Queensland’s science and innovation sector is at the forefront of discovery. From developing a digital system that allows police investigators in the field and scientists in the police lab to share evidence as it comes to hand (just like in the movies) to QUT researchers implementing new surgical techniques.
Yet few people know about these great innovations.
We think people should know about them – particularly young people who might be thinking about a future in science and technology.
In an alliance with several episode sponsors, National Science Week invested in a documentary series which was broadcast on 31Digital (community TV) to promote Queensland’s achievements and promote public interest in science and technology. The 30 minute videos are available on 31’s YouTube Channel, and they were a way to support the creation of new businesses, new industries and new jobs.
Each episode was introduced by Dr Geoff Garrett, the Queensland Chief Scientist.
Episode 1
So You Have an Idea – Now What? (Klein Architectural, based in Slacks Creek):
Episode 2
So You Have an Idea – Now What? (GroundProbe, based in West End):
Episode 3
About National Science Week (interviews with Professor Peter Andrews, former Queensland Chief Scientist and Professor Peter Coaldrake, VC QUT and featuring images from “Linear Progressions”):
Episode 4
Making the Cut – Training Our Surgeons (the Medical Engineering Research Facility at Prince Charles Hospital):
Episode 5
The Real CSI (Queensland Police Forensics) Part 1:
Episode 6
The Real CSI (Queensland Police Forensics) Part 2
Episode 8
The Science in Parenting (Triple P International from the University of Queensland):