What a week it’s been! Seven days so far and hundreds of events, it’s been a sensational week of webinars, shows, workshops, DIY science, films and many more. But don’t fear, it’s not over yet. This weekend there’s everything from the science of dancing to trivia to fierce debates on fossils.
Check out just a selection of events below or a full list here. Make sure to tag us @Aus_ScienceWeek on Twitter or @NationalScienceWeek on FB, and use #scienceweek to let us know what you’re attending.
Friday 21 August
Let’s Play Videogames for Science | 11:00 am – 6:00 pm
#BatteryLow is a unique outreach event bringing scientists and videogames straight to you wherever you are. Join #BatteryLow for a livestream broadcast where they bring different scientists, sit them on a couch, and play videogames with them. The goal of the show is to have some fun conversations about the weird, awesome, interesting, and enlightening scientific research that is happening today while playing some fun videogames together. As a viewer, you’ll also be able to be part of the whole conversation as they’ll be streaming this live and interacting with all your comments – you’re part of the show.
Discovering the Frogs of Whittlesea in Nearby Nature | 2:00 – 3:00 pm
There are around eight different species of frogs found in the City of Whittlesea, including Eastern Froglets, Marsh Frogs and Banjo Frogs. Learn to recognise their frog calls using the Melbourne Water frog census app. You’ll be shown where you can go in the City of Whittlesea to listen for frogs and help to collect important data to help protect and manage frog habitat.
SciFest Live From the Paddock: What the worm is wrong with these sheep | 4:00 – 4:30 pm
Dr Sarah Preston has been called out to a property, where the farmer is having problems with his sheep. Join her as she shows you how simple and easy it is to check for parasitic worms by doing an experiment on the bonnet of her ute. This is a guided workshop and Dr Sarah will explain how to work your way through awesome online learning tools and a game to find out what’s wrong with the sheep.
Free online Q&A: Allergies, Asthma, Autoimmune Diseases and COVID-19: Your questions answered. | 4:00 – 5:00 pm
This is a free online Q&A session, perfectly tailored to the general public who simply want accurate answers to their immunology questions. It can be when there are so many mixed messages out there. So head along to a Fireside Chat; a free Q&A session where you get your questions answered, based on science, and delivered in plain, non-technical language.
Beyond Instagram – Engaging citizens in science | 5:00 – 6:00 pm
In this online event, you will explore how some citizen scientists in Australia are making a revolution in the way we monitor mosquitoes, to prevent mosquito-borne diseases. Further, you will explore the promise of using citizen science to engage the community and improve knowledge of biodiversity while improving public health outcomes through the University of South Australia’s upcoming “Activating Citizen Science’.
PLANT X – Presents Elizabeth Frost – Discussing Bee Biosecurity | 5:30 – 6:30 pm
This workshop explores how plant health effects bees. Elizabeth Frost will give a presentation about the management of the National Honey Bee Genetic Improvement Program in collaboration with researchers and farmers in the beekeeping and horticulture industries.
Saturday 22 August
STEAMzone Science Festival in 3D | 9:30 am – 8:30 pm
The STEAMzone Virtual Science Festival will be conducted on the Open Campus of the VirBel 3D Virtual World. They have lined up an awesome list of scientists and expert enthusiasts to inspire you with their knowledge of science, technology, engineering, Sci-Arts and maths. See the Rainbow Beach turtles hatching, meet the Mary River Cod, find out about the frogs of the Gympie region, see how drones are helping save the Mary River, meet cuddly koalas and more.
Beginners Guide to Birdwatching – Part 1: Online| 10:00 – 11:00 am
Birdwatching is a great activity that everyone can enjoy. Many people are navigating their way through the maze that is birdwatching optics and scratching their heads about learning to ID birds, particularly how to differentiate some of the trickier species. The Inala beginners guide to birdwatching answers all these questions and more. Join in online for a free introduction and live question/answer session.
Gold Coast Libraries – Marine Biologist Field Day | 10:30 – 11:30 am
Have you ever thought about being a marine biologist when you grow up? What are some of the things that you would do as part of this job? Join Gold Coast Libraries in this interactive workshop when they dive underwater and talk about some of the creatures we will find and be introduced to some amazing habitats below the surface.
