families will be invited along to participate.
Casuarina Senior College
Solar Car Challenge. Two challenges: Solar Drag Race and Driverless car. Students will work in small teams, using solar panels, Lego bricks and Littlebits to design, build and program their cars.
Darwin Middle School
‘Lead the science to keep it green’ exhibition. The exhibition will involve students making models, projects or designs that will contribute towards the Future Earth to sustain resources like water and energy.
Durack School
An exhibition showcasing students’ work from science and technologies lessons, in particular, work on the science and technology of aquaponics and the school’s recycling program. The exhibition could include poster and digital displays of student work, displays of small-scale aquaponics systems, information about our whole school aquaponics project, hands-on activities and games related to student work.
Forrest Parade School
Science is all around our school. Whole school science fair that focuses on everyday items that can be used to make dramatic effects and fun science facts.
Girraween Primary School
IT Fair and Workshops across the school using robotics technology e.g. Spheros, Makey Makeys, Ozobots, iPads, computers, BeeBots etc. A video will be made of the event and this will be showcased at assembly for students and the community.
Henbury School
Science Fair. Students with special needs will be conducting interactive and highly engaging activities that will provide practical ways of delivering the message across to their peers and mainstream students who will be invited to the science fair. There will be a focus on backyard farming, aquaponics, hydroponics and use of robotics.
Katherine High School
Mousetrap Car Race. All students from year levels 7, 8, 9 and 10 will be building a mousetrap car each and race against each other and other year levels. Each year level will have its own focus and restrictions.
MacFarlane Primary School
A telescope will be set up in the free breakfast area of the school where parents are coming with children for a free breakfast everyday.
Moil Primary School
Moil Science Fair: Looking after our Earth. Buddy classes will host an activity of their choosing. We will invite local environmental organisations and businesses such as LandCare, Cleanaway, Bunnings, Darwin City Council, Environment Centre NT and/or Rangers etc. Each class will plant a tree. The Science Fair will be part of the promotion and implementation of the Terracycle recycling program.
Nakara Preschool
Preschool will hold a fun, hands-on science exploration, experimentation and investigations week all about ‘Future Earth’. We will create and make posters to advertise our event to invite parents
Nhulunbuy Primary School
Fair/open day at Nhulunbuy Primary School Hall. Each class will be responsible for demonstrating an experiment from one of the four main science areas – biology, chemistry, physics and maths.
Nightcliff Primary School
Weather stations. Each student in a Year 5/6 class will be provided with the opportunity to make a small local weather station that will record temperature and humidity and send the data to a web server where it will be displayed on a web page. Participants can take their weather stations home and connect them to the internet.
Ntaria School
Concentrating on STEM with solar and electronic kits.
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College – Sadadeen Campus
Hydroponics. We will set up a hydroponics wall in the schoolyard so students can learn about hydroponic technology and how it can be used to grow food for the modern world.
Pine Creek School
The Pine Creek Science Twilight Event. STEM activities will be created and supervised by volunteer high school students.
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary
We will run group investigations in the classrooms for students to experience all areas of science (robotics, chemistry, biology, physics, space and earth). We will also have assemblies for upper and lower primary students hosted by the CSIRO.
Stuart Park Primary School
National Science Week activities: Every class in the school will be exposed to a special science week lesson that is based on the Future Earth theme. Super Siskamanis Science Show: This is a 30-minute show that is presented to the whole school.
The Essington School (Middle)
Making a sustainable edible garden that would run completely on natural resources. Students will look at soil, water, fauna and flora.
Wagaman Primary School
Mayuma Sensory Garden. We will establish an additional area to our edible garden, which would have a sensory component. The school community will investigate plants/flowers that support each sense e.g. colour, shape, texture, smell and taste. Classes will also research and design the garden area, including layout and materials.
Wulagi Primary School
Exploring sustainable farming practices. We will explore the importance of sustainable practices for ‘Future Earth’ with early childhood classes, focusing on sustainable farming practices.
Bribie Island State High School
Bribie Island State High School STEM Challenge. Teams from Years 7, 8 and 9, as well as teams from the feeder schools in the local region, will be invited to research, design, produce and evaluate a project aimed at solving a problem within the field of sustainability.
Burnside State High
Three hired ‘Bike n Blend’ bikes will be stationed outside the school canteen for ‘smoothie’ action at recess one and two for one day only during National Science Week. Renewable energy challenge: a competition to design a prototype for a pedal powered machine.
Butchers Creek State School
Our Land, Our Water, Our Life. Protection is in our Hands. Three environmental stations will be set up with some clues as to who was responsible for polluting the waterways. Officers from the local council, land care and farming community will be invited to talk about ways they manage the effects of pollution on waterways.
Chelmer Graceville Kindergarten
Interactive hands-on workshops titled ‘The Good, the Bad and the Ugly – What Lives in a Worm Farm?’. Children will use a microscope to study the earthworms, macro-organisms and micro-organisms that live in the worm farm as part of its discrete ecosystem. Workshops will include harvesting the worm farm (solid castings and liquid product), discussion on how worm farms can contribute to the vision of future earth and how they are a part of the larger eco-system.
