Big Science Fun Show at Frankston Library

We are celebrating National Science Week at the library with Fizzics Educations, bringing their Big Science Fun Show to Frankston. In this National Science Week event, presented with the support of the Inspiring Victoria program, you’ll see gigantic bubbles, flying toilet paper, hair-raising electricity experiments, levitating beach balls, volunteers on a nail chair, a giant…

Water You Waiting For? Let’s have a beer

This event carries on from the At Yeast There’ll be Beer, What’s the Malternative and In Pursuit of Hoppiness presentations from the past three years. This will follow the same format with a one hour talk followed by a beer tasting to illustrate the concepts covered in the talk and general conversation. This talk will…

Water you waiting for? Lets have a beer!

This event carries on from the “At yeast there’ll be beer”, “What’s the malternative” and “in pursuit of hoppiness” presentations from the past three years. This will follow the same format with a one hour talk followed by a beer tasting to illustrate the concepts covered in the talk and general conversation. This talk will…

Water you waiting for? Let\’s have a beer!

This event carries on from the “At yeast there’ll be beer”, “What’s the malternative” and “in pursuit of hoppiness” presentations from the past three years. This will follow the same format with a one hour talk followed by a beer tasting to illustrate the concepts covered in the talk and general conversation. This talk will…

Water you waiting for? Let\’s have a beer!

This event carries on from the “At yeast there’ll be beer”, “What’s the malternative” and “in pursuit of hoppiness” presentations from the past three years. This will follow the same format with a one hour talk followed by a beer tasting to illustrate the concepts covered in the talk and general conversation. This talk will…

Oh boy, here comes El Niño

Don’t let the cute names fool you: El Niño (‘the little boy’) and La Niña (‘the little girl’) can have devastating impacts. These oscillating phases of a massive ocean-atmosphere interaction strongly influence Australia’s year-to-year climate variability, driving floods, droughts, and bushfires. How will global warming affect this planetary system? Dr Josephine Brown and Ruby Lieber…

Wollongong University’s Design a T-shirt Competition

The University of Wollongong is delighted to announce that entries for the Design a T-shirt Competition are open. The competition is for children in Years 3-8 (Stages 2, 3 & 4) to help celebrate the National Science Week theme of Innovation: Powering Future Industries. The theme incorporates the advancement in technology in all industries, especially…

Time Detectives: Cold Case

Archaeologists are time travellers. We use the everyday items of the past to build portals through time and space; windows through which we can view landscapes thousands of years old and the people and cultures that they supported. We analyse these everyday items through an ever-increasing array of scientific techniques to explore questions such as…

Science Play Matters at Sunshine Coast Hub

Play Matters Australia is hosting free Science Play Matters Playgroups during National Science Week at the Sunshine Coast Hub. This playgroup caters to families with children aged up to five years old. Become a member and join us for a morning of science activities and lots of fun for everyone. To attend, please register for…

SA’s Rare and Threatened Plants

South Australia has around 3000 native plant species and a staggering 800 of these are threatened. The Threatened Plant Action Group (TPAG) has been conserving some of the rarest and most threatened of these species for the last 30 years. TPAG believes in direct on-ground action to save species at risk of extinction. Join TPAG…