Do you have an idea that will increase the awareness and understanding of the role of science, technology, and innovation in everyday life and our future?
These grants provide funding to assist individuals and organisations to run inspiring events and produce STEM-based content in the Northern Territory during National Science Week.
A maximum of two grants per applicant are allowed. Two types of grant are available:
Remote Science Week Community Grants (minimum of $250 and maximum of $3,000 per application). For events in towns and communities outside of major centres.
Major Centres Science Week Community Grants (minimum of $250 and maximum of $2,000 per application). “Major centres” are those cities and towns with a population of more than 10,000 people.
Schools are welcome to apply, as long as their project has a community component.
Update: Applications now close COB Friday 14 April.
Events must happen during National Science Week, from 12-20 August.
If you have any questions, please email the Inspired NT Manager, Carla Eisemberg.
Download the 2023 application form to apply.