Coomera State School
Variety of science activities: Science Theatre – hands on activities run by teachers held on 3 days of the week; Technology program – students will be engaged in the rebuilding of computers each day. Cohort lead rotations of hands-on science; Street Science Fair – our oval will be set up as a fair, where students will be able to visit all the individual tents run by Pre-service teachers from Griffith University, Helensvale State High School students, community members, teachers and parents.
East Ayr State School
The school will run two main activities to engage the school community, making a large mural that is made of recyclable contributions from school community families that demonstrate our commitment to being ‘green’. Establishing a courtyard garden area where students plant and care for seedlings, conduct unit specific experiments (height, pH level, nutrients etc).
Gladstone West State School
The Hungry Planet – Our Sustainable Future. Students and parents will prepare currently unused garden beds so vegetable seedlings and herbs can be planted. Students will also establish a compost area. During National Science Week there will be public gardening tips and hints for growing a successful vegie garden and a combination of student and expert presentations. During the Garden Gala Day there will also be food and recipe sharing and tasting. Local nursery gardeners and horticulturists will assist.
Hillbrook Anglican School
Solar car race. Seven API solar cars will be constructed by the students. There will be a race to see who can produce the fastest car, as well as the most powerful car (which can go up the steepest ramp).
Jinibara State School
Jinibara SS will build a model city that would be sustainable on future Earth. The project is based on the project called Prototyping towards an age friendly city: Little Bits, developed at The Cube, QUT.
Mango Hill State School
STEM Quest. Various workshops will be held throughout the week during play breaks for students to attend including Lego robotics, coding, solar power and wind power experiments, STEM challenges and sustainable gardening workshops (run by the expert group of students from ‘Reach’ classes trained in the skill).
Mornington Island State School
Science Night celebration. A selection of 2–4 passionate students from each class will be invited to have a twilight experience, sharing the activities conducted in school with their parents, siblings and elders. This will involve a range of hands-on activities that explore the science concepts studied at school, including chemistry, physics and biology across all year levels. Also a marine debris survey and a clean-up of the beaches, involving the whole school, teachers, police, nurses and indigenous elders.
Mourilyan State School
‘Future scientist debating teams’ where students will debate relevant topics such as global warming, future use of herbicides (glyphosate, for example) in agriculture, or ‘should petrol powered lawn mowers be banned and replaced with solar?’ Five other local schools (three state school and two catholic schools) will be invited to participate. Parents and the community will be encouraged to attend debates and industry representatives will be asked to judge, e.g. editor of the local paper, scientist at the local sugar mill.
Normanton State School
Fruit for the Future. As a sustainable project for the future of the school (and community), students have expressed an interest in planting fruit trees in the school grounds. Students will be involved with all stages of the planning of this project making it a STEM project.
North Rockhampton State High School
Future Earth Science Week. Topics will include sustainable food practices e.g. hydroponics, hand making water filters, calculating carbon footprints (ICT activity), mini water cycles (in a bag), solar powered electricity, bio-electricity (e.g. seaweed farms for electricity) and oceanic garbage collection practices and inventions.
Smithfield State High School
Student group to create a large steel frame cage to fill with recycling by students once made. The steel cage will form the word ‘THINK’ and will be approx. 4m long by 1.5m high. The finished item will be displayed as an art piece in the school grounds near the tuckshop, to promote students to think about sustainability and recycling. Local press will be engaged to spread awareness across local community members and parents.
St Anne’s Catholic Primary School, Sarina
Save our Sand and Sea Science Expo. All classes in the school will share a concept with the whole school on how, as a school, they can care for the planet and our local area in a sustainable way. This could be using technology like stop motion, posters, experiments, building an arcade using recycled material and designing a lunch box in order to not use plastic wrap.
St Catherine’s Catholic College, Proserpine
Range of lunchtime and in-lesson activities and competitions as well as a community ‘Science under the stars’ evening. We will collaborate with the already in-place Eco Barge group, Rangers and Council to conduct ecological site surveys at local creeks, beaches, forests and woodlands. The data will be shared with Council, ANGFA and local rangers.
St George State School
Sustainable Living – grow your own food and feed a neighbourhood. Students will construct a vegetable garden that can teach the students how to grow their own food that is sustainable, economical and healthy. The garden will be a community garden where the whole community will be invited to teach and learn together. The expertise of the local garden club will be utilised.
St Joseph’s, Mundingburra
Establishment of some ‘Dry Tropics Bush Tucker Gardens’. The school will hold a school community ‘Food Gardens in the Dry Tropics Education Day’ where we will have a variety of stalls/displays from different organisations, student displays on what they have learnt about the bush tucker plants, give away or sell plants or seeds that the students have grown in the lead up to the event.
St Saviour’s College, South Toowoomba
Students and parents will learn how to plant a variety of fruit and vegetables in both outdoor and greenhouse environments. This will be achieved through teacher instruction and hands-on learning experiences. The topic of food mileage, urban gardening and agricultural techniques in harsh climates around the world will also be discussed as a way of increasing participants’ understanding and raise awareness of the importance of responsible decision-making surrounding consumption patterns
Talara Primary College
All 20 classes will explore the topic of Future Earth. They will read the book ‘What does it mean to be green?” and complete the online eco footprint quiz in small groups. They will then collaboratively plan ways they can improve their footprint and be green. Using butchers’ paper they will create a story map of ways to be green and program Ozobots to proceed around the mat. Students will also include a ‘switch’ on their map with a character talking about Future Earth using Scratch and Makey Makey’s.
