This year the ACT National Science Week committee brings you two big events over one massive day!
Key event information
Event date: Saturday 10 August, 2019
Venue: The Shine Dome, 15 Gordon Street, Acton
InterACTive Science, family oriented: 1pm-5pm
InterACTive Science: After Dark, targeted at adults but all welcome: 6pm-9pm
Food will be available for purchase at on-site food vans and a bar will be open after 6pm.
Both events will showcase STEM in our nation’s capital through hands-on activities, live performances, stalls, and public talks.
Stallholder opportunities
The Shine Dome features a number of rooms and break-out areas. Throughout the events on 10 August, these rooms will be transformed into hives of activity – booths and displays aiming to suit the target demographic through eye-catching and interactive exhibits.
Presentation opportunities
The Shine Dome features the Ian Wark Theatre, a large central theatre that seats 250 people. Throughout the events on 10 August, there will be a program of science shows and demonstrations, talks, panels, and interactive performances. These presentations are intended to be engaging, suited to the target demographic, eye-catching, and, if possible, interactive. Presentations should be no longer than 30 minutes including Q&A but may be repeated throughout the day.
Online EOI form
If you would like to be a stallholder or present at this event, please complete the expression of interest online form. There is no cost involved for stallholders or presenters.
Applications close
Friday 14 June at 5pm
As there is limited space available, stallholders will be selected by the ACT committee. Applicants will be contacted by the end of June.
Questions? Contact
ACT National Science Week Project Officer
Jillian Browning, actscienceweek@gmail.com or call 02 6246 5214.