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Drip Drop Water Workshop

  • From
  • Whiteman Park
    233a Drumpellier Drive, Whiteman WA 6068, Australia

Who needs water? How can we save water? Can we recycle Water?

Learn about Water – our most precious resource – in a new program for Year 2.

Whiteman Park are offering a fun water-themed workshop for Year 2s which brings the Science Curriculum to life for World Environment Day and National Science Week. Hands-on games and activities will help students discover why and how we can manage and protect water.

In this program your students will recognise that all living things rely on water, discover that this resource is finite, identify actions which can conserve water and use materials to create a water filter.

The workshop begins with a screen show about water in Whiteman Park, recognising that many living things rely on this resource that might be threatened. After this, the class heads to the Woodland Reserve, our premier conservation project normally closed to the public, for hands on activities about water use and conservation.

We will explore the water cycle and divide the water resource among a variety of needs – humans, native animals and plants, and farms. Is there enough water to go around? How can we ensure there is more water for all living things? We will then play an interactive game to see how we can conserve water in the home to make sure we are water savers not water wasters.

As well as reducing our water use, can we recycle it? Students will return to the Woodland Interpretive Centre to create water filters and see if dirty water can be cleaned.

Number of students: 30

Duration: 75 mins

Curriculum links: ACSSU032, ACSIS038, ACSIS037, ACSHE035
