How was your sciencing this week? Still want more?
Well, you’re in luck – because the final weekend of National Science Week 2018 is jam-packed with exciting events to experience, soak up and enjoy!
Whatever style you are after – family outing, workshop, music performance, movie night – National Science Week has you covered. Art, chemistry, beer, history, theatre, gaming and much-much more. You name it – we’ve got it!
Here’s a quick look at some of the events being held around Australia this final weekend, but do check here for more.
Mission to Space – Woden
Join us as we explore basic concepts of space exploration and build our own LEGO® International Space Station! For children aged 7 and over. 3:30-5pm, Friday 17 August
The Art and Chemistry of Egyptian Mummification – Bruce
This public lecture discusses in detail how ancient Egyptians used chemistry to preserve their dead in a unique mummification way. 12-2pm Saturday 18 August
Game Plus Fest – Watson
This special edition of Game Plus Fest is a celebration of game changers, change makers, and game makers through STEM stalls and talks. We’re combining with the AIE Open Day to bring you more! Discover STEM, games, gamification, VR, AR and more – even learn how to make games yourself! 10am-4pm Sunday 19 August
Astronomy in the Park– Centennial Park
Escape city light pollution and join local astrophysicists and astronomers at our annual stargazing event in the heart of Centennial Park. 5-7pm Friday 17 August
SCINEMA International Film Festival – Coffs Harbour
Join us, during National Science Week, for the largest science film festival in the southern hemisphere, the SCINEMA International Science Film Festival presented by Australia’s Science Channel, RiAus. 5-9pm Friday 17 August
Hunter Valley Electric Vehicle Festival – Callaghan
Mini EV Prize Saturday 18 August 2018 at the University of Newcastle Callaghan Campus .The University of Newcastle’s Faculty of Science will be hosting the 2018 Mini EV Prize in conjunction with ‘Science in Practice – Developing our World’ during National Science Week. 8am-4:30pm Saturday 18 August
Citizen Science: Ocean Science and Virtual Microbes – Sydney
Hear about the latest UTS citizen science project from UTS Professors Martina Doblin, Kate Sweetapple, Dr Jacquie Lorber-Kasunic and Nancy Longnecker (University of Otago), and find out how you or your school can get involved. 2-3pm Sunday 19 August
HealthLAB at Nhulunbuy Shops (Woolworths) – Nhulunbuy
HealthLAB will bring modern technology to Nhulunbuy to show the public what’s under their skin and give them an opportunity to take and understand their own health measurements. This includes measurements of smoke exposure, upper and lower muscle strength, fat vs muscle percentage and more. 10am-2pm Friday 17 August
Solar Power Workshop – Casuarina Library
This National Science Week we are exploring renewable energies and technology with a hands on workshop. Learn about solar power and electronics through a fun and interactive project. 3:30-4:30pm Friday 17 August
Marine Science in the NT – Casuarina
Join the NT branch of the Australian Marine Sciences Association to learn about marine science happening around the NT and other parts of Australia. 9am-5pm Saturday 18 August
Fiftysix Creations in Mount Isa – Mount Isa Library
Taj Pabari, 2017 Young Australian of the Year for Queensland and the Fiftysix Creations Family will share their ideas and solutions for future-proofing the next generation of creative young people. 6-7:30pm Friday 17 August
Electric Car Rally – North Ipswich
Showcasing electric vehicles from past and present with over 10 exhibitors, expert talks and workshops. See what the future holds in electric vehicle technology. 10am-2pm Saturday 18 August
Virtual Reality Reefs – Winton
Many million years ago the QLD outback was covered by ocean and many marine fossils have been found. At present, Australia’s Jewel the Great Barrier Reef is under pressure. Visit our interactive display with quizzes, Virtual Reality headsets and real corals and learn more about how you can help! 10am-12pm Sunday 19 August
Marine Science in the Brewery – Beers and Oyster Reefs – Minlaton
Marine Science in the Brewery – Beers and Oyster Reefs is 4.30pm, Friday 17 August at the Watsacowie Brewing Company, Minlaton. Enjoy an oyster tasting whilst learning about the Windara Reef, oyster aquaculture and cultural sea country. Free for all ages. Numbers capped. 4:30-6:30pm Friday 17 August
Science in Action: From how to bounce raw eggs to extracting human DNA – Adelaide
The hands-on presentations will demonstrate how science is used in forensic cases to solve crimes. 10:30-11:15am Saturday 18 August
Brain Food – Adelaide
Join us for “Brain Food,” a National Science Week event held at the University of Adelaide, to learn more about how the human brain works and the neuroscience research going on in Adelaide, while enjoying a bit to eat from some delicious local food trucks. 3:30-5:30pm Sunday 19 August
Interactive Citizen Science Workshops: deciphering the warnings of our sentinel seabirds – Newnham
Globally, seabirds are among the fastest declining bird groups, with many impacted by plastics. Our local seabirds act as sentinels for the extent of plastic pollution. Join IMAS scientists for an interactive workshop on this topic as we explore the ingestion of plastics in Tasmanian Silver Gulls. 9am-5pm Friday 17 August
Festival of Bright Ideas – Hobart
The 2018 Festival of Bright Ideas is exploding with science for all your senses. See, hear and feel what’s happening in science in Tasmania through innovation, research and technology – plus you’ll discover science alive in some of the most unexpected places! 10am-5pm Saturday 18 August
The Climate Science Show – Penguin
Anton Kole will demonstrate five amazingly simple, yet spectacular and at times breath-taking, live experiments that will show before people’s very own eyes, how greenhouse gases are changing our climate. If anyone has ever wondered how our climate is changing, then this is a show not to be missed. 2-3pm Sunday 19 August
Textual Data Sonification and Algorithmic Composition Competition Performance – Melbourne
The Textual Data Sonification and Algorithmic Composition Competition challenges participants to write computer programs that take any text as input, and generate sheet music that can be performed by an a cappella vocal quartet (soprano, alto, tenor, bass). 6-9:30pm Friday 17 August
Public Outreach Astronomy: Nangiloc-Colignan – Nangiloc
Experience the wonders of heavens above with our mobile astronomical observatory, Southern Cross Outreach Observatory Project (SCOOP) at Nangiloc-Colignan District Primary School in Nangiloc. 1:30-9:30pm Sunday 19 August
The Giants of Palaeontology – Carlton
Dr Erich Fitzgerald and Dr Tom Rich, Senior Curators of Vertebrate Palaeontology at Museums Victoria, will talk about the biggest animals that ever lived, and the biggest list of volunteers on a dinosaur dig! 2-3pm Sunday 19 August
Bushland Wonders – Bedfordale
Celebrate the science of your local bushland at a school expo on Friday and community expo on Saturday. 10am-3pm, Friday 17 and Saturday 18 August
Antarctica VR Sneak Peak – Claremont
Get a sneak peak of this VR experience where you’ll spend a day in the life of an Antarctic explorer. See the work that goes into understanding climate change, managing eco-systems and conserving wildlife. 10am-4pm Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 August
Point Moore Lighthouse Open Day – Geraldton
Celebrate International Lighthouse Lightship weekend with a visit inside the iconic Pt Moore Lighthouse and interactive presentations and displays on coast safety, conservation and more. 10:30am-1:30pm Sunday 19 August