Funding is available from the NT National Science Week Committee on a competitive basis for community events and activities that raise awareness of the importance of science and innovation. Events and activities are to be conducted during National Science Week 2016, from 13 – 21 August. Total funding of approximately $15 000 is available Territory-wide. The…
Category: Event holders
Tasmanians, you’re invited to the 2016 event holder info sessions
It’s almost time for National Science Week again, and this year we are already preparing to stun, inspire, educate and amaze Tasmanians across the state! If you’d like to hold an event but don’t know where to start, there are upcoming information sessions in Hobart, Launceston and Ulverstone. Our Inspiring Australia Manager for Tasmania will be…
ACT event seed grants
The ACT National Science Week Coordinating Committee has $10 000 worth of funding to be allocated! They are offering seed grants up to $1000 (incl. GST) to support science engagement events, programs and activities conducted between 1 July and 31 October 2016. Preference will be given to events that occur at least once in or very close to…
2016 Grant Round
National Science Week created a huge buzz about science and technology last month, with more than 1700 events attended by almost 1.3 million people. Australia’s future economic growth and prosperity depend on innovations made through science and technology. Science Week is an important way to highlight the need for students to pursue technological careers and for the wider community…
Tasmania’s west coast to host Bright Ideas Festival
Over several days, the west coast will be home to the Bright Ideas Festival, a cornucopia of local science expertise. Event organiser Shae Huddleston of the Tasmanian Nationa Science Week Coordinating Committe was determined to ensure the west coast was not left out in this year’s festivities. “I saw a gap in the National…
Sydney Science festival: a smorgasboard of science
The Sydney Science Festival has just released its inaugural program; and it is astronomical. In venues across Sydney from 13 – 23 August during National Science Week, the Festival program is full of events, tours, workshops, exhibitions, and fun science activities for kids and science fans of all ages. A stellar Festival lineup will include…
Successful Queensland National Science Week Grants, 2015
The Queensland National Science Week Committee received a greatly increased number of applications for the 2015 Queensland Grant Rounds, with nine successful applicants recently informed of their success. The Queensland Launch will be held in Cairns on Saturday 15 August, and it is pleasing to see the strong representation of successful regional grant applications. The following projects will…
Results of 2015 NSW Regional Science Grants Program announced
Eleven communities across NSW will soon have the opportunity to enjoy a whole range of new science engagement activities created by the network of NSW Regional Science Hubs. Congratulations to the successful 2015 Regional Science Grants Program applicants who have won funds of just under $80 000. Murray Science Hub – Albury Wodonga From the Ground…
Tasmania’s Festival of Bright Ideas needs you!
For the first time, Tasmania will play host to a fun festival celebrating science and the International Year of Light. The Festival of Bright Ideas (FoBI) invites exhibitors and activity providers to participate, free of charge.
SA Community Grants for National Science Week
South Australian Community Grants are open for community groups, organisations, and businesses to help celebrate science. The grants should assist in bringing science to an increasing number of South Australians. The South Australian Community Grants are primarily for activities and events that involve the general public; however they may also target business and industry. Eligible organisations…