Extracurricular applied STEM project for students who have already completed the requirements to attain a Certificate 1 Engineering VETiS qualification. The project involves the production of two wind turbines. Each will be produced from separate design models. The project will be environmentally based using mainly recycled materials with modifications.
The Gap State High School
Water, Water Everywhere but not a Drop to Drink. Local primary school students will join with our Year 7 students to participate in activities around water filtration. A local community group will come to talk to the students about waterway management and rehabilitation in the local area. Students from our STEM program (Years 9 and 10) will provide mentoring support to groups and possible additional activities before and after the experiment.
Townsville Junior Grammar School
150 STEM students will use their knowledge of electric circuits to construct solar lights using a solar buddy kit. They will work with members from the Youth With A Mission (YWAM) organisation to construct the solar lights and the lights will be donated to YWAM, which will deliver the solar lights to communities in PNG with no electricity.
Two Mile State School
Precious Water. Looking at various ways to conserve and recycle water. Many of the families at Two Mile work on the land and have offered their time and knowledge to assist in planning and developing various water collecting contraptions, which release the desired amount of water at steady intervals; terracing vegetable gardens, so that we can install irrigation/pipes that feed from one garden to the next; recycling grey water, and using it on our gardens; using water pumps that circulate the same body of water.
Woodridge State High School
Touch, Try, Taste and even Smell Science! Activities will include: investigating how to clean dirty water that is environmentally responsible and economically viable; investigating soil health in relation to what plants require to grow; above- and below-ground cooking; covered and uncovered cooking; and understanding numeracy in farming. WSHS will be supporting a scientist and a chef to engage with us to explore our theme of the science of cooking focusing on Australian bush foods. The local city council will provide a space for our school to display the amazing science work produced by our students
Thuringowa State High School
A series on sustainability workshops run for students during lunch times throughout National Science Week. Five x 30 min workshops – Water cycle experiment, climate model experiment, gardening session with Landcare, sustainable food choices, our Future Earth art using recyclable materials.
Adelaide North Special School
Flora to flora. Students will recycle food scraps in a compost bin to make nutrient rich soil. The soil will be used by classes to grow their own seeds. Each class will grow their seeds in recycled materials. Classes will put their plants on display to share with the school. Awards will be given for creative and sustainable seed pots
Airdale Primary School
Hands-on activities about waste management and water usage.
Berri Primary School
Water smart garden. Students from multiple classes will germinate seeds as they learn about the life cycles of living things. Tie in with the Riverland regional area and industries.
Cardijn College
Using Solar Buddy kits, students will investigate how solar panels are made, how solar panels work, and about electrical conversions. Students will assemble the solar kits and then send the lights with a personal letter to a child in need in an energy poverty stricken community.
Cowell Area School
STEM week. The week will feature a range of challenges set up as class sets to be distributed across the school. A series of lunchtime activities targeted to different year levels will be run (activities include bionic arm challenge, bungee jumping egg, etc.) The week will finish off with a stem fair showcasing students stem projects they have been working on across the term/year.
Elizabeth East Primary School
Whole school assembly with some interactive science demonstrations, cross age tutoring, interactive demonstrations with Future Earth theme. Local high school will be invited to do some cross age tutoring, groups of students will do a science investigation or challenge.
Freeling Primary School
Year 6/7 classes will run an interactive science day for the younger students in the school. Experiments will be hands on, interactive and involve physical, chemical, biological and earth and space sciences.
Hawthorndene Primary School
As part of the Launchbox program Year 4/5 students build their own model satellites and conduct real space experiments. Students will design, plan and consider proposals put forward by the student body to eventually select which experiments will be launched.
Highbury Primary School
Looking to the future? Start local! The school has a relationship with local Community Garden and will host a community event at the garden (a short walk from school) where students and their families can rotate through a variety of science based activities while also learning about the garden and sustainable, community living.
Hillcrest Primary school
STEM activities targeting junior, middle and upper primary. The planned activities would be open to all the teachers, parents and local community members.
Kaurna Plains Children’s Centre
Aboriginal Ways of Land Care and Sustainability. Activities that support the Aboriginal cultural ways of caring for the environment including making terrariums using recycled soft drink bottles, sharing Dreaming stories (Thukeri and Tiddalick) and identifying water use and discussing ways to reduce water waste and pollution at kindergarten. We will have morning tea with parents and community to share the learning.
KICE – Kingscote
Middle years STEM activities day. Activities will include QR coding treasure trail, re-establishing the frog habitat, artwork from Marine Pollution, Rube Goldberg designing, local pollination identification, whole school daily science quiz competition and soldering music playing electronics kits.
Kildare College
In collaboration with Adelaide University, students will capture and tag threatened birds of the Mount Lofty Ranges.
Lake Windemere Primary School
STEM Fair. Rotational challenges will be set in the hall where students will be given a challenge card then a predetermined amount of time and resources to complete the activity. Students will challenge other students within their cohort to create the most successful solution to the challenge.
