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Bring more chaos into your life with a Storm in a Jar. It’s a mesmerising maelstrom of fun! What you'll need A clear round jar with a watertight lid Pearlescent liquid soap or shampoo. The ...
Watch the rise and fall of hot and cold fluids. What you need Somewhere it’s OK to spill coloured water, like the bathtub or outside 4 identical small, wide-mouthed bottles. Something like baby ...
Create lightning art through the powers of gravity and surface tension. What you need Watercolour paper (you can get this at an art supply store) Food colouring A clipboard A spray bottle with ...
Build your own electromagnet! What you need Thin enamelled copper wire (around 30 cm) A steel nail Sandpaper A battery (D-sized works best) Some paper clips Sticky tape Pliers ...
See how far you can launch a marshmallow using your breath and carboard tubes. What you need One manilla file folder (or other stiff paper or lightweight cardboard) Scissors Masking tape or ...
Can you make bubbles float on an invisible cushion? This beautiful investigation illustrates the principles of buoyancy and semi-permeability. What you need A large, clear container such as a ...
Create your own mini environment and grow some plants. Find out what plants need to survive. What you'll need 2 clear plastic cups (more if you want to make a few) Sticky tape Cottonwool Alfalfa ...
Create sounds that only you can hear with some simple household objects. What you need Unpainted metal clothes hanger String Scissors A wooden spoon or pen Optional: Once you have tried the ...
Did you know that acidic oceans can harm sea creatures like crabs and clams? Using things you can find at home, explore what happens to creatures in the sea as our oceans become more acidic due ...
Google for Education has collaborated with ASTA to adapt and digitise their amazing classroom resources! This year's schools theme is Species Survival - More than just sustainability 🐨. It aims ...