Each August, Tasmanians enjoy over 100 public events and 200+ school events during National Science Week. Ok, let’s call it what it really is: SCIENCE MONTH! With events running from July – September, there’s no denying that those of us on the Apple Isle kind of love science.
This year we’re proud to announce the return of festivals such as Launceston’s QVMAG Science Open Season, TastroFest in Ulverstone, Bright Ideas on the West Coast and the Festival of Bright Ideas in Hobart. These festivals run alongside many singular events orchestrated by pioneering Tasmanians in unique rural, as well as urban, centres statewide.
For northern readers, Science Open Season again hosts a spectacular week-long program, with a myriad of hands-on activities, performances by the Crazy Scientist, Permian monsters and more – make sure not to miss the launch event, Light the Night! Join hundreds of others in a beautiful lantern walk around the museum precinct in celebration of community – and science!
For southern readers, the Festival of Bright Ideas (FOBI) falls on Saturday 13 August, Princes Wharf 1, 9am – 4pm. Featuring stars such as the Surfing Scientist Ruben Meerman and US Space Historian Amy Shira-Tietel, there will also be over 45 hands-on science experiences including interactive exhibits, workshops, fantastic main stage program, and science-based walking tours. There will also be an Instagram competition on the day so get ready to take your best selfie!
There is truly something for everyone and we look forward to seeing you during National Science Week!
The Tasmanian National Science Week Coordinating Committee
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Festival of Bright Ideas Facebook event
Festival of Bright Ideas Instagram
Grab The Mercury Saturday 30 July for your free printed program or download the free program app in the Google Play or Apple stores – just search for National Science Week!