Thank you to each and every one of the 460 Australian schools who applied for National Science Week school grants. It is fantastic to have such a huge interest in running activities in schools during National Science Week.
Unfortunately, the National Science Week in schools team were unable to award all applications, nor could they award all successful applicants the amount requested.
Congratulations to the 291 schools listed below that have been successful in receiving grants of up to $500 or less to help them conduct a range and variety of science activities during National Science Week August 10-18 this year.
Thanks to the Australian Science Teachers Association for coordinating the annual school grant round.
Australian Capital Territory
Belconnen High School
Science Fair – expanding to include both Years 7 and 8 with an option for senior students to also participate. The Science Fair Showcase will be open to parents/carers and the community. Feeder primary schools will be invited to see the showcase.
Black Mountain School
Black Mountain School Space Vacation – A Science/STEM challenge day for students from BMS (range of physical and intellectual disabilities) with students from Radford College supporting participation.
Campbell High School
Primary girls in STEM day – for girls in the Northside schools cluster. This will be a leadership opportunity for Campbell High’s female students studying STEM as they will design and lead activities for younger girls to try.
Canberra Grammar School
CGS will run a ‘maker space’ type inquiry session every lunchtime during Science Week to allow curious students the opportunity to experience hands on activities in a structured and collaborative environment.
Centre for Innovation and Learning
To Moon and Beyond Student Enrichment Day – All primary schools are being invited to nominate four students (two male, two female) in Year 5 to attend a full day of STEM enrichment that will focus and commemorate 50 years since the Moon landing.
French-Australian Preschool
“Fête de la science” – A science market run by teachers and parents to foster interest for science among FAPs 3 to 5 year-old students.
Harrison School
Inter-house STEM Challenge Incursion, Guest Speaker – Dr Brad Tucker of ANU MSO/NASA, STEM Fair, STEM Assembly House challenge and daily STEM homegroup prizes.
Koala Playschool
To the Moon and Back! – A week of space-themed activities for our playschool children, aged 3-5 years. The week will be characterised by stories, activities and songs centred on our Moon, featuring lots of movement and fun.
Lake Ginninderra (Academy)
Celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Moon landing – During the two days there will be keynote speakers, and five rotating workshops that will develop student skills and understandings related to the 50th anniversary of the Moon landing.
Orana Steiner School
Rocket Fiesta – Years 5 to 10 will be constructing rockets in successive lessons over the course of Science Week, culminating in a rocket competition and Science Fair on the Friday.
Pinocchio Early Learning Centre
Over the week PELC will conduct four hands-on activities for preschool students on the theme ‘Destination Moon.’ Activities will include Make your own moon; Observe the Moon; Build a rocket; and What is gravity?
Radford College
The theme of the week’s activity will be space travel. Activities will include simulating the solar system and creating a crew cabin. Students from all ages will participate with older students mentoring.
Southern Cross Early Childhood School
Research, develop, design and construct bird boxes for the school environment.
St John Paul II Catholic College
Over five lunchtimes, students will plan a trip to the Moon. They will be learn about the challenges presented by living on a different planet, specifically the environment of the moon, and will design and construct small-scale solutions to these problems.
St Joseph’s Primary School, O’Connor
St Joseph’s Space Explorers Science Fair – Over each lunchtime students will be involved in the science fair. They will display and explain their space models, listen to a presentation from an aviation engineer and do hands-on experiments and scientific activities.
St Monica’s Primary School, Evatt
An interactive Moon exhibition will be set up in the school hall for all students from Kindergarten to Year 6 to visit throughout the day. Students will engage in hands-on science experiments, experiences and activities that will ignite their curiosity and passion for Science.
Sts Peter and Paul Primary School
The Sts Peter and Paul Science Expo – Students from across the school will be involved in a wide variety of hands-on, fun and educational science activities. Parents will be invited to join in the activities.
New South Wales
Airds High School
Community of schools science spectacular – Workshops and presentations of science fair projects from across Airds High School and three local feeder primary schools, Bradbury, Briar Road and John Warby. The day will consist of a series of workshops that groups of students will rotate through and participate in a range of hands-on activities.
Ashfield Boys High School
Year 10 students will create water-powered rockets in conjunction with Science and Engineering teachers.
Barham High School
Marvellous Moon Mission Open Night – Local community members will be invited to come along and marvel at the Moon, learn about the moon phases, check out a giant paper maché moon made by our students, join a telescope information session and engage in some gravity activities.
Bates Drive School
‘Moon Discovery Day’ – This special school event will provide opportunities for Bates Drive SSP students to use their senses to explore and make discoveries about the Moon. Students and teachers will be encouraged to dress up in moon or space themed outfits for the day.
Bishop Druitt College
Astronomy/Space night packed with hands-on activities, a couple of selected space exploration presentations created by students and teachers, and telescopes set up outside to observe some our closest celestial neighbours. Hands-on activities will be set up around the centre and ovals, with students and teachers leading guests and students.
Bligh Park Public School
To the Moon and Beyond – day of STEM activities involving students from Kindergarten to Year 6, inviting the school community to also participate. The day will involve a variety of activities such as: building a rocket with recyclable materials, a paper airplane activity, egg drop landing, space-man launch, designing and making a moon buggy and rockets.
Broadwater Public School
Star Gazing Science Fair – For one whole school day students will be involved in a rotation of engaging, hands-on science experiments at stations set up for students to explore the Earth and Space Science curriculum.
Carinya Christian School, Gunnadah
Lunar Module at Carinya! We will run a whole-school, whole-day STEM event around the Science Week theme: Destination Moon: More missions, more science. We will also build a mock lunar module close to actual size, and position it in the playground for the day.
Carlton South Public School
‘Meteowrite’ – Students will arrive at school in the morning to discover a meteorite has landed in the school playground. The day’s activities will focus on investigations, measurements, weather patterns etc that may have impacted on this unusual event.
Casula High School
Space – Year 7 and 8 students will take part in activities investigating footprints on the Moon, Moon shelters, space careers and spacecraft.
Cedars Christian College
Cedars Science Fair – focus on inspiration and innovation, showcasing individual research projects covering all scientific disciplines while encouraging the development of communication skills.
Concord High School
Concord Super Week of Science – Year 7s will work with Engineering Without Borders on creating working windmills to learn about renewable energy; Year 8, 9 and 10s working with experts from the school parent community to design and make water-powered rockets.
Corpus Christi Primary School, Waratah
Whole school STEM activities linked to historical inventions from different countries from around the world. Infant students would participate in mixed groups with STEM activities linked to aeroplanes (USA), shoes (Armenia), bridges (Romans). Primary students will participate in mixed groups with STEM activities linked to roller coasters (Russia), catapults (Greece), water towers (UK) and cars (Germany).
Corpus Christi Primary School, St. Ives
STEM Expo – The Expo will involve all students across all year groups using equipment such as Drones, Edison robotics, Spheros, Bluebots and coding programs such as Scratch. Students will work together with our parent community, some of which have acted as mentors for our STEM program.
EA Southee Public School
Out of this world science day will be a jam-packed school day hosted by EA Southee Public School. Small schools from the area will be invited to attend and join in our day and the Cootamundra High School senior science students will work closely with Year 5 and 6 students to host the event.
Emanuel School
K-6 Space Festival –Students will be involved in whole day of activities that include a range of experiments set up at the local park and within the school including evening astronomy. Activities will include building and launching rockets, building a planetarium, and learning about the history of the space race through an immersive escape room experience.
Empire Vale Public School
Destination Empire Vale Public School: More STEAM, More Science – Our small school of 25 students will run a STEAM Spectacular day and invite the other schools in our Southern Cross Small Schools collegiate to attend. The day will involve students running hands on STEAM activities with a focus on space.
Engadine High School
Students will use toys to examine the principles of science in a fun way including building a Rube Goldberg machine or using engineering to keep a toy car moving for as long as possible.
Eschol Park Public School
Taking inspiration from the National Science Week Resource Book and we will do Activity 3: Can you create a moonscape and program a Sphero robot to navigate it safely?
Gol Gol Public School
Science Fair – Running for an entire day, the science fair will involve a rotation of engaging, hands-on science experiments at stations set up in the school hall.
Horsley Park Public School
Science and Technology Day – The day is full of hands on experiments and technology use and will include a science show by the teachers and nine rotational activities.
Kemps Creek Public School
An adventure to the moon and back! Students will use robotics and coding (at stage appropriate levels) to navigate and code the surface of the Moon whilst learning important information about the Moon and space.
Kids Academy, Penrith
A whole week of science activities culminating in a science expo to show parents what the students learnt during the week. Activities will include exploring air pressure, the environment, volcanoes and stars and galaxies.