Immersive Science IV: Science Champion | 11:30am – 12:30 pm
An event for the whole family, discover the universe from home, exploring the origins of mysterious and energetic phenomena, tracking events as they occur with Alan Duffy and Rebecca Allen and a live Q&A. Download the free app and get full details on how to participate in this cosmic event as www.scivr.com.au.
SwingMania presents The Physics of Dance | 1:00 – 3:00 pm
Have you ever wondered how dancers can spin endlessly, move across the floor so lightly and they can leave the dancefloor barely puffed? It’s not all talent – it’s physics. You’ll play with a variety of moves and ideas, so find a bit of floor space, a dance partner if you can, and join SwingMania on Zoom as you get your dance & science on.
Science Behind the Scenes Online: Helping to Keep Our Harbour Clean | 2:00 – 3:15 pm
Join in online with marine biologist Will Jones as he explores the hidden creeks, drains and waterways from Bondi to Rose Bay. You’ll learn how scientists measure water pollution and whether pollution is linked to birds, dogs or humans. This Science Week webinar is suited for families with kids from around 8-12, but everyone is welcome to join.
twistED Science – Bubblemania Workshop | 2:00 – 2:45 pm
Have you ever wondered why bubbles are round? Why bubbles pop? And how soap and water can hold air inside them? Turns out there is a science as well as an art to bubble making. Learn how to create bubbles galore in this interactive live-streamed workshop while you explore concepts such as elasticity, surface tension, chemistry and light. twistED Science specialises in making science hands-on and fun.
Rocketry 101 | 2:00 – 3:00 pm
The ANU Rocketry will talk about the basic components that allow rockets to fly, and will discuss some of the fundamental scientific concepts, such as propulsion, aerodynamics and thrust. It will end with a Q&A and a Kahoot about rockets and space.
Healing Nature: A panel exploring the role nature plays in human consciousness, and its importance to health, wellbeing, and spirituality | 2:00 – 3:00 pm
An online panel discussion, in conjunction with the latest exhibition at Bayside Gallery, Greenworld. Artists, scientists and experts in the field explore the relationship between an individual and their surroundings and the role nature plays in human consciousness, and its importance to health, wellbeing, and spirituality.
YSA Trivia Night | 7:00 – 9:00 pm
This fun-filled night will include a range of topics such as Hot and Shaky (earth science), Kitchen Chemistry, Reach for the Starts (astronomy), The Digital Revolution (computer science), Things that Go (physics), The Variety of Life (biology) and Environmental Resources (environmental science). All you need to do to get in on the fun is sign up and you will be sent an email on the day with all the links you need.
Gold Coast Libraries – Explore Marine Science with Sea World | 10:30 – 11:00 am
Join the Sea World Marine Education team to explore how the ocean positively impacts our lives, the ways we impact the ocean and what we can all do to help the marine animals that live there. No bookings required. To access the event, head to their Facebook page at the scheduled event time of 10.30 am.
Robots in the Making | 12:30 – 2:30 pm ACST
The Student Robotics Club of South Australia (the RoboRoos) will livestream their students in action as they workshop the new challenges, scheme and plot strategies and tactics, prototype robots, program them and tackle the new course. The event is designed to provide an active insight into an actual competition preparation, which is mentored by industry professionals and run by the students.
Love Outdoors: Endless possibilities in COVID lockdown | 2:00 – 3:00 pm
Feeling stuck in lockdown, join an online session to celebrate National Science Week and explore ways you can make a 10 minute walk as interesting as discovering an absolute nature secret. It’s being done through citizen science. Play an eco-acoustical game, learn the names of local/native species of flora and fauna, undertake a quick 5 minute backyard challenge and take a STEMtastic quiz.
The Great South Australian Fossil Debate | 4:00 – 5:00 pm
The Great South Australian Fossil Debate will be an on-line event, broadcast live on 23August at 4pm through Dinosaur University, in which four of South Australia’s leading palaeontologists will argue in favour of a particular position. Each palaeontologist will be given seven minutes to make their points, which will then be followed by a panel discussion amongst all four, moderated by world-renowned palaeontologist, and Dinosaur University Dean of Science, Professor Flint.
Possible Impossibles Online Forum | 4:00 – 5:00 pm
How can science offer us a path of hope for our post COVID lives and world? What tools can Science give us to help society recover, rebuild, and thrive in the future? The Victorian Parliament will partner with the Royal Society of Victoria to host a live online community forum exploring how science can help create the sort of future Victorians want.