The Northern Australia Environmental Resources Hub, funded by the Australian Government’s National Environmental Science Program, undertakes research to support sustainable development in northern Australia. This is one of five research videos we will be launching on Facebook and Twitter during Science Week, about the mass mangrove dieback in the Gulf of Carpentaria.
Topic: Environment and Nature
Links between Gulf rivers and fisheries video
The Northern Australia Environmental Resources Hub, funded by the Australian Government’s National Environmental Science Program, undertakes research to support sustainable development in northern Australia. This is one of five research videos we will be launching on Facebook and Twitter during Science Week, about links between river flow and fisheries in the Gulf of Carpentaria.
Feral pigs and marine turtles on Cape York (video)
The Northern Australia Environmental Resources Hub, funded by the Australian Government’s National Environmental Science Program, undertakes research to support sustainable development in northern Australia. This is one of five research videos we will be launching on Facebook and Twitter during Science Week, about feral pigs and marine turtles on Cape York.
Cochlear Aurora Science Photo Contest
Flinders University’s annual Cochlear Aurora Photo Science Contest is providing girls with an opportunity to learn the science behind natural phenomena and enabling reflection on the interface between art and science. The contest was established five years ago with the aim to inspire more girls towards futures in science. The contest offers cash prizes to South…
Walking with Scientists VR
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a field scientist? At ARI, our researchers get up to all kinds of amazing fieldwork all over Victoria, sometimes in remote places and with rare species. Fieldwork is a critical part of how we learn about our environment and the backbone of our science, and we…
Questacon Virtual Excursions
Why risk travel when Questacon can come to your school? We are running live one hour workshops for school students from Kindergarten all the way through to Year 12. Students will, with the assistance of our wonderful facilitators explore the ocean, get to grips with the physics of paper planes or learn about the beginnings…
Innovation at Sea – Reefs
Covering less than 1% of the planets, how important to our survival could reefs actually be? This answer will amaze you. …without our reefs, humanity will not survive. When did we discover that our reefs were in crisis, and what research has taken place to resolve our impact? This episode will focus on the innovations…
Innovation at Sea – Submarines
Who thought a tin can underwater was a good idea? This answer will make you marvel at the strange evolution of innovation. Submarines… This episode will examine the evolution of submarines and how they have changed the course of history. How a machine born in war has the potential to provide us the answers to…
Innovation at Sea – Medicine
A sea sponge can live to HOW OLD?? You can do WHAT with a sea snail?? These answers will amaze you. Medicine… a lot of medical innovation has relied upon discoveries from terrestrial nature (on the land). But what mysterious and incredible medical innovation can be found in the sea? This episode will show how early…
Innovation at Sea – SCUBA
Who ever thought breathing under water was a good idea? And how did the world wars actually help the evolution of SCUBA equipment. These answers will inspire you. SCUBA and underwater exploration have come a long way. From holding our breath to being able to freely breath under water, how has this technology evolved throughout society,…