KU Cheltenham Memorial Preschool
What is Science All About? Partnering with our neighbour Cheltenham Girls High School, we will be conducting two Science Activity Afternoons at preschool where one of our large classrooms will be set up as a Science Discovery Centre.
La Salle Academy, Lithgow
Leading up to a community astronomy night run by the school, students will be making their own telescopes that can be used on the night.
Lowesdale Public School
Super sphero solutions! Students will engage in problem solving activities that enable them to become familiar with sphero and develop curiosity about the use of different ICT in STEAM.
Maria Regina Catholic Primary School, Avalon
ROBOTS EXPLORE MARS! Coding robots to traverse a mat representing the surface of Mars with craters and other obstacles. Parents will be invited to view the three best solutions at assembly on Friday morning during Science Week.
Mulwaree High School
STEM Mentoring/careers program – Stage 4 students will be asked to solve problems associated with increasing the use and practicality of renewable energies. Using STELR resources, these students will research and ideate solutions, then make and evaluate projects.
Mungindi Central School
‘Marvellous Moon Micro:bit Microprocessor Mania! – Students in our school cluster (4 small schools) will use BBC Micro:bits to code and create a ‘Microprocessor Marvel’ to be showcased in a STEAM fair (via video conference) during National Science Week.
Narara Public School
STEM day – All activities will be linked to the theme ‘Once upon a time…’. Students use mini microscopes, measure, classify, map and use Spheros.
Narara Valley High School
Sensational Teaching Engaging Minors – STEM Day – STEM based activities running in different parts of in the school’s hall. Students will design and build parachutes that can land on Mars and build rockets.
Narellan Public School
Farmer for a Day – Agriculture day where students can interact with the school chickens, fibres from animals, agricultural items and the school vegetable garden to develop sustainable solutions through STEM based activities. Students will be involved in a range of activities that will be rotated throughout the day.
Narrandera East Infants School
Sharing our STEM Journey – As part of Science Week we will invite two small schools from our local area (Boree Creek and Matong) to participate in a full day of activities. The STEM shed, which is fully resourced with donated and recyclable items, will be utilised as a creation station. Challenges will be incorporated into the activities focusing on teamwork, collaboration and problem solving.
Orange Grove Public School Preschool
Ozbots to the Moon – Our preschoolers along with students from our primary school will engage in hands on activities including navigating Ozobots through an obstacle course of asteroids and satellites to reach the Moon, designing and creating representations of what’s in space and launching rockets in the playground.
Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Primary School, North Strathfield
Official launch of our Tinkering and Thinking Space (MakerSpace) to the school community. Proposed activities include squishy circuits (focusing on electricity), garden design (focused on identifying plants needed in our garden), construction and coding/robotics.
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College, Kensington
Full school participation in Science Week – Activities include some taken from the Destination Moon: more missions, more science’ resource, launch of STEM Club via a rocket competition and themed trivia competition.
Our Lady Star of the Sea, Terrigal
A Science Fun Day for a whole school day and will involve K-6 investigating the properties of different materials including materials used to design and make bridges.
Penrith South Public School
Spectacular Science Fair – After an official welcome to our visitors and guests (which will even include our choir singing well known moon and star songs!), the students will rotate through a variety of exciting and engrossing hands-on activities. Science displays will be set up in the school hall and students will demonstrate and explain their work.
Richard Johnson Anglican School
Blast off for the Moon. 5,4,3,2,1 Blast off!!! – An exciting day of science fun and learning. Our local rocket expert will help our students build rockets and get ready for what could be an explosive end to the day with a launch of real rockets at our local park.
Richmond Christian College
Richmond Christian College STEM EXPO – Students in Pre-Kindy to Year 6 will be invited to participate in an inaugural Primary STEM Expo which will showcase the various STEM projects students have been engaged in throughout Semester One. Parents and community members will be invited to participate.
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, Mona Vale
Creating a school garden that promotes health and wellbeing for our school and community.
Sacred Heart School, Cabramatta
‘Small steps, giant leaps’ Week – Students will participate in engaging activities that link to the theme ‘Destination Moon: more missions, more science’ and will solve problems through coding or design and production. During the week there will also be science trivia, parent workshops focusing on the new Science & Technology curriculum and a periodic table game show.
Seaham Preschool
How different species grow within our world – Through exploration of X-rays, skeletal structures and internal processes we will explore and investigate how different species grow, eat, process food and survive.
Shine Bright Early Learning Centre
Shine Bright Little Science Explorers Program – Using a play-based pedagogy, children will be given the opportunity to investigate, manipulate and experiment with a wide range of resources and materials that develop the concepts, skills and dispositions that are important for STEM.
St Catherine’s Catholic College, Singleton
Festival of Science – Whole school program. K-2 will be involved in exciting hands on experiments and activities organised by Year 7 students, Years 3-4 will design and building of a model of a moon lander and Years 5-6 will create a model of the solar system by coding Sphero robots.
St Charbel’s College, Punchbowl
Fly me to the Moon! – Year 10 enrichment class will be showcasing the wonderful world of science with interactive displays related to the theme of Science Week – ‘Destination Moon’.
St Gabriel’s School, Castle Hill
Students will design build an make an obstacle course to move sphero balls and robots through. They will set up three courses and work in teams to predict which will be the fasted course.
St John Fisher, Tumbi Umbi
Paddock to Plate Robotics Challenge – Students in Stage 1 will explore the processes of getting food from its primary source to our plate. They will design an object using Robotics and Lego to successfully transport produce along a track to deliver the goods.
St John the Apostle Catholic Primary School, Narraweena
ROVING AROUND THE SOLAR SYSTEM! – Our Stage 3 students will be investigating Earth’s place in the Solar System and using creative thinking, problem solving, research and coding skills to find out just how we may use robots to get us ready for our future life amongst the stars! Students will research the surfaces of different planets and planetary bodies to create a model of the surface and then program the Sphero robots to traverse the terrain.
St John the Baptist Catholic Primary School, Freshwater
Students will explore biodiversity, with a specific focus on the impact of insects – in particular bees, and their role in supporting biodiversity and species survival. This process will involve students identifying a real word issue then investigating and designing ways to solve this issue.
St John’s Primary School, Mullumbimby
Showcase of innovative science week projects in an open day for the local school community. Each stage will link quality literature with a STEM activity which includes LEGO Mindstorms, Makey-Makeys, Beebots, Scratch coding linked to the National Science Week theme.
St Joseph’s Primary School, Murwillumbah
To the Moon and Back with Joeys – A ‘Destination Moon’ themed open house where students will demonstrate, teach and involve invited guests in STEM activities based around moon/space explorations and missions. Students will have the opportunity to share their designs and creations (mats, models, interactive posters and games), their thinking and their expertise.
St Joseph’s Primary School, Wee Waa
Exploring our Spectacular Space STEM activity – This will involve students from K-6 exploring space through the use of a ‘Makey Makey’.
St Joseph’s School, Gilgandra
Pegboard engineering –The peg board would be used to investigate gears, engineer marble runs, investigate pulleys, create colourful designs, store materials associated with the pegboard and other uses that students think of.
St Kevin’s Primary School, Dee Why
STEM Fair: Maker Space Launch – K-6 STEM Problem Solving Challenge. During Science Week we will host a STEM Fair to showcase our Term 2/3 STEM projects.
St Luke’s Preschool, Dapto
Set up a water tank within our outdoor learning space to allow children to learn about recycled water.
St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Manly
Rover exploring – Stage 3 students will design and make a platform with a variety of different surfaces on which they have to steer a ‘lunar module’.
St Mary’s College, Gunnedah
A week of activities around the theme, “Like Us” – This will include two full-day workshops relating robots (engineering concepts) to people (life science), learning to code Arduino-based robots, building breadboard circuits and using phone apps for both tuning and visualising sound. Literacy-based lessons will also be conducted.
St Mary’s Primary School, Grafton
St Mary’s Moon Mission: Stars. Soup. Science – All students will participate in space-related STEM activities and science experiments eg rocket launching, space lander challenges and making star constellation viewers. There will be a stargazing session with the local astronomical group for an evening exploring the night sky. We will share soup and listening to stories from our Indigenous Education Officer about the local traditional stories of the moon and stars before observing and photographing objects in the night sky using telescopes and iPads.
St Philip Neri, Northbridge
Drone Coding. Imagine you work for St Philip Neri Uber Canteen Eats. Students are busy at work and don’t have time to collect their lunch orders from the office. Your task is to code a drone using the Tynker coding app to code a drone, which can deliver lunches to different classrooms.
