The Business and Industry Activities Pack (1 MB, pdf) has been written for assisting groups and organisations to hold events and contribute to National Science Week. The booklet has inspiring ideas, case studies of successful events run previously, as well as suggestions on where to find more help.
The booklet is designed to help different kinds of organisations including:
- government authorities
- water and electricity utilities
- industry and commerce associations
- multi-national companies
- SMEs
- retailers
- food outlets
Some of the successful past initiatives highlighted in the Business and Industry Activities Pack include:
Dymocks Adelaide supporting Dr Karl in Adelaide
In 2019 Dymocks Adelaide had a booth at the Adelaide Convention Centre, dedicated to selling signed copies of Dr Karl Kruszelnicki’s children’s science books.
‘Having a presence at National Science Week at the Centre made sense from a business perspective, but we did it also because science is an integral part of education that we feel very strongly about encouraging,’ said Mandy Macky, owner of Adelaide’s flagship Dymocks store.
‘Karl was just great; he signed the books with funny pens, asked the children what they were interested in and wrote them funny messages’.
Power and Water at the desertSMART EcoFair
Since the desertSMART EcoFair’s launch over 10 years ago, Power and Water in the Northern Territory has continually supported the Alice Springs event held during National Science Week.
Power and Water’s community partnership coordinator, Jane Dellow, said the company recognised the importance of developing a relationship with the public.
‘Engagement at the EcoFair helps us to identify key issues, and address any myths or information gaps. We can then apply this knowledge to better inform our communication and engagement’.
Other support for event holders
The activities pack compliments Inspiring Industry to Inspire Australia: Business and Science Outreach, published in 2013. Inspiring Industry to Inspire Australia (3.1 MB, pdf) was prepared by the Council of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (CHASS) as part of the Australian Government’s Inspiring Australia science engagement strategy.
Previous event holder packs are also still available:
- 2018: Library Activities Pack (6 MB, pdf)
- 2019: Early Childhood Activities Pack (5 MB, pdf)
With thanks to Scientell for producing the Business and Industry Activities Pack.