I never realised that working for National Science Week was going to provide me with friends, colleagues and contacts all around the world. My next trip to the USA is going to involve no accommodation costs whatsoever as I flit from one National Science Week guest speaker to another.
In 2011 I met Jeff Potter – creator of the world’s largest donut and also, I kid you not, the world’s best steak chef I’ve ever met (apologies to all the restaurants in Aust I’ve ever ordered steak in – Jeff’s sous vide steak is to die for!) Jeff and I will meet again in NYC for steak, steak and more steak (or whatever else he wants to cook, I won’t be fussy, I swear!)
2012 introduced me to Kevin Liu, master of the science of cocktails (now published author!) and just a visit away in Massachusetts, USA. Most of the time I was with Kevin I was driving a work car that required a BAC of 0.00. Can’t wait to catch up with in him the USA where I won’t need to worry about driving and can taste his science-inspired cocktails!
In 2013 I get to go to Washington…and so do you! Meet our 2013 International guests arriving to celebrate National Science Week in Australia. Dr Valerie Neal and Dr Tom D Crouch from the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington DC.
Try not to drool as you consider the incredible pieces of technology that currently reside in the Smithsonian – these include items that have been on a planet other than Earth – that’s right, I’m talking about stuff that has landed on the Moon! (I realise that is entirely too many exclamation points but seriously – the MOON.)
Anyway, I haven’t met our 2013 guests but based on previous experience I’m looking forward to meeting them, showing them the sights of Melbourne, and most importantly: making friends and hopefully securing another couch to crash on in Washington DC, USA!
BTW – In Melbourne you can participate in a virtual tour of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum and chat to our international guests – get their views on who will reach Mars first, enjoy a first-hand look at space flight in the 21st century and ask them what 3D printers (aka Star Trek replicators) mean for inter-galactic travel.
The world’s most famous aircraft and spacecraft will be on show via video link with senior curators Tom D. Crouch and Valerie Neal in Melbourne to conduct the tour and answer questions.
10 – 11.30am Wednesday 21 August
RMIT University, Storey Hall
Swanston Street, Melbourne
Free entry, but registration is required.
This event is part of a National Science Week international guest tour.