St. Bede’s Primary School, Braidwood
To Infinity and Beyond Science Day – Our inaugural science week event will run for one whole school day and involve students from Kindergarten to Year 6. Each class will conduct rotations to showcase a range of hands-on science and technology experiments in each classroom.
TLK Alesco School, Berkeley Vale
TLK Science Week Spectacular – Hands on day of science experiments where students will rotate through various stations and have a fun, connected experience with one another. Activities will include PH testing, creating a mini volcano, digging for crystals, building solar powered objects, making sherbet, creating slime and much more.
Towradgi Public School
STEM open day for parents, carers, the community and students from other local schools to come and see our major STEM projects. On the day, students will present their work from the previous 15 weeks and host small group sessions explaining their design thinking process. Mini-workshops will also be conducted for the visitors.
Warilla Baptist Preschool
Five STEM stations for the preschool children – The stations will include Build a Truck, (using screw drivers and tools), Reactions (bicarb, vinegar, food colouring etc), Bubbles (making different sized bubbles), Shadows and Reflections and Launch (making and firing rockets).
Warrumbungle National Park Environmental Education Centre (WNPEEC)
eSTEM: Taking it to New Heights –Students will learn what coding is and the current applications in our day-to-day life. They will have the opportunity to code mini drones to complete a number of basic tasks, before given more complex task where their drone will be used to monitor several environmental scenarios.
Wellington Community Childrens Centre Preschool
To the Moon and Beyond – We will explore rockets, space, astronauts, the Moon and Solar System, the science of zero gravity and space travel.
Woronora River Public School
Destination Moon activities – Students will explore past expeditions and create 3D models of solar systems using the 3D printer and design rockets using the software program provided with the printer.
Yagoona Public School
Simultaneous STEM challenge across all year levels – Each stage will be provided with a STEM challenge related to their study of space, which will complement content covered by all stages. This will also coincide with the opening of our Maker Space Lab and the YPS annual Science Fair.
Yetman Public School
’50th Anniversary of the Moon Landing’ Celebrations. Students from various small schools will be involved in activities based on the theme. Community members will be invited to an open classroom for the day.
Young North Public School
Rotational activities for K-6 including coding, robotics and virtual reality.
Young High School
Young High School Great Mouse Trap Car Challenge – Students in years 7-12 will be invited to design, build and race a mouse-trap car.
Northern Territory
Borroloola School
Rocket Science. Four day workshop on model rocket design, construction, launch and recovery. This will begin with simple bottle rockets and progress to small engine driven recoverable model rockets
Braitling Primary School
Moon Madness Afternoon and Evening. Students will work with their buddies on activities such as building moon models, moon phase models, robots to navigate the moon terrain and robotic models to show how day and night occur. Families and the community will come together in the evening to explore the night sky through DIY telescopes.
Casuarina Senior College
A week of school-based activitiesincluding building water rockets, telescopes, sight challenges and (hopefully) acoustic mirrors. Plus a night of astronomy for students and parents.
Centralian Middle School
Science Fair, Astronomy night and Looking into Space – Each class in Year 7, 8 and 9 will host a science fair for neighbouring primary schools – Larapinta, Gillen and Bradshaw. Year 7 students will camp out overnight on 15 August as it is a full Moon. The ‘Pitch Your Space Idea’ from the resource booklet will be undertaken by Year 7, 8 and 9 students.
Darwin Middle School
STEM Expo showcasing various projects, info booths, models, stalls, scientific activities and games based on each of the STEM components. Students will be communicating new and innovative ideas that will help in solving major scientific or communal problems faced by the world.
Driver Primary School
Driver Primary will be teaming up with Howard Springs Primary, to host our second ‘Game of Drones’… Launch to the stars. This will involve 10 classes from Driver and a select group of students from Howard Springs, along with invited parents. With approximately six drone/robotic challenges for students to complete, each activity is designed by the schools science and girls STEM club.
Durack School
Students will be involved in immersive experiences modelled around a pretend trip to the Moon to help them understand the difficulties of space travel and the environment of the Moon. For example, students might try to construct things underwater whilst wearing gloves, explore images, videos and maps of the moon (including use of AR and VR), navigating robots around craters on the Moon.
Forrest Parade School
Science is for all abilities! Our science day will be based around fun interactive activities that involve touch switches, bright lights, noise creating tools and visuals all on a big scale so every student can access every activity.
Jingili Primary School
Jingili Science Fair Extravaganza. The aim of this event is to engage the children with a variety of science concepts and investigations in a fun way. The outdoor learning area will be set up to accommodate science stations where students will be ‘Scientists in action’ conducting experiments.
Malak School
Destination Moon: Lunchtime Space Room. In addition to the community partnerships with first aid and nutrition during the week (you need healthy astronauts and engineers etc) we will be running a lunchtime program across the week where we will set up a Space Room that children can access.
Moil Primary School
Marvellous Moil Science Fair. The fair will showcase and celebrate the science and designs all have completed in their classrooms. Everyone will be participating and each class will have interactive activities and displays in their rooms around the school. The local community, parents and other organisations will be invited to attend the Science Fair.
Mother Teresa Catholic Primary School, Zuccoli
Spectacular week of space sciences, including a night of star-gazing with the local stargazing organization. The week will begin with a provocation room set up by staff to provoke and stimulate children from ELC to Year 6 into wondering about space.
NT Department of Education, Alice Springs
Mission Moon Science Week EveNT. In the lead up to Science Week, primary students aged 6-9 will participate in Mission Moon, a FIRST Lego-League Junior real-world challenge. During Science Week, an expo will be held in the Alice Springs region, enabling students to share their work with each other and a wider audience, including other schools and the community.
NT Department of Education, Darwin
Mission Moon Science Week EveNT. In the lead up to Science Week, primary students aged 6-9 will participate in Mission Moon, a FIRST Lego-League Junior real-world challenge. During Science Week, an expo will be held in the Darwin/Palmerston region, enabling students to share their work with each other and a wider audience, including other schools and the community.
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart (OLSH) Catholic College, Traeger Campus, Alice Springs
Science in the Dark. OLSH will have five days of activities, culminating in a school assembly at the end of the week with a demonstration of the discoveries and experiments conducted in the four previous days. Experiments will include the topics of optics, lasers, candles, holograms and fluoresces. We will be creating a dark space at our campus where experiments bring in the light literally and metaphorically.
Owen Springs Education Centre
SPACE DREAMING – Blast Off in the Desert. Students and staff at Owen Springs Education Centre (detention centre) will participate in a week of STEM activities relating to the night sky and space exploration.
Palmerston Christian School
Drone activities for transition to Year 10. Surveying the school land in order to monitor the health of a commemorative, view the completion of an obstacle course in order to bring awareness of drone pilots as a career and record the students playing a certain sport.
Pine Creek School
Approximately 60 students from four small remote schools will join together with Pine Creek School students to participate in STEM activities including a Questacon incursion, spheros and drones, science on country and sustainable gardens.
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, Darwin
Investigating, experimenting and getting down and dirty in science and STEM – rotational activities during lunchtimes and each teacher will host a science investigation.
St Francis of Assisi Catholic Primary School, Humpty Doo
STEM Expo. Members of the community, such as the Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services (NTPFES) Forensic Unit, the CSIRO, our IT Contractors (Area 9) and our sister Middle and High Schools, will be invited to host an activity.
Stuart Park Primary School
Super Siskamanis Science Show! Students from preschool to Year 6, parents and teachers will be thrilled and engaged in all aspects of science through a science show.
The Essington International Senior College
Interactive Community Science Fair. During our School Celebration Community Day, which falls within National Science Week, we will facilitate an Interactive Science Fair where senior and middle school students will conduct multiple different STEM activities with younger students and families.
Ti Tree School
Ti Tree STEM X-PO! A series of STEM-based activities for all students, from pre-school to Year 10. The activities are planned to be fun and hands-on where students can share, explore, problem-solve, investigate, collaborate, learn, invent with their family and other community members who invited to come along and share in the learning.
Wagaman Primary School
Reach for the stars! Students will participate in a ‘kids teach kids’ science fair. All students from preschool to Year 6 will be involved in presenting a variety of activities which will include; peer-presented science experiments, hands on activities, the Wagaman version of TED talks and teacher led science activities (more advanced activities).
A.B. Paterson College
Banjo’s STEAM Arcade. The entire Junior School (every student in Prep to Year 6) will plan and design their own interactive STEAM challenge made from mainly recycled materials. Throughout the week students will continue to work and develop their challenges in an authentic, hands on investigation, which will allow our students to connect the science learning and understanding of the classroom with real world experiences.
