Sunny Science & Satellites

Desert Knowledge Australia is excited to announce an event on 16 August designed for a younger age group and their parents. The event aims to increase awareness and understanding of solar panel technologies and satellite ground station technologies, with a particular focus on inspiring and encouraging students to pursue STEM fields. During the event, keynote…

MYLI Presents STEM Zone

The theme of Innovation: Powering Future Industries will be explored from a number of different angles. This can be done through the production of usable energy via sustainable alternatives as well as the investigation of different types of fuels and how they can be used to create a greener, more sustainable yet productive future. Children…

Clean Energy -> Clean Future

Students will be involved in investigations related to solar and wind-powered energy sources. Students will discover how humans can shape a sustainable future by ensuring “access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all” (UN Sustainable Development Goal 7). Year 6 students will learn how the sun’s energy is converted to electricity and will…

MYLI Presents STEM Zone

The theme of “Innovation: Powering Future Industries” will be explored from a number of different angles. This can be done through the production of usable energy via sustainable alternatives as well as the investigation of different types of fuels and how they can be used to create a greener, more sustainable yet productive future. Children…

MYLI Presents STEM Zone

The theme of “Innovation: Powering Future Industries” will be explored from a number of different angles. This can be done through the production of usable energy via sustainable alternatives as well as the investigation of different types of fuels and how they can be used to create a greener, more sustainable yet productive future. Children…

MYLI Presents STEM Zone

The theme of “Innovation: Powering Future Industries” will be explored from a number of different angles. This can be done through the production of usable energy via sustainable alternatives as well as the investigation of different types of fuels and how they can be used to create a greener, more sustainable yet productive future. Children…

National Science Week: UQ Ideas Forum Livestream

In recognition of National Science Week the Queensland Brain Institute (QBI) is hosting a special event in collaboration with the Institute of Molecular Bioscience (IMB) and the Australian Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN) on Friday 18 August. This year’s theme for Science Week is Innovation: Powering Future Industries, and we would like to take this…

Meet Einstein – Preschool Storytime & Experiments

Families are invited to the Campaspe Library for a special Science Storytime that includes hands-on experiments. The session will be facilitated by TwistED Science, an Echuca-based business that brings science to life with engaging, informative and interesting sessions that appeal to children of all ages that encourage the love of learning – as well as having…

Bininj Business Mob – Innovations on Country

Students of Nawarddeken Academy and the communities of Mamadawerre, Manmoyi and Kabulwarnamyo are looking forward to doing a deep dive to learn more about STEM careers on Country. Set within the Warddeken Indigenous Protected Area, students and community members are invited to join in the learning and build their skills and share their existing knowledge in innovations that…