Science Week at Wavell State High School

UQ Science Ambassadors will be running whole school activities in line with this years theme: Species Survival: More than just Sustainability. Activities will include: guest speakers wildlife experiences including animals being brought to school for first hand experiences annual National Science Week trivia competition with prizes involvement of other faculties and community.

Busy Bees

National Science Week activities will introduce preschool children to the world of Australian pollinators in our gardens. With the focus on the role of bees in the garden, children and educators will investigate and observe bees, crawling and flying insects, spiders, and birds in the gardens. Educators will use learning resources to engage children in…

Festival of Bright Ideas 2025 – Schools’ Day

Do you have students with curious and creative minds that want to find out more about science and the world around them? The Festival of Bright Ideas Schools’ Day on Friday 22 August is the place to be! Students will be able to immerse themselves in the wonderful world of science by engaging with over…

Festival of Bright Ideas

The Festival of Bright Ideas (FOBI) sparks curious and creative minds to learn more about science and the world around them. At Tasmania’s premier National Science Week event, you can meet scientists and explore hands-on science activities. Join us to celebrate Tasmanian science and scientists! FOBI provides a family-friendly experience for Tasmanians.  STEM skills will…

The Fishy Carnival

There will be 3 fun, carnival games teaching 12 Year 4 students about marine conservation, covering topics such as: ocean noise pollution, bycatch and no take species in QLD. The student groups will compete against each other in magnetic fishing, the headphone whisper challenge and ‘scoop the fish’. The winning group will get first pick…

Learning about survival

We are a Preschool, and part of our goal is to ignite a passion about all things science. About thinking, curiosity, observation, experimentation and hypothesising.  Our event will extend over a period of 2 weeks. We will, in as many ways as possible, include questioning and discussion about the survival of our species. We will…

Shalom College Science Week

We hosted Science week activities with Year 4 -6  primary students from the three catholic primary schools. These activitites were run by our Year 11 /12 Science Students, overseen by science teachers. The primary students circulate through 8 stations were they preform an experiment and learn about the science behind it. Activities were relevant to…

Backyard Biodiversity Hunt

Inquiry Question: What living things can we identify and observe in the school? We are learning to use our senses to observe and identify living things in their natural environment. Success Criteria:  I can make an observation using my senses I can represent observations and identify patterns I can share my observations with others I can…

The plight of the Western Swamp Tortoise

Our school has researched The Western Swamp Tortoise habitat, diet and predators. We are creating dioramas based on our knowledge of the tortoises wetland habitat. The dioramas will be created out of natural materials, sticks and leaves, thick card, various coloured paper and paint. Students participating in the integrated Visual Art and Science Program will…

Orelia Primary School Science Week

National Science Week will be held in Orelia Primary School in Week 7 of this term (TERM 3). The school theme for National Science Week in 2024 is Species Survival – More than just sustainability. The theme aims to highlight the importance of science and innovation in ensuring the survival and thriving of different species…