Camera Trap Chronicles

Ever wondered what Tassie’s wildlife gets up to when no one’s watching? Explore the Tasmanian Land Conservancy’s (TLC) camera trap photo exhibition. Captured by WildTracker citizen scientists and landholders from across the state, these photos reveal the hidden lives of our special wildlife. The exhibition will showcase camera trap photos that tell compelling, beautiful and…

Poetry Zoo

Can you write a poem about ‘Loving Living Things’? The poem could be about your favourite animal, a curious creature, plant, microbe or caring for the environment. The Science Rhymes website will display a collection of your rhyming poems in our Poetry Zoo anthology blog. There’s a free downloadable PDF called ‘Loving Little Things’ to help…

Fantastic Fungi

Through this Science Week project, the Pre-K – Year 6 students at Trinity Prep School will step into the shoes of a mycologists, inquiring into the form, change, and connection of mushrooms.  Mushrooms play a vital role in nature’s balance, through their ability to recycling nutrients, essential for the survival of many species. Through this…

Wild Food – Tasmanian natives on the menu

Wild Food is on the menu! Join us for a day of foraging, cooking and tasting the best wild ingredients Tasmania has to offer. Learn about edible Tasmanian sustainable food at this National Science Week event. Rees Campbell, author of Eat Wild Tasmanian, will lead the event at Kickstart Arts in New Town. Hungry for…


The students at Maria Regina will be reinvigorating our eco-garden to be able to grow health veggies and herbs that can be used by the students in our school canteen. Students will learn about ecosystems, caring for living things and healthy diets. Students from Kinder to Year 6 will participate in gardening events throughout the…

By Gum: Healing Country

 A day field trip to three spectacular Tasmanian East Coast properties. Showcasing positive stories of landscape recovery, saving threatened species, covenants and giving back to Aboriginal custodians. Meet researchers, land managers, scientists and volunteers. Includes practical planting at Wind Song.  Presenters include: Dr Magali Wright Dr Bec Jones Jimmy Collinson Linton Burgess – Aboriginal cultural…

Warrnambool East Primary School Science Fair

Our school holds a Science Fair that is open to the wider school community. All of our students are invited to create a project either individually, as a family or with friends. The students bring these to school on Wednesday the 14 August.  The focus of our fair is not to create “the best” project,…

Chrysalis Investigation

Over Science week, our children, across all five rooms, at Goodstart Tumbi Umbi will be provided with 2 chrysalis. They will be supported by their educators to monitor and notice the changes as the chrysalis transitions through the stages of their lifecycle.

STEM in the North East

The Sustainability Learning Centre are bringing hands on STEM opportunities to you. Community members are invited to join us to engage with citizen science, housing design, energy, waste, loose parts, and many other hands-on learning opportunities. Various stands will be established to captivate learners of all ages. Helping to enable discussion, experimentation, and discovery.  We…