Class visit to the CSIRO Pyrotron

CSIRO’s STEM Together and Environment teams will host a local high school class to tour the National Bushfire Behaviour Research Laboratory at Black Mountain.

Careers with STEM – Indigenous edition launch

On 8 August, on the eve of National Science Week, ~50 students from CSIRO’s Young Indigenous Women’s STEM Academy and Deadly in Generation STEM programs went to Google HQ in Sydney for student workshops, a STEM careers panel, yarning circle and magazine launch of Careers with STEM Indigenous Edition, which was sponsored by CSIRO and…

Super STEM Challenge Exhibition Afternoon

Our Super STEM Challenge has involved each of our 17 classes. They received a design brief based on the Olympic Games. Each class then built a model of a game (with moving parts for years 3 to 6) and wrote a blurb/ poster to explain what their model is and facts about their game from…

Accoustics and Indigenous Knowledge Systems

Milkwood Students are working with Indigenous Traditional Owner Les Huddleston to study optics and acoustics through Indigenous Knowledge Systems. This project involves students studying and building traditional instruments didgeridoos and clapsticks, to understand the science of acoustics in these ceremonial instruments. Drawing on Indigenous Knowledge Systems in areas of Optics and Accoustics, students will take…

Fun with Bubbles

Students at St Anthony’s will be challenged to be the best bubble blower ever! Students will work across multi-age classes to undertake the challenge. The challenges include: Bubble size, Bubble numbers, Bubble shape and of course Bubble games! First students will make bubble wands using pipe cleaners, and use water and dish soap to make…

What Can Dinosaurs Teach Us About Species Survival?

Get ready to explore the awesome world of dinosaurs. In this session, we’ll explore Australian dinosaurs and how fast changes in nature affect animals. We’ll learn why it’s important for creatures to adapt to survive. Plus, we’ll see what dinosaurs can teach us about making it through tough times using real fossils. Come along for…

A Whale of a Time! Education Session

Whales are such incredible creatures, with their unique methods of feeding, communication, and migration. From the majestic blue whale to intelligent orcas, there’s so much to learn about these marine mammals. Their feeding techniques vary depending on their species and location, ranging from filter feeding to hunting in packs. Communication among whales is also intricate,…

Day of AI Australia Dolphin Tank

As part of National Science Week, join Day of AI Australia for their inaugural Dolphin Tank!  As part of Day of AI Australia’s program in Term 2, primary and high students from across Australia submitted their ideas for how AI could be used to help tackle climate change and sustainability. Six teams from across Australia were invited…

Science Week and Book Week Cross-over

The Narrogin Library is ecstatic to unveil a unique celebration that intertwines Science Week and Book Week, all under the gloriumptious theme of Roald Dahl. Embark on a zozimus journey during Science Week with a series of science activities inspired by Dahl’s beloved characters, bringing the splendiferous of his stories to life. As the spliffling event…