Bellbird Park State Secondary College
Bellbird Park’s STEM Challenge Squad will comprise Years 5/6 students from across six primary schools within the Bellbird Park Catchment. These students will participate in 3-5 rotational ‘STEM challenges’ held at the High School that will run for one whole school day.
Birkdale State School
Inaugural Science and STEM Showcase. The Showcase will feature a Science Fair and a range of hands-on ‘space themed’ STEM challenges where families can work together to solve problems.
Bohlevale State School
Destination Science. All teachers and students will engage in an afternoon of hands-on ‘street science’ rotations. An invitation to parents in the school newsletter will allow members of our school community to view their students immersed in science.
Border Rivers Christian College
Investigating our Super Moon. Students from Prep to Year 12 will take part in various Moon and space related activities and experiments over the course Science Week.
Capalaba State College
Community Morning. Children from the local area will be invited to enjoy a morning of hands-on space science experiments and displays from other scientific bodies including CSIRO and Indigiscapes.
Dysart State School
Astronaut for a day. Students will take part in a variety of activities including challenges to build a space suit with supplied materials and document a discovery on the Moon that has significant financial impact for everyone on Earth.
Fitzgerald State School
Throughout space week students will participate in space-themed STEM challenges. Working in small teams they will be provided with a challenge brief/problem and a select amount of materials for timed challenges. Examples include building a spacecraft to set criteria, constructing a Moon habitat and building a robotic arm to transport hazardous materials.
Gilston State School
STEM Spectacular. A community evening event held in our hall. The evening will celebrate science and promote the value of STEM to our Gold Coast community by developing an understanding of what STEM is and its importance. Activities will be developed and hosted by our Year 5 and 6 Excellence students.
Glenden State School
Wonders of the universe! Glenden will stage a spectacular science day taking up a whole school day with a whole range of demonstrations from many disciplines of science. At night, with the moon close to Saturn we will hunt for planets and stars with an astronomy night in the pristine rural skies.
Heatley Secondary College
As part of our Primary School Science Fair and in conjunction with the Heatley Secondary College Arts @ Twilight event, students from our feeder schools will be engaged in a rocket building and testing event.
Hervey Bay Special School
Science Superpowers is a day of exploring our talents, learning new superpowers and having fun with science around the theme of ‘Change’. Science Superpowers will run throughout one school day, be accessible for all students and their parents/ carers from Prep to Year 12.
Hervey Bay State High School
Space Spectacular. A week-long event celebrating space, the Moon and all things astronomical. Activities include engineering a lunar capsule capable of safely landing an ‘egg’ astronaut on the moon and investigating terra-formation options on the Moon. Our celebrations will continue with the first ever ‘Hervey Bay SHS Astronomy night’.
Hercules Road State School
TechKnow Expo – Sustainability and the Future. A showcase featuring many of the projects our student have been working on including our bee hives, WeDo our Robotics Teams, coding club and environmental club activities.
Indooroopilly State High School
Space Discovery Night! Our fantastic discovery night will see our students and their families interact with the local Brisbane Astronomical Club and explore space in the StarLab planetarium plus more!
Jinibara State School
The Makerspace area will be transformed into a Moonscape. An Information Station will be set up with student’s ‘I spy’ posters that have facts and observations about the Moon. During the week different activities will be done in this area. The main activities will follow the storyline of preparing to travel to the moon, landing on the moon to create a lunar base and then collecting data about the moon.
Kalkie State School
Mission To The Moon. A temporary maker space will be set up for students to use during Science Week. This space will be filled with stimulus including historic pictures and footage of the original Moon landing, poetry, photography (present-day, historic and artistic), information about subsequent space missions etc. It will also have with a variety of tools and equipment for students to create their own ‘Moon Landing’ inspired artwork or artefact.
Kilcoy State School
Kilcoy ‘Science Fair Extravaganza’ is an exciting, hands-on afternoon of STEM! Our Hall will become an ‘Extravaganza’ of hands-on STEM activities and demonstrations to inspire and motivate our students, parents, teachers and the community.
Kirwan State Primary School
Students will participate in a Science Fair, presenting an experiment that proves a hypothesis or an investigation that proves a concept. Students, parents and community members will be invited to attend a special program celebrating 50 years since the Moon landing.
Marshall Road State School
#STEMFest2019 will consist of three weeks of hands-on activities in class and at STEM clubs and culminates with a community evening to celebrate student achievements. During the festival, students will be immersed in a range of activities, such as QR Code treasure hunts and virtual reality experiences to discover the history of past missions to the Moon and space and also learn about current and future space programs.
Meringandan State School
Curiosity Kits. During Science Week each class from pPrep to Year 6 will receive a Curiosity Kit which will include resources and lessons of engaging, age-appropriate, hands-on activities to explore the theme of Destination Moon – More Missions, More Science.
Mitchelton State School
Week-long STEM competition. Students are judged from external judges – parents with a background in science, university students and our local high school teachers. Culminating our STEM week, we will hold an open day in the hall where we exhibit the entrants’ work. Each class visits through the exhibit during the day with and an open afternoon/night is held to encourage parent and community involvement.
Moreton Bay Boys’ College
Science Week Ppojects. Students from Prep to Yr 10 will be asked to complete a STEM related project that aligns with their current unit of study. Students will also be asked to create a model as evidence of their learning.
Mount Isa School of the Air
Online STEM workshops. We will purchase STEM related kits and do live demonstration of the kits and let student then lend the kits from the online school library after the event. The online sessions will be recorded and made available as tutorials to us by staff and students.
Moura State High School
STEM Girl Power Initiative for CQ region. Collaborative approach with eight girls from CQ region – Moura SHS, Toolooa SHS, Dysart SHS, Burnett State College, Pioneer SHS, Mirani SHS, Mackay SHS, Moranbah SHS, Sarina SHS using iSee program to coordinate a STEM day where each school shares a presentation of the activities.
Mt Maria College, Mitchelton
Maths, Apps and ‘Wicked’ Problems. Students from our school, local primary schools and members of the community will participate in a guided mathematical nature walk. This will lead into a workshop on biomimetic design and technology. The outcome of this workshop will be a student and community designed App.
Mudgeeraba State Special School
Out of this World! A whole school event where students at Mudgeeraba Special School will investigate the use of rockets that fly humans into space and onto the Moon. They will research, design, create and launch rockets.
Narangba Valley State High School
Mission to Innovate Week, ncluding one whole school and community event with all Narangba Valley SHS students and the Science and Math Academy students from our cluster primary schools. This will consist of a large-scale demonstration of the use of ‘space fluid’ or ‘space elements’ on the oval.
Our Lady Of The Southern Cross College
Astonishing autonomous copter coding exhibition challenge. Prior to this exhibition the student autopilot programmers will write code to navigate an indoor flying drone through graded 3D navigational challenges. On the night of our P-12 school science fair the students coding will be tested in front of the student body, parents and school administrators.
Peace Lutheran College
To the Moon and Beyond Science Week. The week focuses on two hands on STEM activities to be run with support from the PLC Parents and Friends (P&F) Committee. A rocket building competition will be held with the Junior school (Prep-Year5) and students from Year 6-12 students will experience interactive sessions about the universe.
Peregian Springs State School
STEM and Drone Day. Two teachers will provide robotics and drone experiences to 12 classes. These will focus on future career opportunities and how this technology is making changes in our world currently and in the future.
Pomona State School
Race around the Moon. Variety of activities including engineer your own spacecraft, Minecraft module, space station creation and moon cakes can space food.
San Sisto College
Build an Apollo Saturn V rocket ship and launch a rocket.
Southern Cross Catholic College
Follow up to use of the Inspire STEM Education’s Hitachi TM4000 Electron Microscope (SEM) prior to Science Week by examining what impact microscope experiences have on our lives, economy, society and world. The College’s four female science Ambassadors will hold a ‘Women in STEM’ Expo to showcase the work of prizewinning women scientists and to encourage science in senior subject selection.
St John’s Lutheran Primary School, Bundaberg South
The Ace Space Race Science Expo will be a spectacular, daylong event showcasing science as a life wide and life worthy phenomenon! The event will initially ignite student enthusiasm in the Ace Space Stadium (school hall) then they’ll move through a series of rotations/races throughout the school, giving all participants, visitors and parents the opportunity to engage in a diverse range of experiments and activities.
St John’s School, Silkwood
Our National Science Week Day of Celebration will involve our whole school (Prep to Year 6) in a whole day of science activities. The day includes both teacher lead activities as well as a Science Fair presented by Year 5/6 students.