Lutheran Education Adelaide Hills (Lobethal, St Mark’s & St Michael’s Lutheran Schools)
Science in the wetlands. Students from four schools will gather together for a day of activities that explore biodiversity in our local wetlands. They will rotate through a series of activities that involve studying habitats firsthand, environmental monitoring (including the use of digital and drone technologies) and consider ways of improving environments without damage.
Madison Park School
Madison Park Science Fair with activities with robots, drones, and simple machines.
Magill Primary
The Great Science Challenge. The event will see teachers borrowing class sets of challenge kits made up by the science teachers. Each teacher can book out as many kits as they can in the week and the students will be engaged in interactive, science activities.
Marion Primary School
Science in SA Fair. Each class will create one or more science demonstrations with links to local areas (wetlands etc) and government departments like energy and transport.
Mitcham Girls High School
Year 9 students will design, practice and perform a science show and STEM workshop to engage primary aged students.
Mount Compass Area School
STEM orientated project where students look at developing windmills and design blades, performing research into types and numbers of blades used.
Naracoorte South Primary School
Starlab Planetarium. Interactive experience enabling the students to participate by asking questions and making observations about space.
Noarlunga Downs P-7
Science in the Kitchen and Garden. Students will be thinking like horticulturists in the garden as they investigate the processes of growing, watering and soil properties. Parents will be invited to share in the produce and hear about the science.
Northfield Primary School
Science Expo for Year 6 and 7 students will be given an opportunity in groups to design and create a science information booth including an experiment. The rest of the school, parents and important members of the local community will be invited to come and experience the expo.
Orroroo Area School
School Science and Engineering Fair from Kindergarten to Year 12. This fair will provide students with a range of hands-on experiences and challenges.
Owen Primary School
Owen Primary School Science Fun Day. Community open morning and a science fun day in where students will be placed into small groups and actively participate in a range of stations with a focus on sustainability and STEM.
Parafield Gardens R-7
Science and Maths Enrichment Day. Students will participate in challenging and engaging science and mathematics activities aimed at promoting enthusiasm and increasing awareness. The day will involve all of our 600 plus students. Families will be invited to watch the Science Show.
Parndana Campus
STEM Activities Day. Activities will include using Raspberry Pi 3, students will be able to use sensors such as temp sensor to build for example a mini weather station and collect data, whole school daily science quiz competition and soldering music playing electronics kit.
Pinnacle College
Different classes of students will demonstrate experiments and ideas to whole school students from local schools.
Plympton International College
Bridge building competition for Years 4 to 7. Engineering challenges for Years 8 to 10. Robot programming and dissection of organs by senior students.
Prescott College-Southern
High Altitude (Stratospheric) Balloon Launch. Our secondary school is intending to launch a camera and scientific instruments into near space using a balloon!
Redeemer Lutheran School
Science Experiment / Engineering Challenges. Students will rotate through a series of science experiments and engineering challenges for each class in the school (16 classes) and the students in the Early Learning Centre.
Rose Park Primary School
60x Exhibition. All students, Foundation to Year 7, will have the opportunity to explore and investigate different materials using 60x microscopes attached to iPads.
Roseworthy Primary School
STEM activities and investigations to increase engagement in STEM topics.
Saint Ignatius’ College
Students will plan, build and present an autonomous electric car prototype. They will be examining energy-saving initiatives related to the advent of autonomous vehicles. The presentation will invite the local community and members from the automotive industry to review their final product.
Samaritan College
Living Whyalla – A Challenge for Security’. Students in Years 8-12 will be offered the opportunity to take part in a week-long challenge during lunch times in National Science Week.
Springton Primary School
Students will create two art installations incorporating plants indigenous to our local area, plaques made from timber and ceramics, and other recycled materials. These will be constructed outside the classrooms where parents gather, and in an area near our vegetable garden that we are reclaiming as a ‘nature play space’.
St Andrew’s School
Sustainable Science Theme Park. Each class will be invited to design, test and make a Rube Goldberg machine that will address one of the key challenges to global sustainability as noted in the Future Earth’s 2025 vision. The Fair will be open for parents and the local community to attend and we will like to invite local entrepreneurs and Scientist.
St Augustine’s Parish School
Science Expo where each of our 27 classes will present their learning to the school community over a two-day programme. The Expo will be open to all students and staff as well as the parents and families and local community.
St John Bosco Catholic School
Puddles, Pipes and Paper Cups. All activities will focus on water tasks including R-2 (Puddles) – activities using ice cubes; Year 3-4 (Pipes) – Where should we place the drainpipe?; Year 5 (Pipes) – Archimedes screw; Year 6-7 (Paper cups) – water wheels. Pre learning for the activities will happen in the beginning of Science Week and we will culminate with an open morning where all students across the school will engage in the STEM problems posed to them.
St Joseph’s School, Murray Bridge
Whole school STEM day including coding, robotics and engineering challenges. Parents will be encouraged to attend.
St. Joseph’s School, Ottoway
A science week of exhibitions with classes showing experiments and learnings to whole school community.
The Pines School
Seven classes of R-7 children will be allotted time to make solar powered cars in groups. Alternative energy sources will be investigated for ‘Future Earth’ understanding, with focus link to ‘Electricity’.
Woodend Primary School
What a beautiful thing! Family Science, Maths and Technology Expo – a week devoted to science and maths with visiting scientists.
