We recently received this wonderful feedback from a teacher about how her Yr 3/4 class had engaged with citizen science and Explore the Seafloor.
What a fabulous project this is! I’ve been putting together an Oceanography science unit for my 3-4 primary class and in the process of researching for it came across this project just a few days ago.
It was just what I was looking for and what a terrific way for our kids to not only learn about marine issues but also to learn about the importance of crowd-sourcing as a way of collecting data.
If only you could have seen (and heard) the excitement as our class approached the 1000 kelp pictures submitted mark – it looked like a “kid-version” of Houston after the Moon-landing!
In addition the kids were fascinated by the other marine features they saw and they learned how to take screen-captures of what they saw and pasted them into a word doc for later reference. One girl spotted two pink-looking dolphins at quite a depth – the sea-floor was in the vicinity of 74m deep. Amazing stuff.
Your project has made science come to life for my class – wouldn’t it be fabulous even if one of the kids in my class was inspired to later become involved in oceanographic work as a scientist or volunteer when they grow up?
Please keep my email address in your data-base for any future citizen science projects!
Congrats again on an amazing project and for that matter an amazing website as well!
Cheers (teacher).