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Bees Sustain Life

  • - (AEST)
  • Pittsworth State School
    42 Hume Street, Pittsworth QLD 4356, Australia

Through structured workshops with Matthew from "Beezotted" and Rebecca from "Pittsworth Millmerran Landcare", students will learn the critical importance of our native
stingless BEES within our ecosystem.  Students will have the chance to create "bee hotels", plant local indigenous flowering plants in the garden, learn to identify a native bee, engage in honey tasting and storytelling.

The purchase of the native bee hive and bees will contribute significantly to the ongoing and increased level of student participation & engagement in STEM particularly understanding the importance of species survival and how individuals can contribute to sustaining life. Having stingless native bees on the school site will encourage students to identify local native bees and to help ensure their survival.

