ANU Undergraduate Research Symposium

A set of fifteen-minute presentation and Q & A sessions by ANU students on research they’ve done as Undergraduates. The presentations will cover a broad spectrum of STEM topics, including intersections between STEM and the humanities. The event will celebrate undergraduate research and showcase the opportunities available for STEM students and aspiring researchers. 

Between Bees and Food

Join our one-hour webinar to learn about bees and their relationship with food production. Get inspired by National Science Week theme Food: Different by Design. Enjoy a presentation on bees and their relationship with food production by Dr Francisco Garcia Bulle Bueno, a native bee specialist. From the fundamentals of what is a bee?, bee…

Larapinta Science Week Bonanza Day

We will be celebrating National Science Week with a host of multi-age activities that will run for an afternoon. Students will be involved in hands-on scientific processes and investigations to spark curiosity and broaden knowledge.

The Shadow Initiation

Race against the clock on an exciting new adventure and see the South Australian Museum like never before! The Shadow Initiation, Australia’s first museum-wide digital adventure game, is an escape room, scavenger hunt, and behind-the-scenes tour all rolled into one. Your team will navigate the Museum on a mission to score as many points as…

Kid’s Kitchen

Springfield Gardens- Kid’s Kitchen  Thursday 19th August and Friday 20th August sees Springfield Gardens Primary School, Kid’s Kitchen come to life! Students will be getting their hands dirty and taste buds tantalised as they explore this year’s Science week theme of ‘Food: different by design’.  They will be learning about different elements of science through the…

Hammond Park SC Science Fair

Community event that brings together the local schools network to showcase National Science Week and the great work of our students.  Guest speakers from local universities, Spud Shed, Bush Tucker Man and more.  Interactive displays from our Academic Extension class project – Our Restaurant Rulz, Science Busking and much more. 

Roaming Investigations

The students and staff at Sacred Heart will be investigating, experimenting and getting down and dirty in STEM. Between recess and lunch, the students will be split into upper and lower primary groups (around 19 students per group). Groups are a mix of students from different classes and grades. The groups will rotate between 5…

Investigating Biodiversity with The Young Naturalist

In this online event we will investigate the meaning of ‘biodiversity’ as we take a close look at the ecosystems and ecological communities of the Sutherland Shire. From remnant rainforests to woodlands, heath and coastal she-oak forests; we will investigate the plants, fungi, insects and wildlife that inhabit these incredibly diverse ecosystems. Participants will discover…

Create Your Own Self-watering Garden Box

Learn how to make a self-irrigating garden box that you can then take home in this hands-on workshop led by expert demonstrators. Great for growing seedlings, herbs, plants and flowers. Materials supplied.

Katherine South Primary School Science Extravaganza

The KSPS Science Extravaganza is an event that brings the Katherine South Primary School community together. The event takes place in the afternoon from 4pm-6pm. The extravaganza focusses on STEAM education with teachers and other community groups such as National Parks and Wildlife, Landcare and health organisations leading various activities. There are wide range of…