Community Event – Bringing Back Biodiversity to Coromandel Valley Primary School

Calling all mini scientists, birders and keen environmentalists! Let’s celebrate National Science Week as a community and learn more about how to support the survival of our native bird species. Partnered with the Biological Society of South Australia and the Friends of Frank Smith Park group, we will be bird detectives and engage in a bird survey (counting species). We…

Hamlyn Heights Scouts – STEM projects presentation evening

STEM Together, Worley and Scouts are collaborating to support young people in Geelong to engage with real-world STEM.  Over recent months, Scouts at Hamlyn Heights have been investigating energy-themed STEM projects with support and mentorship from local Worley engineers. At this presentation evening, the Scouts will present their projects to the group, and be presented…

Connecting to Science through Stories and Sky

Join ICRAR for an evening of science, skies and storytelling under the dome at Scitech this National Science Week! We’ll be screening The Earth Above: A Deep Time View of Australia’s Epic History, a full-dome planetarium show unravelling 140,000 years of scientific and traditional knowledge. We’re also teaming up with local artists and speakers to bring…

International Space, Environment, and STEM Festival Cairns

Join us as we celebrate STEM across Northern Australia with a panel discussion with experts, university academics, scientists, and STEM educators. Northern Australia constitutes over 53% of Australia’s landmass, and 5.3% of the National population. We have an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population of 16% compared to 3.8% nationally. 78% of this land is…

National Science Week Launch and Awards 2024

The launch of National Science Week in South Australia will take place together with the presentation of the 2024 Citizen Science Awards, 2024 Unsung Hero of Science Communication Award, and the 2024 Young Tall Poppy Science Awards. The evening is presented by the SA National Science Week committee, Australian Institute of Policy & Science, Department for…

South Australia’s Mesophotic Reefs – New teaching resource

Transport your learners to the little known and rarely studied mesophotic reefs in South Australia’s Marine Parks within the Great Southern Reef. Using new video footage taken during scientific surveys, be the first to experience the amazing life that lives in the twilight zone.  Connected to the 2024 National Science Weeks school theme Species Survival…

Why can’t we agree on dinner?

Have you ever wondered why we can’t just agree on what to eat for dinner? Well, our food choices and how we sense and interact with food can be influenced by many factors, including our genetics, emotions, personalities, taste buds, diets, and even the environment where we eat. In this masterclass, we will discuss how…

Science Explorers

Join an engaging and educational event, “Science Explorers” at SKCC. This event aims to inspire young minds, foster a passion for science, and encourage critical thinking and problem-solving skills among children aged 5-12 years.  This is a facilitated science event run by passionate trainers, which includes: Interactive exhibits & demonstrations covering various scientific disciplines, including…

Ghost Trees at the NFSA

Immerse yourself in the endangered Rushworth Forest on the lands of the Ngurai-illam Wurrung people in Victoria: soar through the canopy, tunnel underground and gaze up at ancient tree trunks recreated from real-world environmental data in this mesmerising, surround-sound audiovisual experience. Bringing together science, data and audiovisual art, Ghost Trees offers a new way to connect to nature and…

AFP Takes Over Questacon

Join the Australian Federal Police at Questacon this National Science Week. Families, kids and adults alike will be able to team up with AFP Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) experts, who’ll provide an insight into what it’s like to work as a forensic or STEM expert with the AFP. Learn how to match fingerprints,…