The schools grant round for National Science Week 2014 is now open.
Grants of up to $500 are available for schools to conduct a special science event in their school. These can be based on any science related topic or subject.
Alternatively, grants of up to $700 are available for events based on the National Science Week schools theme ‘Food for our future – Science feeding the world’. Your school could explore crop sustainability, soil chemistry, agricultural innovation, food production or genetics.
These themed school grants are generously supported by the Grains Research Development Council.
The Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) is one of the world’s leading grains research organisations, responsible for planning, investing in and overseeing RD&E to deliver improvements in production, sustainability and profitability across the Australian grains industry.
Applications close on 28 April 2014 and the successful schools will be announced on 19 May.
The application form and more information is available from the Australian Science Teachers Association.