Woomera Area School
Photography competition. Photo must come with a brief description of the science involved in the photo. Open to local schools. Display at Woomera Area School Library during National Science Week.
Wynn Vale Primary
Development of garden beds with soil, plants, mulch and compost bins. Life cycles of plants. Decomposition and nutrient recycling.
Yankalilla Area School
FleurieuSTEM – Future Earth. Students across the year levels will have been involved in a district focused STEM project that has student groups engaged in an inquiry that investigates local industry and sustainable science. Students in Years 9 and 10 will be presenting a number of workshops for early years students to highlight sustainable practices and how science can help solve everyday and future issues.
Yorketown Area School
Sustainability Stars. Activity day for two schools with many of the activities will be related to the 2017 National Science Week Early Years resource book/journal. Activities will include making waxed cloths for wrapping food, making netting bags for fruit and veg shopping, design a device to keep the air clean.
Bayview Secondary College
Future Earth Science Fair. The Future Earth Science Fair will involve Bayview Secondary College (BSC) high school (HS) students developing workshop activities that highlight sciences relating to the Future Earth theme. Examples include sustainable decarbonised energy production (STELR resources), safeguarding potable water, energy audits, and sustainable fishing practices.
Burnie Primary School
Burnie Primary Science Expo. All classes from Kinder – Year 6 will be showcasing their science knowledge and understandings along with an interactive hands-on activity.
Campania District High School
Campania School Science Open Day.
Campbell Town District High School
CTDHS will establish a water watch project on the Elizabeth River, which is a resource of the local farming community. Parameters that will be measured include water pH, temperature, turbidity, macro invertebrate population, nutrients including phosphate and nitrogen levels and dissolved oxygen levels. Students from Years 1-10 will be involved in establishing the health of the river at selected sites.
Claremont College
Science experience for primary schools in the local area. Students will attend the College and undertake a range of safe science experiments that are outside of the normal ones undertaken within the primary school setting.
Clarence High School
Growing STEM for Future Garden. Year 5 classes from our feeder primary schools will be invited to CHS to participate in a hands-on science experience exploring the future of food sustainability, facilitated by our secondary students. They will build a hydroponic window herb garden to use in their own classrooms.
Collinsvale Primary School
Science Discovery Day. Teachers will set up interactive stations with activities that are linked in to the science curriculum and how it relates to the local community. Students will be grouped across multi grades and will visit each station during the day. Community members will also be invited to attend to set up displays and demonstrations to showcase the skills that already exist in our community.
Edith Creek Primary School
Take A Closer Look. An exhibition of student-photographed macro images taken using a digital microscope of things (living/non-living, natural/human-made etc.) in our school environment. This exhibition will be open to the public and will encourage inquiry and discussion into the world in which we live.
Exeter High School
A whole day science fair will be conducted at one of our feeder primary schools. Year 9/10 students will run the activities on a rotational basis. Every class from the primary school will visit during the day and engage in the hands-on activities.
STEM challenges in house groups across Years 7-12. In each year group a different STEM challenge will be conducted. Activities will include building bridges, air cannons, paper tables, balloon-powered cars and catapults. These structures will be tested in front of the whole secondary school.
Franklin Primary
Huon Valley Schools ‘Bigger Things’ science project. The grant will be used to fund materials for science projects connected to this community program.
Glen Huon Primary School
Designing the sustainable future. Students from Foundation to Year 6 will contribute design solutions to a scaled model of Glen Huon Primary School that responds to the sustainability challenges faced by the school and the region.
Hellyer College
Science superhero lunch and workshop. Australian science superhero Jodi Rowley will be invited to speak to Years 6-12. A workshop will follow the talk. Local secondary and primary schools will be invited to attend.
Hobart College – Sustainability Learning Centre
Climate Change Stories. A website will be developed to host Tasmanian Climate Change stories collected by students from schools state-wide. A climate science workshop will be run with a panel of three Intergenerational climate experts for Years 10-12 Environmental Science students from five different schools with an option to host a webinar for regional schools and colleges.
Kingston Primary School
Composting Matters. Kingston Primary will run a number of activities to raise awareness of the importance of sustainable systems and composting within the whole school community and promote the relevance of science in this integral process.
Lauderdale Primary School
Future Earth: Future Lauderdale Primary School. Students from Kindergarten to Year 6 will create a physical model of a future, sustainable Lauderdale Primary School. Each year group will contribute an element of the model, with that element aligned to their science curriculum.
Marist Regional College
Middle Years Science Fair at Marist Regional College, Burnie. Entrants will exhibit projects that reinforce the themes of sustainability.
New Norfolk High School
Derwent Valley Science Expo. New Norfolk High School will host science-based demonstrations with audience participation at an assembly for both the school and to the wider community. The assembly will be advertised on TYGA FM, inviting interested community members as well as local home school students. This year our focus will be on STEM and the application of science, maths, technology and engineering to everyday activities as well as careers.
New Norfolk Primary School
Participation in the New Norfolk High School’s Derwent Valley Science Expo.
Ogilvie High School
Fabulous Future Earth. The students and teachers will be looking at the issues of Future Earth as discussed in 2015. Each year group will address a specific issue and students will be carrying out an awareness campaign.
