Join us at this free National Science Week event to learn more about our fascinating local fungi and our threatened native grasslands. Attend one or both of these activities: A family friendly guided field walk to discover local fungi and learn how to become a citizen scientist by recording your sightings on Fungimap at 1:00-2:30 pm…
Topic: Environment and Nature
The Young Scientist Research Prizes
To foster and recognise excellence in Victoria’s early career scientists, the Royal Society of Victoria has established four prestigious competitive prizes open to Victorian students in their final year of doctoral candidature, in all areas of the Biomedical & Health Sciences, Biological Sciences (non-human), Earth Sciences and Physical Sciences. Following assessment of applications across the…
Horsley Park Public School Science and Technology Day
We have been running a Science and Technology Day for the past five years during National Science Week. Last year we ran the day virtually as we were all in lockdown. The day is full of hands-on experiments and technology use. To begin the day, the teachers run a 45 minute science show. In the…
Get a Grip On Science
Staff and Science Ambassadors invite all Year 4 and 5 Students on the Fraser Coast to join the St Mary’s College After School Adventures Program Get a Grip on Science. Register for each weekly event by following the links on the website, clicking the registration button and completing the form. Session themes and dates Wednesday…
The Astronomy Paddock Save the Dark EduTour – River Murray International Dark Sky Reserve
Chris writing eta 20th July Escape the light pollution that affects over 80% of humanity! Join a guided tour of the stars using handheld laser technology. Experts from the Adelaide Planetarium and the Astronomical Society of SA will skilfully guide you through the star signs, nebulae, planets and perhaps even the Space Station! Dark Sky…
Project Space Botany
In Project Space Botany, student ‘Futurenauts’ race against the clock to design a biodome for off-planet life on Mars. They will need to master the planetary atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere under the Earth Sciences curriculum connections, as well as botanical knowledge, in order to survive on year on Mars. This 70 minute simulation in…
Sydney Science Trail: Community Saturday at the Australian Museum
The Sydney Science Trail is back this National Science Week. Join us for a family-friendly science festival at the Australian Museum. See spectacular science demonstrations, hear about climate change solutions from Dr Karl, expand your understanding of First Nations tools and technologies and get your giggle on with silly science. Wildlife-loving children can meet furry…
Hycel – Hydrogen Power and Clean Energy
Warrnambool Library is partnering with Hycel Technology Hub to run interactive and informative sessions for upper primary and lower secondary students. Participants will make hydrogen with a tabletop electrolyse and experiment with toy hydrogren cars. This is a hands-on experience that puts science in the hands of our community.
ACT Spring STEM in the Community Workshops
The Australian School of Entrepreneurship with support from the ACT Government and Inspiring Australia (ACT) invites you to a special weekend workshop based on agriculture, glass and innovation. The 7 workshops are open to young people aged 7 to 16 years old and are free to attend. During the workshop participants will learn about innovation…
ACT Spring STEM in the Community Online Workshops
The Australian School of Entrepreneurship with support from the ACT Government and Inspiring Australia (ACT) invites you to a special weekend workshop based on agriculture, glass and innovation. The 7 workshops are open to young people aged 7 to 16 years old and are free to attend. During the workshop participants will learn about innovation…