My name is Jordan Knight, I am a student at Kawana Waters State College and am running an event in the school for National Science Week.
For the whole of Term 2, I’ve had been doing science presentations for my class covering the concepts of: The Big Bang Theory, Black Holes, Dinosaurs, and Evolution. After my first few presentations, I started to gain lots of popularity in the Science Department. As I continued my presentations other classes came to watch and I got a visit from the HoD of Science.
After my final presentation I was asked by my teacher and the HoD of Science, if I could do a presentation for National Science Week. Obviously my answer was, “Yes!” That afternoon I had a brilliant idea: The Science Behind the Fiction.
My show is going to be about, finding out whether science fiction TV shows, could one day be science fact. My sci-fi scientists and I will be finding out if time travel, teleportation and lightsabers from Doctor Who, Star Trek and Star Wars may be scientifically possible.
National Science Week is fast approaching and my team and I are working hard during lunch breaks, weekends and holidays to get our show ready, and make sure that our evidence is fully up to date with the constantly updating fields of science.
We cannot wait to get out there and share our knowledge and love for science with the staff and students of Kawana Waters State College.
Guest blog post by Jordan Knight, Yr 9 student at Kawana Waters State College