Thomas Mesaglio is leading an online workshop dealing with a list of topics for the advanced users of iNaturalist. To be better able to search for favourite species and to work with the many great functions of this global platform for biodiversity. Thomas Mesaglio is extremely passionate about citizen science. Especially the biodiversity citizen science…
Archives: Events
Symmetry in Stitches – Exploring tessellations in quilted coasters
The key features of tessellations are that there are no gaps or overlaps. The same figure (or group of figures) come together to completely cover a wall or floor or some other plane. This requires the vertices to fit together. This can be done in two ways. Either the corners of the basic shape all…
Weird Science with SciWorld
Is it real? Or just plain weird? Drop in and see amazing science in action with experiments like pH testing, making plastic cups cluck like chickens and making Oobleck slime. It is about tricks, illusions and just plain weird but fascinating science. You are guaranteed fun while you learn something new.
Brain Break – Mackay North State High School
We’re hosting a Brain Break morning tea with scrumptious morsels of science goodness to celebrate science achievement and endeavour. We’ll be getting together to share fun science quizzes, activities and demonstrations over our cuppa. This morning tea is just for us, but you can register to host one for FREE in your own workplace.
Brain Break – Haden State School
We’re hosting a Brain Break morning tea with scrumptious morsels of science goodness to celebrate science achievement and endeavour. We’ll be getting together to share fun science quizzes, activities and demonstrations over our cuppa. This morning tea is just for us, but you can register to host one for FREE in your own workplace.
Brain Break – Dripstone Middle School
We’re hosting a Brain Break morning tea with scrumptious morsels of science goodness to celebrate science achievement and endeavour. We’ll be getting together to share fun science quizzes, activities and demonstrations over our cuppa. This morning tea is just for us, but you can register to host one for FREE in your own workplace.
Brain Break – Brigidine College Indooroopilly
We’re hosting a Brain Break morning tea with scrumptious morsels of science goodness to celebrate science achievement and endeavour. We’ll be getting together to share fun science quizzes, activities and demonstrations over our cuppa. This morning tea is just for us, but you can register to host one for FREE in your own workplace.
Brain Break – Augathella State School
We’re hosting a Brain Break morning tea with scrumptious morsels of science goodness to celebrate science achievement and endeavour. We’ll be getting together to share fun science quizzes, activities and demonstrations over our cuppa. This morning tea is just for us, but you can register to host one for FREE in your own workplace.
Brain Break – Duaringa State School
We’re hosting a Brain Break morning tea with scrumptious morsels of science goodness to celebrate science achievement and endeavour. We’ll be getting together to share fun science quizzes, activities and demonstrations over our cuppa. This morning tea is just for us, but you can register to host one for FREE in your own workplace.
Brain Break – Toowoomba Anglican School
We’re hosting a Brain Break morning tea with scrumptious morsels of science goodness to celebrate science achievement and endeavour. We’ll be getting together to share fun science quizzes, activities and demonstrations over our cuppa. This morning tea is just for us, but you can register to host one for FREE in your own workplace.