Experiments and activities based on “food, farming and fungi” kept thousands of school students in the DAFF Hermitage Schools Plant Science Competition busy this year.
Students from years prep to twelve performed mouldy bread and yeast-making experiments, played a soils role-play card game, searched their school grounds for lichen species and put all their research and findings into a scientific report.
Over 250 entries were received and a wide range of local and interstate schools took out a huge range of great prizes in the competition. A special Awards Day was held at the Hermitage Research Facility in Warwick on the 13th August 2013 to formally recognise and reward prize winners.
During the Awards Day, students and guests mingled with research scientists, took a tour of the research facility and learnt more about agricultural science and how the topic “food, farming and fungi” is relevant to real world science and our daily lives.