The Western Australia National Science Week Coordinating Committee awarded $20 000 in small grant funding to 13 successful applicants this year.
Thank you to the over 50 applicants who put forward incredible ideas for National Science Week activities. Over $80 000 of funding requests for event ideas from across the state – it was a very tough process deciding who would receive funding.
Supported activities in 2019 include a science comedy show, the Science of Slime, A Meet the Scientists Session, STEM Fairs, 3D Print Hack-a-thon, star-grazing and many more across WA.
Grant recipients
Hopetoun CRC
AH Bracks Library
Newton Moore Senior High School
South West Science Council
Hedland Senior High School
Dowerin CRC
Koorda CRC
Bencubbin CRC
Westonia CRC
Carnarvon Library
Majek Collective
Artificial Intelligentsia
UWA Wave Research Centre
Western Australian Foundation for Deaf Children
Mukinbudin CRC
Mount Barker CRC
Cockburn Libraries