Put the FUN into Fungi!

Are you into FUNgi? Then join us on Wednesday, 16 August to between 12:00 and 14:00 at Warrnambool Neighbourhood Community Centre (WNCC) and become a mini mushroom farmer! You will be provided with a mushroom kit and all you need to start the process on the day. Two fun guys will teach us all we…

Infinity Mathematics Workshop

In this workshop, we will have a deeper look into counting to infinity and try to figure out if all infinities are equal or one thing can be more infinite than another one. We will explore the mathematics of infinity through discussion and solving problems. This event will be presented by University of Sydney mathematician,…

Healthy Forests = Healthy Us Family Activity Day

What do trees have to do with the physical and mental health of humans? Come together to celebrate forest and human health, experience and  learn about ways  of how healing country heals ourselves, and vice versa. Details and online registration for workshops to be announced. Sunshine Coast organisations will bring the intersecting sciences of human…

Put the FUN into Fungi!

Are you into FUNgi? Then join us on Wednesday, 16 August to between 12:00 and 14:00 at Warrnambool Neighbourhood Community Centre (WNCC) and become a mini mushroom farmer! You will be provided with a mushroom kit and all you need to start the process on the day. Two fun guys will teach us all we…

Put the FUN into Fungi!

Are you into FUNgi? Then join us on Wednesday, 16 August to between 12:00 and 14:00 at Warrnambool Neighbourhood Community Centre (WNCC) and become a mini mushroom farmer! You will be provided with a mushroom kit and all you need to start the process on the day. Two fun guys will teach us all we…

Menzies Little Scientists

The Menzies-Ramaciotti Centre will be collaborating with Charles Darwin University to hold the Menzies Little Scientists activity as part of the Bite of Science event. The activity will provide budding young scientists the opportunity to participate in hands on activities to understand and visualise the scientific world of little things.  The Menzies Little Scientists activities will…

Twist and Turn: The arithmetic of ropes

In this activity, we take a mathematical spin on tangling and untangling. We will consider a situation where we have two ropes and apply two possible operations: a twist and a turn. In this simple setup, we can create deceivingly complex tangles, but can we untangle them using the same two operations? We will answer…

Guided Tour of the South Australian Seed Conservation Centre

Do you have a passion for conservation and plants? This National Science Week, we are inviting tertiary students and people interested in pursuing plant conservation careers to join South Australia’s Seed Conservation Centre team for a guided tour. Head to beautiful Adelaide Botanic Garden where you will explore the Threatened Seed Orchard, the seed bank and its…

Kids in the Garden

Join us as we run age appropriate sessions for children to learn how food grows in the garden and comes to their plate. There will be opportunities for hands-on experiential learning for all ages, including discovering our community garden, learning about different cultures food and regular used herbs for cooking.  Primary school aged children will also make…

Stepping Stone Klemzig Childcare – Meet the Scientist

A scientist will visit Stepping Stone and explain what science is and what they do, then show some science-y things (tubes, pipettes etc) and do some simple experiments. Two sessions will be held: one with the nursery and toddler age bracket and one with pre-kindy and kindy age bracket. A few different age-appropriate interactive demonstrations…