Mulga Street Science Bonanza

Come and join Mulga Street Primary for a jam-packed afternoon of science fun. Our classes will be rotated through different science activities throughout the afternoon and experimenting with how our world works. The junior primary students will be experimenting with chemical reactions by making interesting potions, observing how paint mixes, testing out the vibration of…

A Window on SAHMRI Open Day

Get up close to the stunning architecture and discover the life-changing work we’re doing inside the Cheesegrater. You’ll see, touch and hear about the incredible research SAHMRI is doing to create healthier futures for everyone. Join a free half-hour tour, sit in on any of our engaging information sessions, explore our interactive displays and speak…

The Science of Snot with Mr Snotbottom

Celebrate National Science Week with snotty science from Mr Snotbottom. Mr Snotbottom is a hysterically disgusting kids comedian brimming with all the ooey, gooey yucky things kids love. ‘The Science of Snot’ is the newest, grossest Mr Snotbottom show yet. He certainly knows how to pick them. Mr Snotbottom will blow you away with his…

As Cold as Ice – Liquid nitrogen show

Are you seeking some excitement to spark up your life? Join us this National Science Week for an entertainment extravaganza for thrill-seekers. Get ready for explosions in action, liquid nitrogen, and experiments to entice and excite. Be part of the fun first-hand with our friends at Fizzics Education. You may even get to smash a…

Beachcombing for Teens – A homeschool event

Let’s see what the tide and winter storms have brought in! Explore the tide line to look at a snapshot of local marine biodiversity and human impacts.  You will handle real marine specimens and identify examples of marine pollution that can be found on Perth metropolitan beaches. They will also be given an opportunity to…

Exploring for the Future Showcase

Geoscience Australia will hold the online Exploring for the Future Showcase.  The Showcase is a free public event, where scientists will share the latest geoscience and highlight why it’s important for Australia.  On day 1 government and industry leaders will participate in a panel discussion on the value and pivotal role of openly available public…

Science in the Sanctuary

Science in the Sanctuary is BACK this National Science Week. Join us at Wildbark Learning Centre for an afternoon of exciting insights into the fascinating world of Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary. Hosted by the Woodlands and Wetlands Trust, this event showcases ground-breaking research from the Mulligans Flat–Goorooyarroo Woodland Experiment partnership, featuring representatives from the Ngunnawal…

Phenomenal Flight

Objective: To design or adapt an animal species where flight might help the extinct or endangered animal to thrive and survive in our ever-changing world. Students will study various animals, focusing on their anatomy, flight mechanics, and environmental status (endangered/extinct). Students will observe and sketch animals in our local environment, noting habitat, flight patterns and…

Infinity Mathematics Workshop – Sydney Mathematical Research Institute

National Science Week High School Workshops Sydney Mathematical Research Institute (SMRI) will host two National Science Week after-school workshops for high school students at the University of Sydney. These are aimed at students from years 8-11 with a keen interest in mathematics. Infinity mathematics workshop In this workshop, we will have a deeper look into…

Zeros – Sydney Mathematical Research Institute Public Lecture

Have you ever wondered what makes mathematicians excited about seemingly dreary tasks, such as solving equations? In the old days, mathematicians would compete in equation solving, with their reputation, money, and jobs at stake. More than once, they invented new kinds of numbers just so they could solve more equations. This intense passion and dedication…