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Matt The Feral Cat – A play about what shouldn’t be for dinner

  • From
  • Museum of the Great Southern
    Residency Road, Albany WA 6330, Australia

A play designed to be a fun and interactive tale of the CATastrophic impact our feline friends can inflict on native wildlife. Thankfully there are simple ways we can protect our wildlife. While keeping cats happier and healthier too!

The community is invited to be part of a free puppetry extravaganza. Including two puppet making workshops and a free a community event with kids activities. Storytelling by Indigenous leaders. Talks by expert scientists and culminating in our interactive puppet play and hearty singing of the Matt the Feral Cat song! 

Working with Spare Parts Puppet Theatre, we will create a giant feral cat puppet using recycled plastic waste material. Local native animal paper puppets from paper material that usually ends up in the bin.  We will learn about native wildlife and the science behind conservation efforts from local scientists and Traditional Owners, and through fun kids activities.  At the end of the event we will bring our puppets together to perform our Matt the Feral Cat play followed by a hearty singing of the Matt the Feral Cat song!  

Please note we will be making a video of our event.

Location Information

Museum of Great Southern, Coop Building. Please note workshops are age and number limited - bookings are essential. Everyone is encouraged to join main performance and song on Saturday 17 August, 12 pm - 3 pm.
