Grants of up to $1000 available!
There were over 120 National Science Week events in Tasmania in 2012, and to continue this celebration of science in 2013, applications for this year’s seed grant round are now invited.
The Tasmanian National Science Week Co-ordinating Committee is offering seed grants of up to $1000 (inc. GST) to organisations wishing to offer a NEW event, activity or program during National Science Week 2013 in Tasmania.
Preference will be given to proposals that engage the general public (not schools) in an innovative event, program or activity during National Science Week.
Brief applications (two pages maximum) must include the following:
– Organisation name, applicant name, contact details and position of applicant;
– An overview of the project aims and expected outcomes;
– Details of how the project will be delivered;
– A brief budget detailing proposed expenditure of the grant and any in-kind costs being supplied by the organisation (eg. staffing).
Applications for seed grants should be emailed to Sarah.Bayne@utas.edu.au
by no later than 5pm on Monday 27 May, 2013. Judging by the committee and notification of successful applicants will occur by Friday 6 June, 2013.
Payment of each grant to the successful applicant will be paid upon receipt of a valid tax invoice (including your organisation’s ABN).
Grant recipients will be required to:
– List the event(s) on the National Science Week website by Friday 14 June;
– Acknowledge funding support by ensuring the National Science Week and Inspiring Australia logos appears on all event material;
– Provide images or video of the event to help National Science Week showcase local successful grant-supported events;
– Complete a brief report outlining the project outcomes accompanied by an itemised expenditure spreadsheet and submitted to the Tasmanian National Science Week Co-ordinating Committee by Friday 20 September 2013.
Successful applicants will be assisted with promotion of their event(s) by the Tasmanian National Science Week Media Manager Jenni.Klaus@utas.edu.au
If you have any queries regarding the grants, please email the Tasmanian National Science Week co-ordinator Sarah.Bayne@utas.edu.au