Keep up to date on all the latest Science Week info
If you like your science coated in chocolate and imbued with wine, or if you're interested in how antioxidants can lead to better health, then 'Radical Wine & Chocolate', the National Science ...
Congratulations to the following successful National Science Week seed grant recipients in Tasmania, as well as thanks to everyone else who applied - 2013 is shaping up to be yet another great ...
Enviroweek is a week of action when Australian students take on a green challenge to create good habits for a healthy planet. Enviroweek runs from 25 - 31 August 2013 and students all around the ...
Nominations are now open for the 2013 Best of the WEST Awards. The awards are coordinated by the Go Women in Engineering Science and Technology (Go WEST) team at the University of Southern ...
Many aspects of science and medicine are not only impossible to observe, but also difficult to imagine when described with words alone. Visualisation is a powerful tool for presenting ideas about ...
Rosewood State High School, Bundamba State Secondary College, The School of Total Education and Kenmore State High School are among 22 Queensland schools which have received National Science Week ...
Hot off the press, the National Science Week program of Tassie events is being distributed to 250 venues around the state as we blog. Cafes, bookshops, libraries and museums all have programs so ...
Congratulations to the following successful National Science Week seed grant recipients in Tasmania, as well as thanks to everyone else who applied - 2013 is shaping up to be yet another ...
While National Science Week celebrates the potential of science, Life Sciences Queensland Limited are preparing to host The Australasian Bioenergy and Bioproducts Symposium (TABBS) to promote and ...
Science teachers at Lismore High School have been connecting with teachers from other schools in the region to ensure that as many students as possible attend its popular Sustainability Festival ...