The Queensland National Science Week Co-ordinating Committee will award four grants of up to $1000 for organisations or individuals to hold events during National Science Week that feature a scientific speaker or speakers.
The event must be held during National Science Week (August 16-24).
School-based activities are ineligible unless they can demonstrate significant community partnerships and audiences.
Events aimed at the wider community, rather than a single organisation, will be preferred.
At least two grants will be awarded for regional Queensland speaker events.
When preparing your budget, please note that National Science Week funds cannot be used to pay for the time of in-house staff. Consideration will be given to sole contractors. You may charge people to attend your event.
Grant recipients will be required to:
- Register their event on the National Science Week website;
- Acknowledge funding support by ensuring the National Science Week logo appears on event material;
- Display National Science Week signage provided by the Queensland committee at your event;
- Complete budget acquittal forms;
- Complete the online evaluation process established by National Science Week using information collected from feedback forms at the event. Original forms to be submitted with your report;
- Provide digital images and/or video of your activity to help National Science Week showcase successful grant-supported events.
How to apply
Download and complete the application form and return it via email by COB Friday 11 April, 2014.
Successful applicants will be notified of the results by 30 April, 2014.
Payment of grants will be made upon receipt of a valid tax invoice. Ten per cent (10%) of the payment will be withheld until the event organiser has completed post-event reporting and evaluation. The Queensland committee will provide resources to assist in promoting your event.