Big Bang Discovery Workshop at Raymond Terrace and Tomaree Libraries

Join Port Stephens Libraries and the University of Newcastle for our Big Bang Discovery Workshop. Have fun exploring scientific concepts and experimenting. Suitable for children 8 to 12 years. Tomaree Library 9.30am to 10.30am, and Raymond Terrace Library 1pm to 2pm, Saturday 12 August  Bookings are essential. Presented by SMART the University of Newcastle and…

Ocean Science Day

Ocean Science Day will dive deep into marine biology and oceanography with immersive learning experiences, arts and crafts, contributed talks, and fun for all ages. Walk through the life-sized kelp forest and coral reef and experience an underwater scavenger hunt. Participants young and old will learn about stable isotopes and trophic interactions, microbial adaptations, and…

HealthLAB – Palmerston Library

The HealthLAB Team will be visiting Palmerston Library. HealthLAB is an interactive, mobile lab that promotes healthy lifestyles. With the HealthLAB team you can: Test your hydration Find out your reaction time Test your agility Test your strength See your future with HealthLAB Time Machine and so much more HealthLAB aims to increase science and health awareness,…

#HackTheDrones – Kadina

Drones, with their incredible capabilities and endless possibilities, have captured the imagination of both children and adults alike. They are not just cool gadgets or toys; they serve practical purposes and have the potential to revolutionise various industries. Drones are useful and fun. Imagine a future where the skies above country towns are filled with…

Leanyer School Science Week Celebration

The early years students will participate in making a fossil with the support of Australia Earth Science Education. The primary years will work in groups to defy physics by using 5 materials to protect an egg from breaking at a height. The winning group will be awarded a prize.  

First Scientists – Boomerang engineering

Enjoy a special National Science Week BKids session and learn all about how the First Scientists harnessed engineering to create and use boomerangs. Join Southern Cultural Immersion for an authentic cultural workshop to learn all about how boomerangs are used, why they are engineered the way they are and have a go at throwing one…

Adelaide River Festival: Orienteering and map reading

Orienteering and map reading offered as one of the activities visiting remote schools will undertake during their two-day festival. In previous years activities have included sports as well as STEM topics such as Earth Science and Health. Students will learn about the science behind map making and what maps are used for before doing some orienteering…