Rosewood State High School, Bundamba State Secondary College, The School of Total Education and Kenmore State High School are among 22 Queensland schools which have received National Science Week school grants in 2013.
More than 190 schools around the country received grants from the Australian Science Teachers Association to conduct fantastic science events during National Science Week.
Rosewood State High School
Rosewood SHS will run a Science Circus with seven local primary schools as well as a show at the high school. They will present a one hour show to students in Years 5-7 which will get these students excited about science. The activities in the shows will be linked to the Australian Curriculum, and topics being covered during Term 3 at the schools. The show will involve a combination of activities that could be repeated easily at school and activities that require specialised secondary equipment. All of the activities will be linked to phenomena experienced in everyday life.
Bundamba State Secondary College
Students from the local primary schools will come to Bundamba State Secondary College for the Wacky Racers Challenge. Each school will be assigned a secondary student and a representative from a local car industry to help guide and mentor students in the development of a balloon powered vehicle built from recycled material. Students will be required to design and test their vehicle based on the materials they are given before competing in the wacky race.
The School of Total Education
The students will work in vertical groups of Prep to Year 12 to tackle a number of activities together. They will make an electrically powered creation that could move a house or person, or perform another useful or imaginative function. Students will present their creations to parents.
Kenmore State High School
A Science in Art competition will be held where students will be asked to create artworks using scientific images from an image database or by using images of their own. The best 10 artworks will then be selected and turned into canvas prints to be displayed around the science block.