Richmond Primary School
Weather, climate and microclimate at our school. Students will gather data on local weather, climate and micro-climates in order to understand weather’s impact on future sustainability.
Riverside Primary School
Future Earth Inquiry Expo. Riverside Primary is hosting a school wide expo, investigating and imagining Future Earth.
Rosetta Primary School
Techxpo. The Rosetta Primary student and parent community will participate in a Techxpo to explore digital technologies, robotics, coding, future design, STEAM-based projects and virtual reality.
Scottsdale High School
Science Expo. Students in the Year 9/10 extension science class will design activities, with activities booklets and run activities with primary school students in the local area.
St John’s Catholic School
Year 3/4 students will be planning and conducting science experiments to display at a Science Fair during National Science Week. Students from each class in the school, as well as the families of the Year 3/4 students, will be invited to attend the Science Fair and view the experiments.
St Mary’s College Hobart
SMC Science Expo. All students from Years 7 to 10 will do an open-ended science investigation. These investigations will be showcased at the Science Expo. There will be exciting activities and demonstrations provided by the high school and senior secondary school students.
St Mary’s District School
Master Engineer Challenge. Students will work in groups and be challenged to design and build the tallest tower, the longest self-sustaining bridge, a trebuchet that can hurl a ping pong ball the furthest, a parachute and basket that will give an egg a soft landing from a height etc.
St Patrick’s College
Science and engineering challenge with the entire Year 9 cohort. Challenges will include: forensics, building an air vortex cannon, wind turbine generator, tower building and other engineering-based challenges.
The Hutchins School
As part of the Hutchins School National Science Week program, Tassie science communicator Jeremy Just will be invited to do science demonstrations for middle school students.
Trevallyn Primary
Sustainability Science Fair. The upper primary classes will be focusing on themes around sustainability. Early childhood classes will be growing seeds, seedlings, flowers and plants.
Warrane Primary School
ECE science afternoon. Students will rotate through 3-6 science activities/experiments that will demonstrate a variety of science learning areas.
Westbury Primary School
Science Day. Westbury Primary School will run a series of student-led science demonstrations and theory explanations. There will be a focus a on a number of scientific areas including robotics, chemistry, physics etc. Students from other schools, and parents will be invited to this event.
Ashby Primary School
Re-engagement with kitchen garden. Focus on ‘nude food’ lunches in the school and to discourage the use of excess plastic and waste. Launch of an insect hotel. Local Men’s shed community and the men involved will be invited also to the event.
Bellbrae Primary School
Establishing an aquaponics system in our STEM learning centre.
Corryong College
Living Science Family Afternoon. We will be hosting a science family afternoon/evening for students from F-6. The students and families will take part in observational activities based on living things – plants and animals, which will then result in the constructing of a bug/insect hotel.
Craigieburn Secondary College
Creating an Indigenous garden.
Echuca College
Student-led Science Fair/Makers Fair. Twenty stalls covering robotics, 3D printing, coding and making run by students, giving local primary school students a hands-on experience.
Echuca Primary School
Lego – To infinity and beyond! Whole School Community Lego Showcase in which students will be encouraged to use Walt Disney’s quote – “If you can dream it, you can do it” to design and build objects that reflect their thoughts of the future.
Emmanuel College
Aquaponics @Emmanuel. Students will set up three aquaponics tanks with different types of herbs and they will monitor which herbs grow more quickly.
Epping Secondary College
Over two days students will be taken to the creek that runs by the school to look at water quality, testing, discussing factors that affect water quality and what students can do to help and taking samples. Over lunchtime sessions with mini experiments will be run showing students how they can filter water and recycle it.
Fish Creek Kindergarten
Earth’s structure. Development of a permanent earth structure within the kindergarten grounds we will invite the students, kindergarten community and wider community to participate in the exploration of many science concepts from design of the structure, the development of a plan, construction and then use of the earth structure during play.
Heatcherhill Preschool
Go Green: environmental sciences. Recycling at school and at home, water conservation and learning about the water cycle; making a garden gauge and a mini greenhouse, planting flowers, herbs and vegetables in the garden; setting up a compost and learning about worms, organic materials and soil.
Horsham College
The Science Extravaganza. An evening that includes hands on activities, demonstrations and presentations, which encompass the Science Week theme.
J.S. Grey Kindergarten
Learning about life cycles. Chicken hatching program.
Keysborough Secondary College
Science for Young and Old. A series of science exhibitions with experiments and demonstrations throughout the day. Local primary schools, parents and the local community will be invited to attend.
Kingswood College ELC
Experimenting with Gravity. Exploring gravity in a variety of ways – constructing a large pipe run that the cars can roll down.
Lakeside College Pakenham
Set up a sustainability enclosure for native Australian frogs for use in the school throughout various parts of the junior and middle school (Years 2, 4,5, and 8).
Lilydale Heights College
Thirty hours on the surface of Mars. Students will undertake a range of experiments, engineering activities and problem solving scenarios.
Mackillop College, Werribee
Aquaponics in Schools. Setting up aquaponics tanks and grow bed construction.
Malden Primary School
Science Extravaganza Afternooon and Evening. Students, parents, local schools and community will be invited. Student leaders will run each stall to assist our students and visitors in exciting experiments, environmental science, coding and robotics.