St Margaret Mary’s College, Townsville
‘Out of this World’ will encourage young and old to look to the stars and wonder about what life on Mars will be like. With the help of Dr Brad Tucker, Astrophysicist from ANU, students will launch a high altitude balloon to conduct experiments in an environment similar to Mars.
St Patrick’s College, Townsville
#STEM Like a Pat’s Girl is the only event of its kind in North Queensland and was held in its inaugural year in 2017. It empowers approximately 200 girls in STEM through hands-on workshops and inspiring addresses from role model women who are leaders in their fields. Workshops include Robotics, Drones, Coding, Forensics, Marine Science and Engineering.
Stanthorpe State High School
Destination Moon Week at SSHS. Students will be involved in a number of activities including creating, building and launch water rockets, design, create and code robots to move on unfamiliar terrain and investigate and create foods that might travel well in space.
Thuringowa State High School
The Upper Ross STEM Festival. Thuringowa State High School, Rasmussen State School, Weir State High School and Kelso State High School will run STEM activities over five days.
Vale View State School
Pilots of the Vale. Drone competition including Prep-Year 2 students and Toowoomba Special School.
Varsity College (Primary campus)
Codebugs and Strawbees: Building digital structures. We plan to run a ‘STEM Girls’ club for girls who are underachieving in Science and Mathematics. Our goal is for these girls to investigate mathematical, physics and engineering concepts by building structures with Strawbees and connecting these creations to a digital coding solution using Codebugs & Makey Makeys.
Victoria Point State High School
All Terrain Vehicle Challenge. Students across all year levels will be challenged, according to their level of understanding, to design a vehicle suitable for a passenger vehicle enabling scientists to traverse the Moon or other planets.
Victory College, Gympie
Beyond the Stars Science Fair will include a rocket demonstrations and a night of stargazing with an astronomy group. The Fair will run for one school day with rotations of hands-on science experiments and activities at stations set up in our College Stadium.
West Moreton Anglican College
STEM Student vs Parent vs Teacher STEM challenge one lunchtime. We would like to do this to bring attention to the STEM program that we offer at the College.
Woolooga State School
WTGG Science Day 2019. This year the small schools within the Gympie region will get together to celebrate the 2019 Science Fair week. Students will immerse themselves in activities provided by the teachers and parents in order to engage in learning activities that ignite their wonder of science.
Woorabinda State School
Sizzling Solar Ovens is a five day project where senior students and parents will transform the Special Ed Unit into a solar ovens lab. Using recycled materials teams will connect STEM with sustainability on multiple levels. The challenge for P-6 students is to create a solar oven that gets hot enough to cook yummy, fluffy rice and a big community feast of fried rice for everyone to share.
Wowan State School
STEM day with visiting schools and afternoon session with parents.
Wynnum West Primary School
Wild Westies go to the Moon! Over three days, Wynnum West shall be visiting the Moon. Here, they navigate a moonscape using Edison, Ozobot and Sphero robots. Science Week space activities will be also organised for lunchtime activities.
Yeronga State High School
Take a step back in time. A workshop in celebration of 50 years since the first landing on Moon in conjunction with YSHS ‘Yeronga Celebrates’ day. This workshop will be set up as a replication of a lounge room from 1969, an old TV in the corner (with an image of the landing attached to the glass screen), manikins wearing the old school uniform (facing the TV), replica copies of the newspapers, and in the corner an original crystal radio set (working), and you can’t forget the teachers dressed in groovy clothes. The workshop will involve students on one table constructing a modern version of the radio set (jaycar cardboard radio kits) and on another table constructing a satellite and data transmitter using Littlebits (and their phones).
South Australia
Angaston Primary School
‘From the Bottom Up Gardening’: Wicking Beds. Junior students will lead the way in the initial stages of constructing our very own sustainable garden in our soon-to-be outdoor classroom. The week will consist of the senior students helping the younger students research and construct a series of wicking garden beds that will enrich their understanding of the environmental needs of plants and more sustainable gardening practices.
Banksia Park School R-7
Banksia Park School R-7 is going to the Moon. The Year 6-7 students will take the junior primary students for a ride into space using water and air powered rockets. The local community are invited to attend.
Clarendon Primary School
STEAM Family Escape Room. The Room will run for two hours after school and include students from our school and their families, including students from the local kindergarten, high school and parents. The Escape Room will include a series of engaging, hands-on STEAM activities.
Coorara Primary School
Engaging and exciting lunch time science and STEM activities all week for Science Week for all students from R-7. It will allow older students to work with younger students and create a team atmosphere. These activities are designed to be engaging, hands-on science experiments and STEM activities.
Findon High School
Students will be engaged in a range of different activities including rocket making, asteroid mining and space gardening and Australia’s history in space. This event will involve all students from Findon High and primary students, staff and community members. Several students will also develop a Space Roadshow visiting Early Learning Centres and primary schools to deliver interactive activities such as constructing an Orrery, making space food and investigating craters.
Garden College
One day Science Fair to introduce our Year 6 children to scientific experiments and STEM activities. Under teacher supervision, senior students will be responsible for guiding some of the activities (elephants’ toothpaste, home-made lava lamps, water rocket demonstrations, slime creation etc.). Students will be given the opportunity to visit as many of the stations as possible throughout the day.
Harvest Christian College
The Heavens Declare. Students will engage with several stations of hands-on science experiments and activities involving rockets and space exploration. During lunchtimes there will be several exciting demonstrations including some test flights of our model rockets. After school, students and their caregivers will gather at the school for a BBQ dinner whilst students (from all levels) will fly the model rockets they have been assembling/painting.
Hawthorndene Primary School
Science is my Superpower! Hawthorndene Primary students will participate in a whole school STEM literacy activity. Each class (R-7) will select and study a children’s book with a rich STEM theme.
Hillcrest Primary School
Afternoon of a whole-school science lesson. Teachers will choose a science lesson to undertake with a mixed group of students from reception to year 7. The lesson will be hands-on, with an opportunity for students to participate in an investigation. The teachers will put forward their lesson and students will pick which lesson/activity they would like to go to.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, Brompton
STEM showcase that will provide students with the opportunity to participate in science experiments designed by our 5/6 class. Activities will include designing and creating a lunar lander, code an Mbot to navigate its way around the Moon, using a Makey Makey to design and creating an interactive poster about the Moon or famous astronomers.
Kangaroo Island Community Education, Kingscote
Activities including a daily notices science competition, care groups morning problem solving activity, senior students mentoring younger students in STEM activities and Years 6-12 investigating electronics kits.
Kangaroo Island Community Education, Parndana
Activities include a years P-10 Science Week quiz and an investigating mining asteroids day for Years 7-10.
Kildare College
Micro-drone racing. Year 7 students will configure and learn to fly micro-drones assembled and made by Year 9 students. Year 9 students will design micro-drone frames using Fusion 360 and then 3D print chassis’ on Fusion 360. The drone will then be assembled during a STEM unit and flown and raced by Year 7s during Science Week.
Kingston-on-Murray Primary School
Launching a yabbie aquaponics system which will enhance the students understanding of the biology and life-cycle of the yabby and can be used for Riverlinx camp workshops. This set up will give students the opportunity to explore and investigate technologies used in agricultural aquaponics.
Koolunga Primary School
Radical Rockets. Students will examine the STEM design process and making paper mache rockets from recycled craft materials. Students will design, improve, evaluate and reflect upon their rockets that will be powered by our schools air pump.
Loxton High School
Host regional Science Investigation Awards Judging, including workshops. Students from schools across the Riverland South Australia will present science projects to judges from the community. Students will also be involved in design thinking activities around space exploration and building and testing air or water rockets.
Mark Oliphant College
Mission control/space careers expo. Students will be setting up a mission control centre featuring water rocket launches and a conference poster session for Year 12 students outlining the issues faced on Earth related to climate change and carbon emissions. Mission control will involve students across all years from foundation to senior taking on the various roles involved in getting humans on the moon
Miltaburra Area School
A week of science activities culminating in a Science Fair. Each class will work towards answering a space STEM related question/s over the week using hands-on science and stem related experiments and research activities. Parents will be invited to attend and participate.
Moorak Primary School
Moorak shoots for the stars! Students, families and the wider community will be invited for a night of STEM activity stations as well as the reveal of our space identifying app.
Northfield Primary School
Our Year 6/7 students are excited to present an action packed Science Expo full of volcanic eruptions, magnetic forces, walking water and flying rockets… just to name a few. Our senior students have hand picked a scientific question that they want to explore and are eager to begin researching their topic and presenting exciting and engaging experiments relevant to their topic to the younger students of our school.
