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Mad About Science – Species survival workshop

  • - (AEST)
  • Balla Balla Community Centre
    7-9 Selandra Boulevard, Clyde North VIC 3978, Australia

Can science save us?

Join us for a fun and exciting workshop where you'll discover how real-life scientists are saving endangered species. Learn about cool breakthroughs in recycling, artificial intelligence, biodegradable products, and how everyday people like you can help with citizen science. Presented by Mad About Science.

Interactive activities include:

  • Invasive Species Ecosystem Reaction Demonstration: Watch how ecosystems stay stable until new things shake them up, causing big changes.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Crown of Thorns Starfish: See how AI and robots help scientists control pest species like the Crown of Thorns Starfish.
  • Ecosystems Game: Play an interactive game to explore how delicate and balanced ecosystems are.
  • Packing Peanuts: Compare old and new packing peanuts that scientists made to protect species.
  • Sustainable Energy Activity: Learn about cool, sustainable ways to make electricity and why fossil fuels are bad for species.
  • Hydrophobic Milk ‘Cell Lysis’ Reaction: Check out a chemical reaction that shows how scientists control Crown of Thorns Starfish.
  • Acidification of Oceans Demonstration: Discover how ocean acidification happens and why it causes coral bleaching.

Plus, enjoy a tasty after-school snack.

Location Information

Parking and entry at rear of centre. Ring Doorbell for admittance. Parents required to sign child(ren) in.
