Science Poem of the Day #4

Today’s poem is from Holding Patterns: physics & engineering poems, published by The Poets Union. Tricia Dearborn Everything we’re made of comes from earth; we cry, returning borrowed salt; we give our bone and muscle back to the earth to suck, as ash, as rotting flesh: that calcium atom in your skull — star-fired, congealed…

A Merging of Science and the Performing Arts

Each year, National Science Week is celebrated with a wide variety of event styles and approaches sharing the stories of science, and sometimes incorporating different or unusual projects.  As STEM continually evolves so too do science engagement opportunities and practice. Science and technology as a part of the performing arts is an engagement opportunity that…

Celebrating Australia’s Women in STEM

Who do you imagine when you think of an engineer, scientist, or mathematician? If you’d been asked that forty years ago, it’s pretty likely that you wouldn’t have pictured a woman. Times (and stereotypes) are changing, but still women make up just 16% of Australians qualified in STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), according…

Science Poem of the Day #1

To celebrate National Science Week we’ll be publishing a science poem of the day this week. The poems are from the Science Made Marvellous series of poetry books published in National Science Week in 2010 by The Poets Union. The three books are: Holding Patterns: physics & engineering poems (1.2MB PDF) Earthly Matters: biology &…

Experimental rhyming or scientific stanzas?

Do you find technical talk and scientific jargon sometimes feels like an alien language or scrambles your brain into mush? Do you sometimes feel creative writers are also speaking another language full of colourful flourishes, mixed metaphors and abstract concepts? Can the two be combined successfully? Scientific and artistic endeavours have always intertwined throughout our…