LAUNCH TO THE FUTURE! A STEM Story is an exciting, fact filled, science sketch comedy presentation that focuses on how space programs and lunar science propel us into the future using STEM!
Celebrating National Science Week and the theme: Destination Moon: more missions, more science, Launch To The Future combines high energy improvisational comedy to entertain, inspire and educate audiences through a fun and interactive live experience. Professional actor/educators use audience suggestions to create uniquely hilarious scenes that educate us on the moon and space science, inspiring audiences with the astonishing discoveries, innovations and solutions of space science and how these impact our daily lives as well as drive our future.
- How space science helps to solve the unsolvable. (SCIENCE)
- Innovation drives technology. (TECHNOLOGY)
- Space engineering helps design new solutions. (ENGINEERING)
- How maths helps to drive the future. (MATHS)
The sketches include a worker teaching a boss about the moon, a kooky inventor linking technology to creativity and innovation, a game that teaches about space engineering, and a demonstration of how maths helps to explain our universe. This Inspiring Australia initiative is supported by the Australian Government as part of National Science Week.