Have you ever thought about:
- the importance of the Sun in our everyday lives?
- whether you should invest in solar panels – could they reduce years off your mortgage?
- energy savings?
Find out the answers to these questions and more on Sunday 12 August 2012 at an exciting FREE family fun event hosted by Gravity Discovery Centre in partnership with Gingin Observatory and Energising SEA.
They are planning an afternoon of having fun with the Sun!
You will be able to experience safe solar viewing, solar cooking demonstrations and exciting solar car/boat racing. As a special treat there will also be rocket launches! The facilities at the Gravity Discovery Centre will be available and you can climb the 45 m tower and drop water balloons!
Energising SEA’s Ray Wills will be talking about solar energy and will answer all those burning questions you may have! Toogarr Morrison, an Indigenous astronomer has been invited to talk about the night skies and the significance of the sun in Indigenous culture. There will also be an opportunity to view the stars through telescopes at the Gingin Observatory.
“The Sun – Powering Our Planet” is supported by a National Science Week 2012 grant.