Nuriootpa High School
During Science Week all of our Year 8 science students will do the NASA ‘On Target’ STEM activity challenge that was linked to the LCROSS satellite’s mission to look for water on the moon. The year 8 students and the Year 7 cohort from Angaston Primary School will also do a coding challenge using our new EV3 Lego Mindstorm robots.
One Tree Hill Primary School
Super Science Fair including a night of stargazing with the local astronomy group. The fair will include a rotation of engaging, hands-on science experiments at stations set up in our school hall, and activities and demonstrations from all areas of the science curriculum.
Paralowie R-12 School
The Paralowie R-6 Science Spectacular will be a science fair in which our middle and upper primary aged students will develop and present a range of exciting, engaging, hands-on science experiments at rotational stations set up in our school’s gym, and our R-6 STEM Centre. Members of the wider schooling community will also be invited to attend and join in.
Pennington School R-7
Yes, it really IS Rocket Science! Students will work with buddies (young/older) to design and construct a rocket ready for launch. Teams will choose a launch method (bike pump & water bottle, rubber band, balloon) and use a variety of materials (balsa wood, cardboard, foam, popsticks, elastic bands, plastic bottles).
Risdon Park Primary School
Rube to the Moon! A whole school opportunity to work on and help create a Rube Goldberg machine whose end task is to launch a small rocket from its launch pad.
Springton Primary School
Soil Moisture Monitoring. This activity involves data collection, representation and interpretation of the moisture content of raised garden beds under a range of conditions. We will investigate how much water is ‘enough’ for our plants to flourish (without wastage due to overwatering), and which mulch is the most effective at retaining soil moisture over a period of time.
St Michael’s Lutheran Primary School
Lunar Looker, Launcher, Lander, Landlord. Students in Years 4-7 will be able to choose from three inquiry activities: improving rocket launches; designing lunar landing gear; and designing moon living quarters. Students in younger grades will explore living on the Moon and creating straw rockets.
Streaky Bay Area School
Shoot for the Moon afternoon! Come along for an afternoon of all things spacey! The whole school and interested parents will be involved in space/science related activities for an afternoon in Science Week. Students will move through a series of age appropriate activities that the older students will facilitate.
Swallowcliffe School P-7
Swallowcliffe Space Investigation Day. Each of our 25 classes, plus our two pre-school groups, will receive an investigation kit with all the resources required to complete the investigation. Each kit will relate to the theme of National Science Week.
Uraidla Primary School
Following on from an incursion where SkyWatch is coming to discuss the planets, stars and our Moon, during Science Week students will create a 3D model of the planets in our Solar System.
Williamstown Primary
To celebrate Destination Moon, we’ll host a whole school R-7 STEM Rover Challenge. Students will be encouraged to incorporate a wide range of design elements including slingshots, air pressure, electric motors, elastic windups, friction, parachutes and springs.
Willunga High School
Extraordinary Touchdowns. Across Science Week, students will engage in two hands-on, challenge-based STEM activities. These activities will be offered to Year 8-10 students and modified versions offered to our feeder primary schools. Using remote sensing techniques, teams will map an extra-terrestrial surface and aim to land their team’s designed rover in a targeted location. Students will design, construct and test a rover landing system in an effort to reduce force upon impact.
Woodcroft College
Woodcroft College Family STEM Night – This free event will be developed and run by students in the Curiosity Club for the community. Students will work together to develop a range of STEM activities for visitors to interact with. Types of activities students will develop include EV3 programming mazes, conductive play-dough circuits and sculptures, self-watering planters, design a Sphero chariot then race it, and developing an escape room.
Albuera Street Primary School
9th annual Science and Sustainability Fair. Each class from Kinder to Grade 6 will showcase its inquiry projects, which link to the community and Australian Curriculum. We use the Kids Teaching Kids model and link guest speakers from UTAS and the community to guide the students
Campbell Town District High School
Aquaponics! Growing protein and carbohydrates in one compact system. Extending use of miniature aquaponics systems to produce edible fish species (rainbow trout) and larger scale edible plant production. All students will participate in specific activities related to fish care, plant care and healthy eating.
Deloraine Primary School
Interactive STEAM Open Day. In this inaugural event we will promote inquiry learning through hands on activities across the school K-6. Parents will be invited to visit classrooms at set times, to work alongside their child to engage in a variety of scientific and technological activities.
Hilliard Christian School
Climb Aboard The Spaceship We’re Going To The Moon. A week of STEAM activities with families and students from Birth to Grade 6. The week will include, building circuits, design and make sessions, coding and makerspace zones for students to experiment and discover.
Huonville High School
Huon Valley Community STEM Expo. A celebration event of STEM activities in the Huon Valley, organised by the Huonville High STEM team. Each school will be invited to lead STEM-investigation activities engaging more than 300 students and 80 community members. The event will also involve workshops and displays from the community such as Circular Economy Huon and UTAS. The focus will be on technology, energy and waste with a STEM technology challenge from waste materials.
Invermay Primary School
‘Out of This World’ Community STEAM Fair. Invermay Primary will host a community event to highlight our student’s work in STEM, promoting the value of hands-on learning activities and real-world inquiry. Students and teachers will demonstrate simple science experiments and run interactive STEM activities with visitors to the fair to engage the community with the fun factor found in a variety of science concepts.
Mountain Heights School
Mountain Heights School Science Fair. The event will be open to the public and will showcase the projects by Year 6-10 Students for the UTAS Science and Engineering Investigation Awards. Representatives from local businesses will be attending, as students have been designing their investigations based on local, real-life issues.
New Norfolk High School
STEM Expo. Students at New Norfolk High School will host a STEM expo, inviting students from primary schools to engage with mini-science activities run by high school students.
Newstead College
Local primary schools will be invited for fun science classes. Our Year 11 and 12 students will set up work stations and will run short pracs with the primary school students and tell them about the science behind it. Our students will come up with the experiments (with guidance from their teachers) and also produce a small pamphlet or hand out, detailing the science concept.
Port Dalrymple School
As a K-12 school we will be running multiple STEM activities during National Science Week to target different age groups. This includes rocket building (Luna Launchers) and a Moon landing STEM challenge.
Queechy High School
The Periodic Table Scavenger Hunt will run over five days and will involve all six feeder primary schools within the Queechy Alliance. Students will travel to QHS and work with Year 7-10 students as guides at stations located across school grounds. In addition, QHS students will work in teams to design a specimen-collecting vehicle that can be remotely controlled to collect rock and mineral samples from another planet and return to Earth.
Rokeby Primary School
A hands-on Science Fair will be run by our Year 6 leaders who have been studying the solar system. They will have activities where students can manipulate and make models of their own, particularly the Moon and the star constellations. The day will conclude with parents invited to attend with their children and compete in a STEM challenge.
Scottsdale High School
Mars Rover Battle. Whole school tournament to determine who can build the best Moon Rover robot! Teams of four students will use a Sphero Bolt as a basis for a moon rover that can defend the newly colonised moon whilst warding off Extra Terrestrial robots.
St Brigid’s Catholic School, New Norfolk
Design your own rover. Students in Years 3 and 4 will choose a particular planet and design and create a rover that will be able to trek across, and collect data from, the surface. They will design their rover using a range of digital technologies resources, including micro:bits.
St Patrick’s Catholic School, Latrobe
A Forceful Application: a themed STEM night. Our whole school focus in STEM in 2019 is forces. Students would make cardboard marble runs, self-propelled rubber band cars, baking powder and vinegar boats, a marble Newton’s Cradle and an icy pole stick Ferris Wheel. The evening would begin with parent presentations on the use of this equipment in their workplace and how forces are used in everyday workplaces.
Strahan Primary School
Our ‘Day on the Dunes’ building competition will involve the whole school working in collaborative groups to engineer and build a sled to go down the sand dunes, at Henty dunes. Students from K-6 will work in mixed ability groups, with senior students taking on a leadership role. They will work to design and build a sled to go down the dunes.
Tarremah Steiner School
We will hold a pedal powered cinema night, to learn about and demonstrate the amount of energy required to power various activities, such as projecting a film, cooking popcorn and making smoothies. Students will understand that sustainable power is an alternative to conventional sources of energy.
Araluen Primary School
Cross-age Science Week Festival based on the theme Destination Moon. Year 5 and 6 student leaders will prepare and deliver activities for the rest of the school and families who attend. Activities will include a makers space to design and create space rockets, lunar landers and Martian constructions.
Armstrong Creek East Children’s Centre
Journey to the moon! We will convert the Science Room into a moonscape designed and created by the children and conduct age appropriate experiments and play worlds to support the development of STEM.