Melton West Primary School
Teaching robotics and programming. All students will be involved in coding games/programs and programming robots to exhibit during National Science Week.
Mentone Girls Grammar School
National Science Week breakfast involving girls from Alliance of Girls’ Schools (Vic) schools and female scientists.
Mernda Central College
The’ Science of Chocolate Making’ evening for students and local community.
Merri Creek Primary School
DIY Whisper Dish. Students will construct two portable ‘Whisper Dishes’ out of second hand, 1.8m domestic satellite dishes. These will then be used by our Year 5 and 6 students to test the properties of these types of acoustic devices.
Mill Park Secondary College
Student Gardens. Together, the SRC, science faculty, and the wider school and community members wish to continue the development of the student gardens at the middle years campus.
Moonee Ponds Primary School
The MPPS Annual Science Night will begin with a community tree planting event. Throughout the week the green team will also having a focus on nude foods and healthy eating culminating in a science night where students, parents and invited members of the wider community will be able to view demonstrations and take part in experiments presented by students, teachers, parents and invited community groups
Mordialloc Beach Primary School
Developing a sustainable vegetable garden. As a small school of only 9 grades, each grade would be allocated a vegetable to look after.
Nhill College
Mythbusting activities with primary and secondary students.
Penhurst Primary School
Three small schools will run a science activity day focusing on Earth and space sciences. Members of all three communities will be invited to work with the students on a range of activities throughout the day.
Sacred Heart, Yea
Planting out local Yea wetlands with members of the community.
Salesian College, Chadstone
Exploring ‘mycoremediation’ by using the College’s waste paper as a food source to grow mushrooms and as a way to transform waste paper into useful non-toxic substances that can be used around the school gardens.
Siena College
Building solar powered lights as part of the SolarBuddy program to developing countries.
Sts Peter and Paul’s Catholic Primary School
Discover Science Day. All-day event held during science week involving all students, staff members and volunteers from the school community. There will be multiple activities in each classroom and students will have an hour to participate in each activity.
St Joseph’s, Malvern
Indigenous Plants Centenary Garden. Students in our Garden Club are learning about the importance of composting and waste management and how these areas influence and affect the environment. Students are selecting indigenous plants based on their research, designing the garden based around the natural elements, and nurturing this garden through their composting and waste management practises.
St Mary of the Angels Secondary College
Science Spectacular. At lunchtime on each day of science week, the senior students hold activities and demonstrations for the younger students.
St Paul’s Anglican Grammar School
Launching a new and innovative robotics program with the Prep children during National Science Week.
Strathmore North Primary School
Many activities and investigations for the whole school all, about sustainability and future Earth.
Talbingo Kindergarten
Using a Light Table to enhance children’s understanding of STEM at Talbingo Kindergarten. The Light Table will be used to adapt and create STEM activities that involve naming objects, describing sizes and quantities, counting, recognising patterns, sorting into categories and constructing two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes.
Thorpdale Primary School
A Sustainable Community. Students will plan, prepare, conduct, plan and present several investigations to the community on how to sustain and improve production of local resources.
Underbool Preschool
Earth and skies from the dinosaurs to the planets light years away. Children will be involved in learning about the earth when dinosaurs existed, they will do the chemical reaction experiments such as making a volcano effect, they will use dye and oil to mix to show how elements do not necessarily mix and what happens when they don’t.
Western English Language School
Future Earth. During National Science week a group of students will run different experiments and science activities for the rest of the students to participate in. Our main activity will be for students to work within their class to make a models of what they think houses, cars, the ocean, rivers, forests, etc. if humans continue to pollute our planet earth.
Alkimos Primary School
The Alkimos Science Extravaganza will include an afternoon based programme on weather patterns in Alkimos, weather and solar energy, rotations where Years P-3 will make their own rain gauge out of recycled materials, Year 4 to 6 students will make a solar oven out of recycled material. There will also be lunchtime activities based on sustainability.
Ashdale Primary School
Community garden. The students will be required to complete a STEM based project in which they research which crops could be planted at which time of year to maximise produce. The winning proposal will be implemented with the aim that produce could be used in the school canteen.
Atwell Primary School
Network wide Science Expo. Each school in the network (12 primary and 2 secondary schools) will hold an event where students will present solutions to the 8 challenges around Future Earth.
Baldivis Gardens Primary School
Planning and developing a garden to reflect the changing landscape of our school. The garden will start with pre-settlement bush tucker to early settlers, the market flower garden and finally market vegetable garden.
Baynton West Primary School
Future Earth Fair. Students will their Future Earth projects. The best display from each year level will be chosen to participate in the regional Future Earth Fair being run by the local high school.
Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School
Separating recycling machine. Students will design and make a machine that will help the ground staff to separate the recycling material.
Bunbury Primary School
Building Solar Buddies. Students will learn the science behind making solar lights. In addition, the students will develop a deeper understanding of energy poverty countries and the living condition challenges faced by children and their families.
Cape Naturaliste College
Whole school activities to promote the reuse and recycling of paper and plastic. Year 10 students will make paper from recycled paper, Year 7 students will make sustainable plant habitats from plastic bottles, Year 8 and 9 students will make jewellery from recycled paper and plastic. All students will be encouraged to enter a recycling competition using clean and safe objects.
