Techno-wizardry & Mad Science Night

Techno-wizardry & Mad Science Night is a gathering of like-minded people who want to explore science and technology in their local area. Speakers can be anyone from dedicated professionals to amateurs hoping to find similar interests.

Citizen Science: Wombats, Turtles and More… with WSU

Learn how ordinary citizens can help our scientists discover more about our terrific turtles and wonderful wombats in this video featuring talks with Dr Ricky Spencer & Dr Julie Old from Western Sydney University – presented by City of Parramatta Libraries. Send in your questions by 20 August to be part of the interviews. Email…

Hawkesbury Library Service presents Dr Melinda Waterman as she discusses Bryofight Club: Mosses living in the extreme.

As part of National Science Week Hawkesbury Library Service hosts an online presentation by Dr Melinda Waterman. Bryofight Club: Mosses living in the extreme, examines the organisms living in the harsh environment of Antartica. Dr Melinda Waterman is a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Wollongong. As an early career biotechnologist, she examines the…

Invading The Bay by Fishcare Victoria

Our Invading the Bay program is designed to increase awareness of the invasive species living within Port Phillip Bay and the impact they are having on our native species and the environment. Aligned with the Victorian Curriculum our workbook caters to both Primary and Secondary schools and covers the following topics: Living things Adaptation and…

In Conversation with author, James Bradley

Public Libraries NSW and Blacktown City Libraries present Amy Heap chatting with James Bradley as he talks about his new book ‘Ghost Species. This free online author talk will be presented via Zoom  starting at 6:30pm  and ending at 7:30pm (AEST). This will include a Q &A session at the end. Copies of the book…

Making Scents with Artist Yasmin Smith

Parramatta Artists’ Studios presents this special National Science Week event. Parramatta Creative Fellow and PAS Rydalmere Studio Artist Yasmin Smith takes us on a visual journey through collecting and distilling the Lilly Pilly plant. Yasmin will walk us through how to distil scents ourselves, while connecting these processes with her practice as a local ceramic…

Ornithologist Julie Ryeland chats with artist Tully Arnot

For National Science Week, Parramatta Artists’ Studios will release a special podcast in their Studio Conversations series. This podcast will feature Parramatta Artists’ Studios artist Tully Arnot and Western Sydney Unversity Ecologist, Biologist and Ornithologist Julia Ryeland in a conversation about shared interest in local bird life. Photo shows artist Tully Arnot from Parramatta Artists’…

Rosetta Tomorrow

Until the discovery of the Rosetta stone, many details of Egyptian life were hidden to modern eyes. Even though we had thousands of artifacts with hieroglyphics on them, the language was so lost to history that none of it could be understood. Carved around 196 BCE, this stone gave the world a glimpse of what…

Seal Spotter Citizen Science Challenge – Phillip Island Nature Parks

Introducing Seal Spotter – Return to the Rocks Phillip Island Nature Parks is launching a mini citizen science challenge in line with National Science Week, kicking off Monday 17 August and running for two weeks, ending on Monday 31 August. SealSpotter allows anyone with a computer to help with the management and protection of our…