Australian International Academy, Caroline Springs Campus
A whole-school community Science Week Event 2019 that will include a Science and Sustainability in Action Showcase.
Balmoral Community College
Planting by the Moon! A fun session of gardening including our Kinder to Year 12 students promoting planting by the lunar calendar.
Belle Vue Park Primary School
Kids Shed. Our school is partnering with the Glenroy Men’s Shed in a project that will focus on STEM activities featuring design, construction, art -painting/decoration etc. Students in Year 5/6 will design and construct a gift for their parents using timer, screws, nails etc.
Cape Clear Primary School
Examining different growing systems in terms of sustainability, ease of management, water saving and rates of plant growth, health and development. We will extend our investigations to include a small hydroponics system for our three classrooms to set up and monitor.
Catholic Regional College, Caroline Springs
Night Skyscope. An overnight in the school Performing Arts Centre to spot a planet, stars and the solar system.
Cobains Primary School
Robotic Maze. We are developing a Makerspace where the students are using STEAM skills to create and design tiny buildings that will be incorporated into a system (a model town). This model town will be used to develop computational thinking skills with the addition of robotic mice that will be programed to navigate the town roads.
East Loddon P-12 College
Students will undertake a week-long design challenge where they will design and create their own model to assist in transport to the Moon, or to assist in survival on the Moon. Students will present these at the conclusion of the week.
Emmanuel College, Warrnambool
To Infinity and Beyond! Mission 2 to the Moon. Students will create a mission plan to get Buzz Lightyear to the Moon to catch his flight back to Sector 7. Considering the previous mission to the Moon and the challenges it faced, students will focus on improving the time taken to travel, space craft design, and transport and equipment required once on the Moon to transfer Buzz and supplies to his spacecraft.
Eppalock Primary School
A whole-school activity day based around Science Heroes. Students will be engaged in hands on STEM activities to build their knowledge of what it takes to become a leader in science. We will invite parents and the broader community to share their expertise.
Greythorn Primary School
Mission To The Moon. Students will undertake a series of problem solving tasks to prepare them for life on the Moon. This will include a lunar egg drop, a bubble powered rocket competition and writing a space journal.
Hampton Park Primary School
STEM activities using Sphero robots.
Heatherwood School
STEM challenges according to year level including designing and build an air-powered rocket, build a rubber band-powered rover and modify a paper cup so it can zip down a line and drop a marble onto a target.
Holy Trinity Lutheran College
A week of STEM activities including take-home STEM kits for families, an evening where parents and their child come in to participate in STEM challenges and a star gazing evening for community.
Hume Central Secondary College
Into the final frontier. An afternoon filled with STEM activities led by senior students and a night filled with star-gazing and a guest-talk from a researcher from a university. The night will be preceded by a week filled with activities related to astronomy and space exploration.
John Henry Primary School
Students will participate in a whole school Biodiversity Audit and a sustainability night for the community.
Kilvington Grammar School
Students will participate in a range of STEM activities including workshops on polymers, kitchen chemistry, forensic science, liquid nitrogen ice cream, trivia, hovercrafts, and dissection club. Year 7 will also have a Science Amazing race.
Kingsley Park Primary School
Launching into Science (Day and Open Night Spectacular). The activities lead by the seniors will involve Prep to Year 6 and include a rotation of engaging, hands on activities, experiments and problem solving projects. The open night will involve a race ‘mission’ to the Moon, where each participant will receive clues at each station upon completion, getting them closer to the Moon.
Korumburra Secondary College
We will hold an event each day of the week to put science into the spotlight. Every student from Yr 7 – 10 in our school will be involved in Science Week. For example, Year 9 students will share their passion for STEM at our local primary school and Year 7 will look at sustainable housing.
Lavers Hill K-12 College
Lavers Hill Community Science Experience will run over one day and engage students from Years K-12 and interested local community members. The program will include a number of hands on science experiments set up in the gymnasium and science classroom.
Lethbridge Primary School
Sustainability Science-a-rama Day. Students will participate various challenges to design and create various sustainable energy producing devices, harnessing the power sunlight, wind and water. Students attempt to create wind turbines, water wheels and solar powered vehicles or toys.
Middle Park Primary School
Spectacular STEAM Day with students, teachers, parents and the wider community to highlight how STEAM is an innovative way to help our students develop skills for the future. The day will include multi-age STEAM rotations involving all 600 students from Foundation to Year 6.
Mooroolbark College
Blast off! We will invite six local primary schools to send five or six Year 5/6 students to enjoy a day of fun filled STEM activities to celebrate Science week. The STEM ambassadors from our school will work alongside the students as STEM mentors. The day will consist of rotating workshops.
Newcomb Secondary College
A group of students will construct a bicycle powered electricity generator largely from recycled materials (a disused motor and a stationary bicycle). It will then be set up in the schoolyard or gym for any student to use at lunchtime and recess to allow them to charge their electronic devices and get some fitness at the same time.
Northside Christian College
70s STEM@NCC. Experiments such as making crystal, lava lamps and building models will be carried out with the primary students. Students, their parents and other community members will be involved in learning what STEM was like in the 70s.
Oberon High School
Solar Stem Fair. Student STEM leaders at the school will run a STEM fair for their year level and the entire student body, consisting of a Solar Light making workshop and a whole school renewable energies awareness fair.
Parkhill Primary School
During Science Week, we plan to make a lot of noise promoting science and STEAM activities. Students will be involved in activities such as the Quiver Education AR app, make a moonscape, paper rockets, and bubble powered rockets.
Parktone Primary School
Students will work together during Science Week to build fun, yet functional moving machines that show the viability of alternative energy sources in practical, engaging ways.
Port Fairy Consolidated School
Streaming ahead in STEM a whole school challenge event. A day action packed with STEM adventure and excitement. Our students will design the STEM activities, organise materials and conduct the challenges. Sharing this with our whole school, local kindergarten and our wider community including our parents and friends.
Preston South Primary School
Harness the Power of Nature. Each class will investigate on element of nature and then contribute to creating a Ted mini movie. Families and community members will be invited to view all the 14 mini movies made.
Red Cliffs Secondary College
RCSC Stars. An evening where students and their families can visit the school science centre and participate in a range of activities including stargazing with local astronomers, watching space themed movie, exhibition of student work, STEM challenges, dissection demonstrations, other hands on science activities.
Sale Primary School
Family STEM night called ‘A Mission to the Moon’. Students and their families will engage in hands on activities by researching, designing and building model rockets and lunar rovers.
St Brendan’s Catholic Primary School, Somerville
PITAGURA SUICHI! Pythagoras’ Switch! Let’s Design and create a Rube Goldberg device…in JAPANESE! Students will learn the language of design and creation at a simple level with the intent to create a Rube Goldberg machine.
St Josephs College, Ferntree Gully
Travelling STEM Show. Five groups of St Joseph’s College Boys will perform STEM shows in the five feeder primary schools
St Margaret’s/Berwick Grammar School
There and Back Again – Destination Moon. Teams of four or five students will compete to solve a problem related to the Moon.
Sunshine Special Developmental School
‘Super Cosmic Science Show’. Bringing the whole school community together and showcase the students’ work.
Taylors Lakes Secondary College
Science Extravaganza. A range of multi-disciplinary, science experiments run each lunchtime with a range of engaging hands-on activities with demonstrations in areas of chemistry, psychology, biology, physics and astronomy (with a dedicated astronomy night).
The Basin Primary School
Cosmic Sustainability. Linking with our whole school Challenge Based Learning topic of Sustainability and connecting with our Science Week focus activity of ‘Space Clean Up’, the Year 5 and 6 students will run a peer teaching expo during Science Week.
Tootgarook Primary School
Ready to launch! A community special event that will include a full day of fun space exploration whilst networking with our students across F-6, their families and the extended community. Students will work with their families/community to design a rocket (using the engineering design process).
Tulliallan Primary School
Virtual learning experiences and the repurposing of pre-loved smartphones.
Upwey Primary School
Upwey Primary School Official MakerSPACE launch. Students and their families will participate in a range of STEM challenges designed to involve the whole family.
Viewbank Primary School
STEM Family Open Night. Families will be given an ‘Astronaut training journal’, where they have to complete a range of activities together to become a ‘qualified’ astronaut. Activities will include designing and building a moon rover using Lego Technic and programing a Moon rover on iPads using Lego robotics.
Wandong Primary School
Students will take part in activities including bottle rocket launches, designing a Moon rover with Lego and creating film canister rockets during their lunch breaks. The school and members of the local community will come together to host a spectacular night of star gazing with a Victorian Astronomical Society.
Western English Language School
Super Solar System and Precious Planets. Students will work in groups to create a solar system or design a planet.
