Our STEM and science challenge will run for the whole day and students from Foundation to Year 6 will participate in various stem and science challenges to spark curiosity in science in everyday life through stem specialist classes and classroom hands on lessons. Hands-on experiments and design and construction activities will be set up in…
Topic: Environment and Nature
Young Tassie Scientists at Scottsdale Primary School
This year’s Young Tassie Scientists are University of Tasmania scientists who are keen to share their work through interactive talks and hands-on activities in Tasmanian schools and communities during National Science Week. Some of the Young Tassie Scientist on the Northern roadtrip are: Jared Magyar, geophysicist Jake Newland, neuroscientist Thomas Verne, plant scientist Isabelly de Lima, medical…
Science at Beerburrum
One day of science and STEM activities and experiments for all students Prep to Year 6. The day will include rotational hands-on activities aligned to each scientific strand of the science curriculum to inspire students and invoke a passion to explore science and scientific vocations further. The day will occur on the school grounds including…
Sharing Science Morning Tea
A morning tea full of opportunities to share your science experience, learn from each other and learn together.
Fun 4M & Fizzics Education Science Workshop Spectacular
How does a chair of nails work? Can you create a tornado in a bottle? Balance birds, explore magnets and much more in this fun, science workshop. Mix education and fun by booking your children into this workshop. They will be in awe of the amazing experiments. This workshop is best suited for children between…
Science Superheroes – Communicators of influence and inspiration
Role models in science are crucial in inspiring students to continue to study science and STEM subjects and investigate and follow science career pathways. At Eppalock PS we will investigate Science Superheroes as communicators of influence and inspiration. STEM is so important in primary school, if students aren’t engaged in science and STEM in primary…
Kindergarten Science Incursion
The Grange Community Centre will hold an incursion with an early learning science facilitator for the children who attend 3 year old kindergarten at the Centre during National Science Week, in addition to running a variety of science focused activities and experiments during this week. The project will serve as an introduction to science for…
Science Gets Real: From problem to lab innovation to real-world impact
Taxpayers, industry partners, private donors, and international students fund university research. How can we increase the tangible social, economic, and environmental returns on this investment? Hear three inspiring stories from scientists whose innovations are solving real-world problems. When many don’t, why did these researchers succeed in moving their great ideas out of the lab and…
STEM Fest 2023
Leura Public School is excited to launch STEM Fest 2023, a cross-school partnership initiative within the Blue Mountains Learning Community. This full-day event will see primary school students from across the region engage in a range of immersive workshops and design thinking challenges. Attendees will have the opportunity to investigate artificial intelligence, advancements in renewable energies and…
Our STEAM Powered Future
This National Science Week, Brisbane Boys’ College will be taking our student community on a journey into ‘Our STEAM Powered Future’. A future where technology, AI, and sustainability work together to create a cleaner, greener vision for all. Throughout National Science Week, our students will explore how renewable energy, future AI technologies, and developmental innovations form…