Deanmore Primary School
We are undertaking two National Science Week activities this year. In the first activity our Year 6 students will be hosting a science fair where they are responsible for holding a stall for all students to visit. Secondly, we will do bee life cycles and habitats etc for the younger years and the older years will work more on the troubles that bees face and the consequences of not having bees (honey, pollination of flowers etc). For a whole school activity during national science week, we are going to making a whole school mural labelled “Let Science Pollinate Your Mind’.
Fremantle Primary School
Sustainable Fishing in Fremantle; Challenges, Futures and Celebrations. Year 5/6 students will focus on an issue related to sustainable agriculture. A forum will be developed with the South Fremantle Senior High School Marine Education department. The students will also be required to participate in the Celebrate Fishing Day for Fremantle and North Fremantle schools.
Geraldton Senior College
Filtration Challenge. Year 10 students will participate in groups to build a simple filtration system to clean dirty water. Each three-class pod will have a competition then an overall winner will be decided.
Harrisdale Primary School
Future Earth Fair including ‘Passport to the Future’. Upper primary classes will present a morning of science wonders for our lower primary students, parents and interested community. Harrisdale Senior High School and a local bush walking/environmental group “The Friends of Ashley-Keane” will also be invited to attend.
Hensman St Kindergarten
Outdoor picnic day working with mirrors and reflections. Hand-help mirrors to explore perspectives of plants in the garden, paint on the sensory tray with shaving foam that will enable the children to have reflections of the sky added to their art work, reflective wooden trays would be used with natural materials for classification.
John Curtin College of the Arts
Giving the gift of light. Building solar power lamps with Solar Buddy Australia to improve the health and education of children in developing countries.
Landsdale Primary School
Science Fair. Stalls to showcase the work the students have been completing in class throughout the year including Year 6 students safeguarding local Snake Lake, Year 5 students reducing packaging in our lunch boxes, Year 4 brining awareness about the Black Cockatoo and rehabilitation of local plant life, Year 3 growing vegetables and herbs.
Madeley Primary School
Students will participate in activities based on sustainability of Earth’s resources, including water, food, energy and waste and pollution management. Older children will assist in guiding the younger ones through the activities. A competitions for children to work on at at home with their parents will also be run.
Manjimup Senior High School
Science teaching and laboratory staff will use their lunch-breaks to run daily activities. Monday: Cyclone-proof Tower – students provided with competition brochure before the week. Tuesday: Bridge Building – once again students are encouraged to come prepared. Wednesday: Bridge testing – usually many spectators. Thursday: Science trivia. Friday: Growing Science Forum – students are transported to the local hall and will listen to local guest speakers (often agriculture based) and keynote speakers.
Mingenew Primary School
Propagation of local and endangered vegetation in conjunction with our local Mingenew Irwin Group (farming research organisation).
North Cottesloe Primary School
Science Expo. Stations in the expo will include: 1) Renewable Energy: Powering Earth – Students investigate the use of batteries, solar electricity and wind turbines using inquiry-based hands-on activities. 2) Wind Energy – Students will design and build their own wind powered vehicle then compete against each other working to improve their designs. 3) Solar Challenge – Students use a small solar panel to investigate how a solar cell turns solar radiation into electricity.
Our Lady of Lourdes, Dardanup
Whole-school Science Day. Children will rotate through a range of teacher-led activities as well as presentations and displays from community partners and parents.
Rawlinson Primary School
Whole school Future Earth showcasing student’s work/achievements concerning the topic ‘Future Earth”. In the lead up to National Science Week, classes will be provided with a kit based on the topic of ‘Future Earth’. Each class will select a topic of focus, from the kit, such as rubbish free lunches, preserving habitats, water pollution, compost, worm farms, biojars, etc. During Science Week, each class will make a display for the expo (that is suitable for all ages) to show students, staff and families what they learnt about their focus topic.
Southern Cross District High School
School/community orchard on the school grounds. Some of the learning activities would include the process of selecting trees and companion plants, investigating the soil conditions and altering them as necessary, designing the orchard in the space available and investigating what is needed for the continued maintenance of the orchard.
St Mary’s Primary School
Whole school and community activities. The activities will be based on the theme of Future Earth! Some of these stations will be include design and construct a solar powered windmill, design a space that shows the future of farming using coding for an oz bot, watch a drone flying how can we code for drones, a visit from local environmental scientist about what we can do to live sustainably.
St Thomas’ Primary School
Addressing problems of our Future Earth. National Science Week activities for whole school including create and kit out a green house, create and plant a vertical garden, research how plants can be grown from cuttings, re-use and recycle materials to be used in the gardens and establish a compost bin and worm farm.
Strathalbyn Christian College
Students will design a ‘Future Sustainable World’ project to display during our college open day. The student projects may be from classes, groups or individuals from our school or local community.
Woodlands Primary School
Future Earth STEM Challenge Afternoon. The whole school will participate in a Future Earth STEM challenges. Parents (also scientists) and community members from Wastewise, MRC, KAB will assist in challenges. Students will make worm farms, bird feeders, terrariums, design and build a school frogpond, make models of sustainable houses, design and build solar cars, problem solve the oil spill challenge.