Western Australia
Australind Senior High School
Making and launching a tissue paper hot air balloon.
Baldivis Secondary College
Year 7-10 Science Fair day. Students will work in small groups as part of their Term 2-3 Science classes to develop a question, conduct investigations, analyse data and apply findings to our lives. Work will displayed on posters in our Performing Arts space and will be judged by industry professionals and university staff.
Bibra Lake Primary School
STEM Day is a full day for all students in our school to participate in STEM activities set up throughout the school. Parents/caregivers and other community members will be invited.
Bridgetown High School
Destination Moon STEAM Fair. During the day the local primary students will invited to engage in hands on science by building upcycled ‘Scribble-Bots’. During the evening, materials will be supplied and parents, carers, family and friends will be invited to build their own ‘Scribble-Bots’ and a ‘Scribble-Bot-a-thon’ may ensue.
Bunbury Catholic College
STEM Fair/Event in the afternoon and evening enabling the community to attend. Students will present and demonstrate projects that will be developed prior to the event during class time. Projects will include research and modelling a mission to Mars, space junk, a bridge building challenge, rocket building, water purification and biodiversity.
Bunbury Primary School
Powering Our Future STEM Fair in which students from Years 1 to 6 will be engaged in hands-on activities in which they will assemble Solar Buddies for energy impoverished students across the world, build and race alternate energy cars and undertake a variety of science experiments, coding and design activities.
Carmel Adventist College
Imagine there was no internet! No radio signals! All communications and roads have been cut by an unforeseen natural disaster and now you need to get an urgent message through to the neighbouring community. How will you do this? As STEM specialists, students are to design and make a working prototype device and coded language to send messages successfully to their team-mates. Senior students from the high school will network with visiting primary school teams as they compete with each other to solve this problem.
Coastal Lakes College
Landing on the Moon. Using the theme of Destination Moon, Coastal Lakes College will invite Year 4 students from our Network Primaries to spend a day at Coastal Lakes College (over four days) to follow through a technologies design process, using concepts of Physics and gravity to produce a working, testable Lunar Landing Module that is able to land an egg successfully without damage, as would have been required by astronauts.
Connolly Primary School
Students will take part in a variety of STEM based activities throughout the week. Samples of activities include exploring materials to create bridges, mazes for robots, using materials to make a water wheel /chairs/shoes. The activities will then be shared with the school community via newsletter and website.
Dampier Primary School
Moon Exploration. Students will use a variety of robotics equipment (Ozobots, Lego Dos, EV3s and Microbits) to complete STEM activities involving satellite tracking around the Moon, creating sensors and safety monitors, as well as creating probes to explore our Moon.
Deanmore Primary School
Mystery Meteorite! 2019 is set to be our biggest Science Week yet with a planned meteorite landing to be the stimulus for a week’s worth of cross curriculum activities across the school!
Donnybrook District High School
Our Futures and the Moon. Science will support class groups and teams in choosing an activity resulting in the construction and testing of a working model, internet game or animation reflecting their appreciation of the challenges facing humans on the Moon.
Forest Crescent Primary School
Science Fair. In pairs/small groups, the Year 6 students will be organising science activities, involving chemical reactions and STEM investigations for the other year levels to participate in during Science Week.
Gwynne Park Primary
STEM Launch Project: Design a robot or Machine to clean up popcorn problem for Science Week – The whole school will take part in a STEM project where the students have to use the launch cycle to invent a prototype or robot to combat the problem of cleaning up the popcorn in the undercover area.
Harvey Primary School
‘Mission – Imagination’ Art and Science Exhibition. We will hold a community exhibition during National Science Week that celebrates the history of space science and the interconnectedness of science in our community. It will showcase submissions from our students, community members and students from other local schools.
Jandakot Primary School
‘Mad About Science’ Fun Day. The day will include a variety of hands-on STEM designed activities for all students from kindergarten to Year 6 and linked to the 2019 Science Week theme.
John Curtin College of the Arts
Creating a Neural Knitworks installation. We will be asking staff, students and wider community to come together and knit neurons that will be displayed in our theatre for National Science Week.
Joondalup Primary School
Lunar Ticks: Mission Accepted’ will run for one whole school day and involve students from Kindergarten to Year 6. The day will include a rotation of PBL ‘moon destination’ activities that will be set up around the school and students will need to get their lunar passport stamped to complete their ‘Lunar Tick’ missions.
Kununurra District High School
Space Expedition from Kununurra. Our Science Week will simulate Space related activities and/or competitions that include designing and building shock absorbing systems to land equipment on the Moon, designing and building a parachute that can land an egg from the greatest height safely onto the ground designing space suits and designing and building hydroponic gardens which will survive on the Moon.
Mercedes College
A week-long program of events that will incorporate the Destination Moon theme and highlight the Year of the Periodic Table. Activities will include building a solar powered moon rover and a moonscape to test it on, moonscape walk with VR goggles, astronomy club night, space food and a poster competition.
Mount Hawthorn Primary School
MHPS Rocketing National Science Week to the Moon! During National Science Week all students from K-Year 6 at Mount Hawthorn Primary School will be engaged in a variety of hands on STEM activities based around rocketry and how we can and have travelled to the Moon.
Paraburdoo Primary School
Our Super Space Science Day will run for the whole day and involve students from Kindergarten to Year 6. The Day will include a rotation of engaging, hands-on science experiments and/or presentations at stations set up in various locations around the school to provide opportunities to develop an interest and passion in this key area.
Rawlinson Primary School
Rawlinson PS Space Museum. During National Science Week, our undercover area will be transformed into a space museum showcasing all student’s (K-6) work concerning the topic ‘Destination Moon: more missions, more science’. Each class will make a display for the museum, as well as conduct a hands-on activity with students attending, to show their peers, staff and families what they learnt.
Sorrento Primary School
The Sorrento Space Spectacular 2019 will run throughout National Science Week and will culminate with a whole-school open day exhibition. The day will commence with a space spectacular costume parade. Each year level will have their STEM project on display in which they have worked on during the week. Parents will be invited for a space themed picnic lunch.
Southern Grove Primary School
Southern Grove’s STEM Day of Flight. Linking with the 2019 theme of Mission Moon all students across PP-6 classes will engage in using fair test principals, physical science understandings, engineering principals, material knowledge and a clear design process to ‘get to the Moon!’. Students will each create two different straw rockets (different paper/or wing shapes), a paper plane (different styles/ or weights) or a mini plane using circuit motors and batteries (different propeller length or shape etc).
St Francis Xavier Primary School, Geraldton
Maker Day. We will be holding a Repurposed Materials Construction Day. Each class will be joined with a Buddy class (eg Year 6 with Year 2) to complete a STEM Construction Challenge. This activity will give them the opportunity to plan, construct, experiment and problem solve with reusable ‘junk’ resources.
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Kununurra
A Robot Space Odyssey. Our STEM ‘gifted and talented’ student group will plan for and design the journey of a robot into space. Students will host an open classroom event providing demonstrations, presentations and interactive opportunities for other school students, parents and guardians and broader Kununurra community members.
St Jude’s Catholic Primary School, Langford
All students from pre primary will be involved in Science/STEM activities that will engage them in the Science Week theme of ‘Destination Moon’. Students design and create different modes of space transport (such as rockets, rovers and robotic arms). Parents will be invited to participate in the challenges with their children.
Warnbro Community High School
Science activities related to STEM in a Science Fair designed for Year 6-10 students from WCHS and feeder primary school. Students will participate in hands on activities designed groups of up to 4 to allow problem solving, cooperation and discussions about STEM in school and how it links to real life careers, especially on space missions.
Wembley Primary School
Our main event would involve the whole school community in creating a vibrant ‘science-friendly’ permanent mural of the Periodic Table. Four elements will be allocated to each class prior to Science Week. Individually or in teams, each class will design a visually-appealing hexagonal tile reflecting the history and main properties of their chosen element.
West Greenwood Primary School
Students in junior primary will design and build straw rockets with a soft parachute fall. Middle and upper years will design and engineer moon rovers.
Wheatbelt PEAC
All-day ‘Learn-Build-Fly’ rocket activity with a small rural school.
Woodlands Primary School
STEM Space Challenge Afternoon. Older students will be working together with younger students in their buddy classes to solve STEM based challenges. The challenges will be designing hydroponics for growing food, designing and programing robots for transport, designing space shelters, designing new space suits for our new Australian Space agency, designing renewable energy powered vehicles, designing rockets, designing electronics required for the mission, e.g., wearable tech, gravity defying equipment and space junk inventions using some reusable materials